actual genocide alt-right anti-Semitism conspiracy theory crackpottery crank magnetism daily stormer empathy deficit hate speech have you no humanity literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism

The Daily Stormer is afraid of witches, and wants to bring back the Burning Times

This is literally what the Daily Stormer wants

By David Futrelle

The neo-Nazi internet tabloid The Daily Stormer is now declaring war on witches, and wants to bring back “the burning times.”

a woman is always to blame antifeminism conspiracy theory dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies evil ex-wives evil widows men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit that's completely wrong wage gap

Men are oppressed by earning more than women, ingenious Men’s Rights Redditor insists

She looks thrilled

By David Futrelle

Men’s Rights Activists generally respond to discussions of the wage gap between men and women by snidely dismissing it as a long-disproven myth. (It’s very definitely not.)

#gamergate alt-right cerno conspiracy theory crackpottery irony alert lying liars macho macho men trump

Mike Cernovich’s war on reality kicks into overdrive in the wake of Syria attacks

Mike Cernovich: Rejecting your reality and susbstituting his own

When events in the real world challenge our preconceived beliefs, most of us experience a sense of cognitive dissonance; the intellectually honest amongst us ultimately adjust our beliefs to account for these inconvenient truths. Others respond by inventing their own realities in which these truths are deemed falsehoods.

alt-right anti-Semitism conspiracy theory crackpottery hillary clinton literal nazis none dare call it conspiracy racism rape culture sexual assault sexual harassment trump

Was Trump’s dogwhistle speech yesterday written by the ghost of Henry Ford?

Henry Ford: Inspiration to Hitler -- and Trump?
Henry Ford: Inspiration to Hitler — and Trump?

During a speech yesterday, the newly “unshackled” Donald Trump denounced the women who have accused him of sexual harassment and assault as “horrible people” and “horrible, horrible liars.”

But he also devoted a good deal of time to another group that he claims he’s fighting against, a conspiratorial cabal he variously labeled “the establishment,” “those who control the levers of power in Washington,” “the global special interests,” and “people that don’t have your good in mind.”

alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism antifeminst women conspiracy theory crackpottery crank magnetism irony alert Islamophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism rape culture rape jokes reactionary bullshit red pill reddit

Red Pillers blame “feminist floozies” for Muslim “invasion,” having sex with other guys

Ingrid Carlqvist: Not reactionary enought for Red Pillers, because woman
Ingrid Carlqvist: Not reactionary enought for Red Pillers, because woman

A couple of days ago, our old friend Stefan Molyneux– the garrulous, absurdly misogynistic YouTube philosopher king — chatted for an hour with Ingrid Carlqvist, a Swedish, er, journalist who has found many fans in the alt-right for her hateful attacks on Muslim refugees.

advocacy of violence armageddon conspiracy theory crackpottery drama kings dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies evil SJWs literal nazis misogyny PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings trump

Return of Kings urges Red Pillers to take up arms in case Donald Trump is assassinated

Praise The Donald and pass the ammunition?
Praise The Donald and pass the ammunition?

I used to be a fairly regular watcher of Doomsday Preppers, the NatGeo “reality” show profiling a motley assortment of paranoid goofballs preparing themselves (and their sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes resentful families) in their own unique ways for what they saw as the impending end of the world.

#gamergate anti-Semitism conspiracy theory drama kings gloating grandiosity literal nazis memes post contains jokes post contains sarcasm racism reactionary bullshit TROOOLLLL!! trump

The 15 Creepiest Trump Fan Tweets from Last Night

Trump: The only thing creepier than clowns
Trump: The only thing creepier than clowns

Ok, I may have oversold this a teensy bit. I didn’t look through all ten billion Trump fan Tweets from last night. I looked through as many as I could before I started to seriously despair for the future of humanity.

anti-Semitism antifeminism antifeminist women conspiracy theory literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA straw feminists

The Protocols of the Elders of Feminism (Or, Gloria Steinem Didn’t Really Say That)

No, Gloria Steinem did not say this.
No, Gloria Steinem did not say this.

Today is the final day of the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive! If you haven’t donated yet, click that little button below! Thanks! 

I‘m continually amazed by the amount of time and energy that antifeminists put into fighting monsters of their own creation — that is, the imaginary feminists in their heads who bear about as much resemblance to real feminists as the rapacious, Machiavellian characters in The Protocols of The Elders of Zion do to real Jews.

#gamergate antifeminism antifeminist women conspiracy theory doubling down entitled babies evil SJWs facepalm honey badgers irony alert money down the toilet MRA playing the victim

Honey Badger Legal Strategy Hampered by Propensity of Time to Run Forwards

Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin
Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is almost over! Please donate, if not for me than just for the chance to SPITE THE HONEY BADGERS! Thanks! 

The ongoing tragicomedy that is the Honey Badger Brigade’s Calgary Expo lawsuit continues to get even more tragicomical! Well, not so much the “tragic” bit, just that “comical” part.

a woman is always to blame anti-Semitism antifeminism conspiracy theory dan perrins drama kings dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men post contains jokes post contains sarcasm straw feminists

New Men’s Rights conspiracy theory replaces the Illuminati with Teen Vogue

The hand that holds the golf club controls the world?
The hand that holds the golf club controls the world?

Most conspiracy theorists are surprisingly uncreative in their choice of villains, blaming all the ills in the world on one or more alleged evildoers in a fairly short list: the Jews, the government, the Illuminati, space aliens, and a handful of other familiar suspects.

One Men’s Rights activist wants to add a few more names to the list: the women’s magazines Glamour, Allure, Self, Vogue, and, most terrifyingly, Teen Vogue.