Yesterday we looked at the ongoing Republican tantrum about single women–who went for Dems nearly 70 percent of the time in the midterms. Now one bold conservativerevanchist has a bold plan to eliminate this democratic advantage–by eliminating single women.
Dastardly woman planning to destroy men by saving their lives
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Is Return of Kings seriously suggesting that the best way to improve the lives of men today is to send a big chunk of them to die violent deaths in unnecessary wars?
This Big Daddy notices a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity coming from Canada
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Leave it to Canada’s most enthusiastic Trump fan who doesn’t thinkwomen should be allowed to vote to come up with perhaps the most ingeniously ludicrous theory about Brexit that has been set forth so far.
Rebel Wilson: Giving Red Pill dickweasels heart attacks since whenever she started doing that
So over on the Roosh V Forum, the regulars are wondering if anything can free them, and the world at large, from the terrible injustice of having to share the planet with fat women no man would ever want to have sex with, except for all of those men who do.
In the brave new world of the future, robots won’t have faces, people will dress like they did in the 70s, and taxes on single dudes will be very very high.
The MGTOWs on the GYOW forum are thinking about tomorrow, putting on their futurist hats and pondering what will happen when, as they think is inevitable, more and more men “take the red pill” and walk away from women to a new life of happiness and wonder in which they devote their days to grousing endlessly about the women they’ve walked away from.
There’s a little talk of apocalypse, and a quick mention of sexbots, but these fellas seem most worried about, well, taxes. Because naturally, big daddy government — under the control of evil feminists and manginas — will try to take a kind of revenge against Men Going Their Own Way by instituting a dreadful Bachelor Tax.
Jim Obergefell, the named plaintiff in the Supreme Court case that legalized gay marriage nationwide, celebrates yesterday in Cincinnati with his attorney (not Dr. Gonzo)
Pride parades are a bit more fabulous than usual this Pride Weekend, on the heels of the Supreme Court ruling making gay marriage legal across the United States.
A Voice for Men “CEO” Paul Elam is using the occasion as an opportunity to “warn” unwary gay marriers that they may be embarking on “a trip to the gallows.”
Elam, you see, considers himself a bit of an expert on marriages — possibly because he’s had so many of them himself — and wants gays to know that marriage is terrible and that their celebrations this weekend will ring hollow once they end up in divorce court.
Fox News host Jessie Watters: seemed to be channeling Warren Farrell with some particularly obtuse remarks he made recently on the Fox show “Outnumbered” on the “single ladies” vote.
Hillary Clinton needs the single ladies vote. I call them ‘The Beyoncé Voters’ — the single ladies. Obama won single ladies by 76% last time, and made up about a quarter of the electorate. They depend on government because they’re not depending on their husbands. They need contraception, health care, and they love to talk about equal pay.
If we ignore the implicit racism of his castigating “Beyonce voters” for being welfare “takers,” Watters is more or less rehashing an old, bad argument that Farrell made in The Myth of Male Power. In a section of the book called “Government as Substitute Husband,” Farrell wrote that “when divorces left women without husband-as-savior, many women looked for substitute saviors … .”