Today, a brief break from the manosphere. Instead, we’re exploring what you might call the Capybarasphere. Enjoy these ten* videos and gifs of capybaras enjoying themselves in their inimitable way.
Today, a brief break from the manosphere. Instead, we’re exploring what you might call the Capybarasphere. Enjoy these ten* videos and gifs of capybaras enjoying themselves in their inimitable way.
It’s labor day here in the US, which is basically a day to relax. So I thought I’d share some videos of perhaps the most relaxed animal in the world: the mighty capybara!
We’re preempting this week’s regular Week in Woke (which looked like it was going to be somewhat boring anyway) so we can bring you this SPECIAL REPORT on capybaras taking over an Argentinian gated community that by rights should be theirs.
Hey, so I’m working on a piece about the Plymouth shooter, and it’s taking a bit longer than expected.
So in the meantime, here’s an assortment of capybara gifs. The theme today is “scratchies.”
Scratchies and … vicious bird attacks!
Sometimes reading manosphere stuff turns my brains to mush. So let’s take a little break, with the assistance of a bunch of capybaras. Also this is an open thread.
Some commenters were asking for an open thread, so here you go! No trolls.
By David Futrelle
People find their way to this blog in a wide variety of ways — through mentions on other blogs or in the press, from discussions on Reddit, through my posts on Facebook and Twitter. But a surprising number of visitors get here through weird search queries that have only the most tenuous connections with anything ever discussed here on We Hunted the Mammoth.
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Trouble in paradise! Just days before the opening of The Red Pill, the apparently quite awful Men’s Rights documentary, one of the film’s biggest backers is mocking Men’s Rights Activists as a bunch of sad men “who clearly need to improve their lives by going to the gym.”