4chan bad science misogyny penises

4Channer: We need a Manhattan Project for big dicks

Everyone loves a massive hog

The world has had enough of small penises. We need our top scientists to get to work on the problem immediately so that in the future every dick-bearing human will have a massive whanger.

Or so says this 4Channer:

bad science coronavirus empathy deficit

The Politics of Spite: Right-winger refuses to get vaccinated to “trigger the libs”

There’s an episode of Seinfeld in which the titular character tries to return a jacket to a high-end boutique. When asked why, he answers “for spite” — he doesn’t much care for the salesman to sold it to him in the first place. That doesn’t go over well with the staff at the boutique and they refuse to take the jacket back.

bad science Dunning–Kruger effect MGTOW misogyny

Bro-science Sunday: Men evolve to be better and better but women just keep on being terrible

Well that escalated very very slowly

Manosphere dudes love talking about science. Unfortunately they don’t seem quite as enthusiastic about learning the science before they talk about it. They’d rather make up their own theories anyway, especially when it comes to biology in general and evolution in particular.

bad science misogynatomy misogyny that whole area down there

I’m back from vaccine land and on an unrelated note here’s something weird about uteruses

Sorry to have vanished for a few days. I had my second COVID vaccine shot on Wednesday and it kind of messed me up for a couple of days. But in two weeks I will be INVINCIBLE. (I think that’s how these things work.)

bad anatomy bad science incels misogyny rape

“Femoids are naturally designed to be raped,” incels insist

There’s a guy on the incel-centric Black Pill Club forums who posts what he calls a “Daily Femoid Hate Thread.” They’re always bad, but on Monday he really outdid himself with a post on how women are “designed” to be raped.

'bating bad science misogyny NoFap semen

White knight scientists refuse to study semen retention because they know it gives men power over women, Reddit NoFapper argues

Scientist not studying semen retention

Men who retain their semen think that the practice gives them almost magical powers — increased energy, concentration, and charisma, to name just a few of the things these guys think they get from simply not jerking off for a month or two. The Semen Retention subreddit is filled with testimonies from guys claiming that their non-masturbation hobby has made them superior men.

bad science incels misogyny transphobia

Incels agree: Trans men are “the stupidest people on earth” for giving up their female privilege

Incels, confused as always

Add “trans men” to the long and ever-growing list of things that incels just don’t understand.

bad science hetsplaining homophobia lesbians don't real red pill

Reddit Red Pillers ask the important question: Are lesbians real?

Red Pillers see themselves as serious, scientific students of the human condition, helping one another make sense of the sometimes hard truths of human nature. In the Ask The Red Pill subreddit, they deal forthrightly with important questions about life and how to live it. Like: What do I do if my girlfriend insists on walking in front of me? Is playing piano a beta cuck activity? And perhaps the most perplexing question of all: Are lesbians real?

/pol/ 4chan anime nazis anti-Semitism bad science misogyny racism rape rape is good actually

Today in 4Chan: Anon offers ingenious solution to “blonde genocide.” (Hint: It involves a lot of rape.)

4Channers dream of the future

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By David Futrelle

So over on 4Chan’s /pol/ board, the anons are talking about ways to save blondes with blue eyes from what anons think will be their eventual genetic demise. Never mind that the notion of the “disappearing blonde gene” is scientific nonsense; these guys love to get worked up about things that aren’t true.

bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about homophobia lgbt men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit Uncategorized

Women are mean to gay men in order to keep their own men from going gay, confused Men’s Rights Redditor explains

Could you run that by me again?

By David Futrelle

Try to make head or tail of this one, folks!