By David Futrelle
I‘m sorry, everyone, but we’re going to have to talk about “the dogpill” again.
By David Futrelle
I‘m sorry, everyone, but we’re going to have to talk about “the dogpill” again.
By David Futrelle
In recent days, Tucker Carlson — the whitest of Fox News’ many white supremacists — has taken a break from calling immigrants “dirty” to focus again on one of his other favorite topics: How gosh darn unfair the world is to men, especially white ones like him.
By David Futrelle
Most of the people I follow on Twitter are, as far as I can tell, lovely people. But in the interest of balance (and because I’m always in search of material for this blog) I also follow a number of truly terrible tweeters. Which means that as I scroll my way through Twitter I regularly encounter some absolutely godawful tweets that often seem to come from an alternate universe somehow even weirder than our own.
UPDATE, FRIDAY 10/26: They’ve nabbed a suspect, a 56-year-old Florida man whose van is covered with pro-Trump stickers, alongside “CNN SUCKS” stickers and pictures of Hillary Clinton and other Democrats depicted in crosshairs. Somehow I don;t think this is going to stop these people from crying “false flag.”Â
By David Futrelle
At yet another of his endless series of rallies this Wednesday night, Donald Trump responded to the news that pipe bombs were sent to the homes and offices of a number of his top Democratic bete noires, as well as to CNN, another favorite Trump target, by offering only the vaguest possible condemnations of these acts of terrorism.
By David Futrelle
By now you may be familiar with the broad outlines of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which might be described, in essence, as Pizzagate on steroids.
By David Futrelle
You might not think there would be much of an ideological overlap between dateless incels (so-called “involuntary celibates”) and swashbuckling pickup artists who claim to bed hot babes with alacrity. But they’re really two sides of the same shitty coin.
The Men Going Their Own Way subreddit has become a fertile breeding ground for some of the Internet’s most delightfully unhinged misogynistic rants.
But lately it’s been outdoing itself. And so today I would like to present to you a 2-for-1 MGTOW special, not one but two unhinged misogynistic rants, each with its own post devoted to it, both from the very same MGTOW subreddit thread.
Every Friday is Memeday here at We Hunted the Mammoth. So why am I posting memes on a Thursday? Well, because I’ve been collecting so many memes there’s no way I can confine them to one day a week. Also, it’s my blog and I can break the rules if I want, I mean jeez lay off me for a second why don’t ya?
Dean Esmay is really kind of amazing. The Men’s Rights Twitter “activist” and former A Voice for Men Number Two Boy has finally managed to position himself on the right side of an issue — the issue being whether or not the repugnant Roosh V is repugnant. But many of his reasons for hating Roosh are frankly pretty bizarre.