alt-lite blm mass shooting racism

Kyle Rittenhouse is just a kid, Chris Queen on PJ Media insists. “Now that his trial is over, we need to let Kyle get back to being Kyle … normal teen”

Kyle Rittenhouse, being a normal teen

So the strangest Kyle Rittenhouse-acquittal reponse I’ve yet seen comes courtesy of the right-wing site PJ Media, from a fellow called Chris Queen, who thinks the most important thing for everyone is to remember that Rittenhouse is just a teenager.

blm conspiracy theory critical race theory homophobia misogyny rape rape culture satan

Scott Lively attacks gays as “predators” but thinks Bill Cosby, hetero predator, is just fine

Scott Lively, probably saying something terrible

Scott Lively is a writer, a pastor, an activist, and a raging homophobe. He’s probably best known for writing a thoroughly debunked book arguing that gays did the Holocaust.