#gamergate 8chan a new woman to hate advocacy of violence antifeminism boner rage creepy doxing empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs gamebros geek girls harassment mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed threats twitter video games

Yet another woman in gaming has been driven from her home by death threats

Post memes on Twitter making fun of #GamerGaters, get death threats.
Post memes on Twitter making fun of #GamerGaters, get death threats.

The memes above? A fan of indie game developer Brianna Wu made them, using the text from some of Wu’s acerbic tweets about #GamerGaters. Wu thought the memes were funny, and posted them to Twitter.

alpha males are these guys 12 years old? boner rage creepy dark enlightenment doubling down douchebaggery emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies heartiste incoherent rage internet tough guy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape culture rape jokes red pill sexual harassment threats

Pickup guru Heartiste: If a woman rejects you, tell her you weren't interested anyway so there TOTAL ALPHA MOVE!

Yeah, well you're a slut anyway, you stupid grapes.
Yeah, well you’re a slut anyway, you stupid bunch of grapes.

Who knew Aesop’s Fables was a pickup bible?

I assume you’re all familiar with Aesop’s story of the fox and the grapes: A fox wants some grapes, but can’t reach them. He walks off in a huff, sniffing that the grapes are probably sour anyway. The moral: “Any fool can despise what he can not get.”

The moral that pickup guru Heartiste draws from the story is a little different. As he sees it, the fox is a super cool alpha male who’s come up with an awesome way to put those slut grapes in their place.

#gamergate alpha males are these guys 12 years old? bad boys beta males boner rage creepy dark enlightenment davis aurini dudes who look like anton lavey entitled babies evil fat fatties evil sexy ladies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys oppressed men PUA red pill sarkeesian! YouTube

Misogyny Theater Presents Davis Aurini in "Women are flitting dogs."

I thought I’d give the Misogyny Theater treatment to our dear friend Davis Aurini, the woman-hating, Anton-LaVey-looking “filmmaker” who is busily raising money for the documentary about Anita Sarkeesian and the Social Justice Warrior Menace that he’s allegedly making with his friend Jordan Owen.

are these guys 12 years old? boner rage dark enlightenment entitled babies evil sexy ladies hypocrisy imaginary oppression irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men PUA red pill rhymes with roosh sluts white dudes comparing themselves to slaves

Why pickup guru Roosh V resents women for “forcing” him to clip his fingernails and wipe his butt

Found on the #Meninist hashtag on Twitter
Found on the #Meninist hashtag on Twitter

The so-called pickup artists who inhabit a large portion of this thing called the manosphere are a strange bunch:  They devote much of their life to figuring out ways to appeal to women they don’t like or respect.

Apparently, for most of those who actually are out there “picking up” women and not just boasting about imaginary conquests on the internet, the sex is good enough (for them at least) to make their otherwise joyless endeavor worthwhile for them. And if the sex itself isn’t that great, well, at least they get to brag to their internet friends about how they conned some hot “slut” into having sex with them.

But what happens when the sex begins to lose its luster?

a voice for men antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage crackpottery creepy entitled babies evil sexy ladies grandiosity gross incompetence incoherent rage mansplaining memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim that's not funny!

Even more gloriously incomprehensible memes from A Voice for Men's most prolific meme-maker

That doesn't even make a tiny bit of sense.
That doesn’t even make a tiny bit of sense.

The unquestioned king of A Voice for Men’s crew of meme-makers is the mysterious fellow known only as John Galt. Galt, whose contributions are often chosen as AVFM’s “meme of the week” and posted to AVFM’s Facebook page, is truly the meme-maker AVFM deserves — a graphic designer whose graphically challenged photoshopped masterpieces are as baffling as they are offensive.

I highlighted several of his, er, designs in my recent post on Inexplicable AVFM Memes. Today, I’d like to delve further into the photoshop disasters that fill his own Facebook page, some of them official AVFM memes and others posted under his own fake name.

