alpha males beta males chad conspiracy theory red pill reddit

The War on Chad: The super-secret plot against alpha males in college and in life

It’s not easy being Chad

I love the Purple Pill Debate subreddit because it is full to overflowing with the absolute worst takes on the whole man/woman thing. But the post I ran across today took bad takes to a new level.

chad incels misogyny sexual insecurity sexy robot ladies

Women won’t appreciate sexbots like men will, incel futurist predicts

Will Robo-Chad be enough for the foids?

Despite their deep pessimism about pretty much everything else, incels do look forward to one thing: the eventual arrival of sexy lady robots that will not only have sex with them but who will also strip flesh-and-blood ladies of their sexual monopoly.

chad mass killing misogyny nice guys

I’m too much of a nice guy to succeed with the toilets, er, women I want to murder, incel explains

Women: Not actually toilets

Life is tough for nice guys in our cold, hard world. Consider this poor fellow I found posting on

chad evil iphone using women facebook makes women all stuck up misogyny

Women Celebrating Alone With Cell Phones

Yee ha! Another 127 messages on Tinder!

To hear some romantically challenged manosphereans tell it, cell phones have ruined modern women by delivering them so much attention — from Facebook and Instagram likes to countless messages on dating apps. This, the misogynists claim, makes women too stuck-up to date the regular hardworking men that are their “looksmatches,” instead enjoying endless hookups with a succession of Chads. And it makes these regular men sad.

bad science chad dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil sexy ladies incels misogyny sexual marketplace value

Bad news for Chads: Women don’t like you either


It’s a sad day for Chads: An incel “theoretician” has revealed one more feminine secret — that women don’t really like Chads much more than they like (or don’t like) ordinary schmoes.

chad enforced monogamy friend zoning incels misogyny sexual inequality stacies

Incel imagines a utopian future of government-issued girlfriends for incels and Nuremberg trials for Chads

Incels certainly have vivid imaginations, whether they’re looking at the present, reinventing the past or imagining the future.

chad elliot rodger incels mass shooting misogyny stacies

Some incels are hailing the Oxford High School shooter as the new Elliot Rodger

I haven’t seen the incels this excited by a shooter in a long time.

anti-Semitism chad incels

Incels: The Powerpoint challenge

It occurred to me, while browsing around earlier today, that a lot of incel posts would be a little less depressing to contemplate if they took the form of powerpoint presentations.

alpha males beta males block that metaphor chad cuck MGTOW misogyny simps

MGTOW Redditor: Alpha males are the real cucks

Bad news for Chads! According to one MGTOW Redditor, Chads should no longer be considered the ultimate males. Nope! It turns out that Chads — and alpha males in general — are obsessed with getting attention from women. Which makes them wimps, simps, and cucks, all rolled into a ball.

chad incels misogyny stacies

Even if incels cease being incels, they’ll still be incels, incel claims

Feels bad, man

Some people think the solution to the whole incel thing is to somehow “redistribute sex” and get these sad boys the girlfriends they pine for s desperately — whether by cajoling or perhaps even compelling women to give these guys a chance, or simply by paying sex workers to take care of their unwanted celibacy.