This week, at long last, a civil suit against the organizers of the so-called “Unite the RIght” protest in Charlottesville in 2017 has come to trial.
This week, at long last, a civil suit against the organizers of the so-called “Unite the RIght” protest in Charlottesville in 2017 has come to trial.
Are there any words in the English language sweeter than “Christopher Cantwell found guilty?”
Even aside from the whole Nazi business, Christopher Cantwell is not what you’d call a nice person. He’s spent the better part of a decade engaging in his own brand of activism, first as a libertarian, then a Men’s Rights Activist and finally as the neo-Nazi he is today, harassing and threatening his assorted ideological and personal enemies.
By David Futrelle
Pop quiz! Which of the following statements did “Crying Nazi” Chris Cantwell post online several days ago?
By David Futrelle
I‘ve got a piece up today at NBC News THINK explaining how one of the most toxic ideas popularized by the Men’s Rights movement has helped to fuel the hateful ideology of the alt-right.
By David Futrelle
Yesterday, “Crying Nazi” Chris Cantwell was booted off of Gab for making just a few too many threatening comments about leftists.
By David Futrelle
From Twitter, some thoughts about the horrific tragedy yesterday in Christchurch — and just who is responsible for creating the toxic environment in which this sort of murderous right-wing Islamophobic extremism thrives.
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE time again! WHTM is ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks!
By David Futrelle
It’s been clear for some time that YouTube philosopher-thing Stefan Molyneux is a huge racist. But until recently, he’s tried to be a little bit coy about it.
It’s PLEDGE DRIVE again! WHTM is now ad free and entirely dependent on folks like you for its continued existence. If you can afford it, please DONATE HERE NOW! Thanks!
By David Futrelle
If you’re a long-time reader of this blog, you probably know that, long before the reprehensible Christopher Cantwell gained worldwide fame as the “crying Nazi” who broke down in tears on video when he learned he might face some legal consequences for pepper spraying antifascists in Charlottesville, he was a Men’s Rights Activist penning screeds for A Voice for Men on such topics as “rape accusation culture” and how we live in “a matriarchy in which women can have men caged with a snap of the fingers.”
By David Futrelle
The last time we checked in on alt-right gun enthusiast Christopher Cantwell, the infamous “crying Nazi” arrested on weapons charges after the debacle in Charlottesville last summer, he was battling online with fellow alt-rightists angry that he had agreed to become an informant for the FBI — which he claimed was part of an ingenious master plan to give the FBI dirt on antifascist activists.