I read the news today, oh boy:
Ten thousand years after woolly mammoths vanished from the face of the Earth, scientists are embarking on an ambitious project to bring the beasts back to the Arctic tundra.
I read the news today, oh boy:
Ten thousand years after woolly mammoths vanished from the face of the Earth, scientists are embarking on an ambitious project to bring the beasts back to the Arctic tundra.
Ok, they’ve finally done it. A post in the Men’s Rights subreddit has turned my brain to mush.
By David Futrelle
Manosphere misogynists seem to think that the world is basically the first three panels of that famous cartoon Charles Atlas ad writ large, in which musclebound “Bullies of the Beach” are continually kicking sand on wimpy beta males and humiliating them in front of their girlfriends.
It’s that time again: the time when I ask you all to donate the money that keeps me and this blog going. Welcome to the Third Quarter 2016 We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive!
As always: If you enjoy this blog, and can afford it, please click on the “donate” button below and send some bucks my way!
I found this on the Men’s Rights subreddit today. PLEASE HELP!
In a lucky coincidence I am also looking for some pictures:
Oh wait, I already have that last one. Never mind.
Since today is Thanksgiving — also known as Thursday, to those not in the US — I thought I would take a break from all the negativity and celebrate some of the true heroes of video gaming.
Make sure to scroll down all the way for a video of cats and dogs and lizards legitimately for real playing iPad games. Enjoy!
Sometimes when I post links, they’re simply interesting things I’ve run across. These, though, are essential reads:
Why the Trolls Will Always Win, by Kathy Sierra, Wired
A detailed post by Java expert and game developer Sierra describing the harassment and vilification she’s faced for the crime of, well, basically for being a woman in the tech world. While long and a bit rambling in spots, this is an important piece that, among other things, describes how harassers can sometimes transform slanderous assertions about their targets into “conventional wisdom,” details the damage that “trolls” can have on a person’s reputation (and their life generally), and offers some sobering reflections on the culture of harassment and how difficult it can be to fight.
How stupid do you have to be to actually believe the following nonsense? Not just regular stupid. Men’s Rights stupid.
Heck, this is even stupid by normal Men’s Rights standards. It made me think of this line from Ruthless People.
I‘m feeling the need for some brain bleach, and I know a lot of you all are as well. So enjoy this video, and consider this a brain bleach/positive thoughts open thread. Post adorable things!
No misogynists today, just a cat in bunny ears riding a Roomba, and a classic song by Wire.