But first, a little introduction to Mr. Galt, as found on his blog.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage creep-shaming doubling down entitled babies evil drunk ladies evil giantesses evil sexy ladies figurative nazis johntheother men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men post contains sarcasm rape culture reddit

That guy who thinks "Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities" is the new Men's Rights hero

Watch out, fellas -- you've been infiltrated by THE ENEMY
Watch out, fellas — you’ve been infiltrated by THE ENEMY

Bill Frezza, the overgrown, overtan frat man who warned the frat boys of America about the gravest threat to their very existence — drunk chicks — may have lost his gig at Forbes, but he’s found a new fanbase amongst the MRAs of Reddit, who’ve hoisted him aloft as the latest martyr to femifascism. In a couple of highly upvoted threads in the Men’s Rights subreddit, the regulars celebrated his heroism and good sense.

Let’s just take a look at some of the wisdom they deposited in the threads.

We might as well start with the most-upvoted comment of all, from the legendary JohnTheOther himself, who is evidently well aware of the threat that drunk chicks pose to his very life:

#gamergate advocacy of violence antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage bullying creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs evil women harassment hate speech homophobia hundreds of upvotes internet tough guy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape culture rape jokes reddit sarkeesian! threats trigger warning zoe quinn

The five worst comments about outspoken women posted on Reddit's PunchchableFaces subreddit … today


Reddit, what the hell is your problem?

So last night I discovered the PunchableFaces subreddit. That’s right, an entire subreddit devoted to posting pictures of people so that Redditors can fantasize about doing them bodily harm.

While most of the pictures in the subreddit are of boys and men – some targeted for being “faggots” – the recent posts (as of this writing) with the greatest number of upvotes and comments were, naturally, aimed at women. Specifically, at two outspoken feminists who’ve been singled out by Men’s Rights Activists and #GamerGaters for endless harassment: video game critic Anita Sarkeesian and Canadian feminist activist Chanty Binx, perhaps better known amongst her enemies as “Big Red.”

alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage evil old ladies evil sexy ladies evil wives evil women hundreds of upvotes hypergamy hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny NAWALT red pill reddit

Step 1) Post an 800-word rant on Reddit starting with the sentence “Women are sh*t.”

It's true. All women are exactly the same.
It’s true. All women are exactly the same.

How to get 200 upvotes on Reddit.

Step 1) Post an 800-word rant on the Red Pill subreddit starting with the sentence “Women are shit.”

Step 2) There is no step 2.


I’ve seen the rant, and now you can see it too. If you’re not masochistic enough to click on that link, I’m not going to subject you to the whole thing. It contains so much pure misogyny per square inch that reading it wore me out. So I’m just going to post some giant chunks of it, make a few jokes, and then take the rest of the day off.

Ok, let’s go:

#gamergate a woman is always to blame antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? BINGO! boner rage evil sexy ladies evil SJWs evil ugly women geek girls harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed white men playing the victim sarkeesian! the c-word white knights whores zoe quinn

#GamerGate Bingo is HERE!

Uh oh, women are taking over BINGO too!
Uh oh, women are taking over BINGO too!

The long wait is over! #GamerGate Bingo is here! Well, here, actually. Go there for your very own randomly generated bingo card, and get playing!

Also, I can edit the list of phrases that’s being used to make the cards, so if you have ideas for new phrases, or you want to improve the wording of one that’s already there, or you think one of them should be removed for being redundant or too obscure or too obvious or whatever, let me know in the comments!

MRA and PUA/Red Pill Bingo are coming soon!

antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? boner rage creepy entitled babies evil messy ladies evil sexy ladies female beep boop gamebros homophobia imaginary oppression incoherent rage men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no games for girls no girls allowed oppressed men penises playing the victim post contains jokes reddit SJWs

Gamebro Redditor laments: "I'm not going to get the job … Cause I'm a penis, and that's all I am."

How women get ahead in the workplace, according to men who hate women
How women get ahead in the workplace, according to men who hate women and don’t know shit about anything

A bitter gamebro wandered into the Men’s Rights subreddit last night to deposit an angry little manifesto on the evils of women and Social Justice Warriors. He didn’t get a terribly friendly reception from the regulars — last I checked he’d been voted down to zero — but his manifesto is such a classic example of self-pitying gamebro misogyny that I sort of felt obliged to bring it to you all here.

Are you sitting comfortably? Good. Then let’s begin.