armageddon bad science citation needed empathy deficit entitled babies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit trump

“Females will lead to Extinction” because they don’t know how cars work, MGTOW scientist declares

Damn you, Thelma and Louise!
Damn you, Thelma and Louise!

The Men Going Their Own Way subreddit has become a fertile breeding ground for some of the Internet’s most delightfully unhinged misogynistic rants.

But lately it’s been outdoing itself. And so today I would like to present to you a 2-for-1 MGTOW special, not one but two unhinged misogynistic rants, each with its own post devoted to it, both from the very same MGTOW subreddit thread.

bad science crackpottery crank magnetism facepalm flat earth none dare call it conspiracy off topic TROOOLLLL!! trump

Fake news site trolls Flat Earthers with story claiming Donald Trump has gone flat (earth)

Donald Trump did not say this. Flat earther meme found on; I added the word "fake"to it 7 times
Donald Trump did not say this. Flat earther meme found on; I added the word “fake”to it seven times in six different fonts

There’s been a bit of excitement amongst the Flat Earthers over the past couple of days, as word spread that none other than Donald J. Trump had come out publicly as a Flat Earther, telling an Associated Press reporter that:

a woman is always to blame alt-right anime nazis bad science crackpottery entitled babies imaginary oppression irony alert literal nazis mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny oppressed white men patriarchy racism

Daily Stormer to white women: All your womb are belong to us!

Future white soldier?
Future white soldier?

When Internet Nazis rail against the alleged evils of “race-mixing,” the particular kind of mixology that invariably enrages them the most involves white women “mudsharking” or “coal burning” with black men.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism bad history bad science boner rage boobs butts entitled babies evil sexy ladies facebook gamebros geek girls imaginary oppression irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny no games for girls no girls allowed post contains jokes post contains sarcasm

MGTOW Memeday: Crushed by the wheels of Ladies’ Night

The meme-maker forgot to include "Graphic Designer: No one will hire him"
The meme-maker forgot to include “Graphic Designer: $0 yr. No one will hire him”

Say what you will about the meme-makers at the Going GHOST – MGTOW Facebook page, but you have to give them credit for one thing: their laser-like focus on the issues that truly matter to men.

And I don’t mean silly frivolous fluff like prison rape or workplace safety or prostate cancer. No, I mean the issues that REALLY matter. Like ladies night. And hot chicks playing video games in their underwear.

alpha males bad boys bad history bad science crackpottery cuck evil sexy ladies evo psych fairy tales men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill reddit thug-lovers we hunted the mammoth

Red Pill dude: Women created thugs by having sex with thugs

Ancient cave art proves that women have always gone for macho bad boys
Ancient cave art proves that women have always gone for macho bad boys

Misogynists love it when they can figure out a way to blame a woman for the misdeeds of a man. And no woman is a more convenient scapegoat than a bad man’s mother — after all, if she’d raised him right, he wouldn’t be out there murdering and raping and robbing and whatever other terrible things he’s doing.

bad science crackpottery crank magnetism flat earth memes misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy top troll

The Fluoride Stare: The conspiracy theory catchphrase taking the flat earth by storm!

My contribution to the Flat Earth meme pool.
My contribution to the Flat Earth meme pool.

So last night, courtesy of Twitterer extraordinaire @SuperSpacedad, I learned of a new catchphrase that’s apparently catching on (or maybe not) amongst the internet’s conspiracy theorists: the Fluoride Stare, which is the blank-faced, glazed-eye look conspiracy theorists apparently encounter quite regularly when they start explaining their favorite conspiracy theories at great length.

antifeminism bad history bad science boner rage empathy deficit entitled babies evil ex-wives evil single moms imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reactionary bullshit red pill reddit that's completely wrong we hunted the mammoth

Women incapable of love, declares man incapable of empathy

Watch out boy, she'll leech you up!
Watch out boy, she’ll leech you up!

MGTOWs, like most of the misogynists I write about in this blog, love to talk about the male gender as being more rational and scientific than the allegedly irrational and overemotional human female. Unfortunately, most of MGTOWs seem to have learned science at the University of Mianus.

antifeminism bad science dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit that's completely wrong

“Men who didn’t worship p***y didn’t pass on their seed,” and other lessons from MGTOW biology class

Drink that SCIENCE in!
Drink that SCIENCE in!

So why are women such predatory babies and men such manginas? Let Reddit’s User-31f64a4e lay down some science for ya! In a discussion of women’s predatory nature in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, Mr. 31f64a4e explains that: