bad boys crackpottery creepy douchebaggery emotional abuse gaslighting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA

The Freak-Out Artist: Julian from Real Social Dynamics takes gaslighting to a new level

I’ve read and watched and listened to a lot of creepy pickup artist crap over the past few years while writing this blog, but in some ways this little video, from PUA “coach” Julian of Real Social Dynamics, one of the bigger and better known of the commercial “game” marketers, may well be the creepiest.  Essentially, Julian provides tips to young men on how to “get” the girl of their dreams by temporarily driving her out of her mind.

No, really: he recommends that men overwhelm their female targets with confusing and contradictory stimuli to throw them so off-balance they’ll reflexively turn to their mental tormenters for support (and, maybe later, reward them with sex). This isn’t pick-up artistry so much as freak-out artistry.

The one thing about this video that is vaguely reassuring is that Julian’s examples of his technique in action are so crude and hamhanded I seriously doubt they’d actually work on anyone “in field,” as the PUAs like to say. What’s not so reassuring is that anyone would actually come up with something this predatory and perverse in the first place. Also, you know that at least a few of the video’s 32,000 viewers have actually tried out this technique on annoyed and bewildered women around the world. The world doesn’t really need any new ways for dudes to be assholes in clubs.

a woman is always to blame bad boys beta males cupcake evil sexy ladies evil women hamstering men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny nice guys oppressed men playing the victim pussy pass

Hamish the MGTOW: “Underneath those physically appealing pretty girls does indeed lurk an evil monster.”

So beautiful, so evil.
So beautiful, so evil.

Today, some farm fresh misogyny, straight from the virtual pages of, in the form of a sprawling rant on the blackhearted nature of the female of the species by a fellow known only as Hamish. I have taken the liberty of condensing the rant somewhat, and of breaking up Hamish’s walls of text into shorter paragraphs. The original director’s cut of his comment can be found here.

[T]he prettier a woman is on the outside, the blacker her heart is on the inside. Underneath that pretty exterior does indeed lurk a monster. That women are driven by their highly fickle “feelings” rather than by logic is the scariest and most dangerous part about them.

[W]omen are so fickle that they vacillate between wanting Nick the nice guy who will be nice and romantic to them one day and wanting Tommy the thug who will treat her like absolute crap the next day. Indeed sometimes they want both these things at the same time …

What cupcake wants is a composite male, the ingredients of which are a blend of The Rock, Matt Damon, Donald Trump, Justin Timberlake, Hugh Jackman, Mike Tyson, David Bowie, Tony Montana, Ronaldo and Michael Buble …

With women being so irrational, so utterly unreasonable and unrealistic in their demands, it is absolutely inevitable that … there will come a point where she will feel dissatisfied with her date/her fuck buddy/her boyfriend/her fiance/her husband, whatever. And remember what a women feels is her hamster, logic doesn’t get a look in.

For men morality is largely a logical, learned thing – ten commandments, thou shalt not steal/kill, whatever. But for a woman what she feels is the be all and end all … And if that means fucking over and grinding into the dust good, decent men … purely on account that she no longer feels entirely satisfied with him, then so be it – how she feels must prevail above all other factors. …

[A]nd what’s more many women seem to be thoroughly enjoy crushing such men too – the more decent and genuine a guy is, the more pleasure they take in crushing him.

The reason for this is women … see niceness and decency as a sign of weakness and they begin to look down on that male with utter contempt. ….

This explains why it’s always the nicest guys that women fuck over the worst – and why they take great pleasure in doing so and in twisting the knife. To onlooking men this kind of stuff looks like a horrible, unjustifiable act of black hearted pitilessness – but to women, it’s nothing … .

This illogical thinking and intrinsic fickleness on the part of women winds up in women becoming capricious, merciless tyrants. But of course to be tyrants women have to have power – sure they always had the power of the pussy, but much more sinisterly women are now armed to the teeth and dangerous – armed by the law/the state that is …

Women have the state/big government backing them up to the hilt at every turn – to the extent that women now have the power at their fingertips to destroy or at least seriously mess up/disrupt the life of any man they’re sexually involved with – and … many women … can’t … resist abusing this power. And not only to mess up men’s lives and defame their character … but of course to loot men too – often of their entire net worth.

The madness of all this is that the state has placed all this power in the hands of beings who are intrinsically fickle and capricious by nature. So having been armed by the state, women are now not only fickle and capricious, worse than that they have now upgraded to fickle and capricious tyrants, who have a licence from the state to ruin men’s lives on a whim.

Having been so armed by the state, women are now akin to the capricious psychopath boss at work, who fires people just because he’s in a bad mood, or the capricious psychopath dictator, who has citizens locked up or killed on a whim.

In the case of the psycho boss or the dictator, they behave in this manner because (1) they have the power to do it (2) they can do it without any comeback to them and (3) they get off on it.

And this is exactly the dynamics involved when women fuck over men – women fuck over men because they have the power to do it (or more accurately the state has bestowed that power on them), they can do it without any comeback to them or negative consequences for them and they also do it because they just damned well get a sadistic kick from doing do.

So yes, underneath those physically appealing pretty girls (and indeed in many less physically appealing girls too) does indeed lurk an evil monster – one that is armed, dangerous, and utterly pitiless.

And … scene!

The truly weird thing about this rant is that, as some Man Boobz old timers may recall, the Hamish who wrote this rant is not the first MGTOW named Hamish I’ve written about on this blog. But the last one wasn’t actually real: he was a character who appeared, in cartoon form, in the dreams of a Man Boobz reader. As she wrote in an email to me,

after a day of reading a particularly large amount of your posts, I had a strange dream about this guy who sits on a train and describes some STDs he caught in great (and terrifying) detail to whoever is silly enough to listen. His goal is to dissuade other men from making the same mistake he did — having sex with women. Because to “Hamish the Lover” … all women are dirty and evil and should be avoided at all costs.

Now this mysterious dream lover Hamish has a namesake on, writing long rants on how … all women are evil and should be avoided at all costs.

Kind of creepy, eh?

The dreamer also sent me a picture of Hamish the Lover as he had appeared in her dream. Here he is again.

He looks like a bit of a charming rogue. Too bad he’s an asshole.

alpha males bad boys beta males creepy evo psych fairy tales grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny ovaries penises PUA vaginas

Is that an egg in your ovary or are you just happy to see me?

These gals are totally ovulating, for sure.
These gals are totally ovulating, for sure.

So over on the other day, some of the aspiring master seducers were dicsussing ovulation. You know, like guys do.

No, they haven’t suddenly developed a genuine interest in the literal inner workings of women. It’s just that they think knowing a bit about ovulation will help them get laid. Because according to the tenets of something called Peak Ovulation Theory,

girls will fuck with the bad boy during peak ovulation and the rest of the menstrual cycle, they will get it on with the nice guys.

So … if your style of game is the bad boy vibe, you’ll get to fuck the girl at her horniest days.

Don’t worry: it’s all very scientific. They have studies and everything.

alpha males antifeminism bad boys crackpottery domestic violence excusing abuse mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit whaaaaa?

Men’s Rights Redditor: Nigella Lawson should have expected choking because Saatchi is a rich dude, and rich dudes are EXTREME!

So the regulars in the Men’s Rights subreddit are discussing the Saatchi/Lawson divorce, as we were yesterday, and, well, it’s going better than expected, in that quite a few of them are actually willing to accept that Saatchi actually abused Lawson and that his demand that she defend him against the accusations of abuse thus don’t really make much sense. I guess that’s what happens when the abuse is literally caught on camera and printed on the front page of every British tabloid.

But not everyone there has responded so, well, rationally. Take this fellow:

Sasha_ 10 points 1 day ago  This is one of those things where anything you say will run up against the absolutism of the ideologues. The fact is that neither Charles Saatchi or Nigella Lawson are 'normal' people - he's a billionaire art-collector and ad-man, she's a lifestyle guru and millionaire in her own right. They get up to all kinds of shit that don't make any sense to anyone outside that kind of rarefied circle. Was he wrong to throttle her in public? Yeah, probably. But he's the kind of fella who thinks nothing of chartering a helicopter to scatter rose petals on her birthday, so you know, it's all going to be a bit fucking extreme isn't it? This is the thing; if I began a relationship with a playboy centrefold, I wouldn't be THAT surprised to come home one day and find her in bed getting strange with the tennis-coach. I'd be disappointed, but not surprised.  Same goes if you marry the world's No1 golfer, or Oscar Pistorius - you're going for the extremes here, and if you're going to fuck a Rolling Stone, things are going to get fucking odd at times.

Dude, I’m pretty sure the rich and/or weird are subject to the same laws (and moral judgements) as the rest of us. Billionaire art collectors don’t get a free pass to choke their wives in public. Nor is that equivalent to a hypothetical Playboy centerfold cheating on you.

Also, as a point of fact, Saatchi isn’t a billionaire. According to Celebrity Net Worth, he’s worth something on the order of $100 million; the site estimates Lawson to be worth $15 million.

alpha males are these guys 12 years old? bad boys beta males creepy douchebaggery field report I am making a joke I'm totally being sarcastic men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises PUA red pill reddit sexual harassment

How to score RED PILL ALPHA DOG points by harassing your waitress

PROTIP: After you use GAME to get a girl’s name, you can move forward to NAME GAME.

Now, some WEAK ASS BETA MANGINAS think that you shouldn’t deliberately annoy waitstaff  because, you know, they’re human beings like you and me simply trying to get through their work day, and why the fuck would you want to deliberately make their lives worse for no good reason, that sounds kind of pointlessly rude, I mean what the hell’s wrong with you? Heck, even I used to think that. But that was before I discovered the RED PILL subreddit.

a woman is always to blame alpha males antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? bad boys boner rage evil sexy ladies evil women men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny not-quite-explicit threats oppressed men playing the victim PUA straw feminists taking pleasure in women's pain thug-lovers we hunted the mammoth

Men Violent Because of Women, Says Man Who Hates Women

I blame women.

Over on This is Why MGTOW, the blogger who calls himself Cerberus Alpha (dude, seriously?) attempts to answer the question: Why are men more violent?

Rather than attempting to engage with the extensive scholarly literature on the subject, or even making a token effort to do any research on the subject whatsoever, Mr. Alpha instead spins a few familiar manosphere fairy tales into “evidence” that it’s all the fault of those evil sexy ladies and their evil sexy and/or feminist ways.

alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males antifeminism bad boys beta males conspiracy theory evil women female beep boop grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA nice guys oppressed men racism reddit shit that never happened thug-lovers

Evil Seven Step Plan to Destroy Men uncovered by Men’s Rights Redditor

This is Step Eight
Step 8: Release the Monkeys

After yesterday’s horribleness, here’s a bit of MRA pontificating that’s mostly just absurd. In the Men’s Rights subreddit, our dear old friend OuiCrudites spells out the Seven Step Plan that is destroying men today. He doesn’t explain 1) who exactly is taking these steps, or 2) why exactly they want to destroy men, but, you know, I think we can just assume 1) the evil feminist gynomatriarchy/women in general and 2) EEEEEEVIL.

Step 1: Tell boys that they are disruptive and inferior to the girls in their classes.  Step 2: Once boy reaches puberty, assume that he is a potential rapist and woman batterer. Also assume his female contemporaries can do no wrong.  Step 3: Tell pubescent male that he must be a perfect gentleman and repress anything that makes him masculine if he wants females to like him. Shame him when he happens to notice that females throw themselves at his most aggressive male classmates. Tell the females they can do no wrong.  Step 4: Throw zillions of female-only scholarships and hiring quotas at young adult females. Tell her that she is a helpless victim that can do no wrong. Assume the young adult man is a rapist woman oppressor looking for victims.  Step 5: Smile and nod while some females mate with the roughest thugs they can find, and give them welfare. Browbeat all males for not "manning up."  Step 6: Allow some wives to ruthlessly tear apart their families for non-dire reasons. Withhold children from loving fathers. But of course, continue to demand child support.  Step 7: Ignore and shame men who fall on hard times. Act surprised when they hold a gun to their head and pull the trigger.

Interesting that two whole steps out of the seven here involve complaints about “females” dating thuggy alpha bad boys instead of decent, hard-working nice guys like those you might find posting thoughtful comments on gender relations in helpful list form on Reddit.

a woman is always to blame alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males bad boys beta males domestic violence excusing abuse men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys playing the victim PUA rhymes with roosh trigger warning western women suck whaaaaa?

Roosh’s Return of Kings blog: Tamerlan Tsarnaev had an American wife, therefore American women want to be beaten


Leave it to Roosh V’s Return of Kings blog to publish the most reprehensible thing I’ve yet seen related to the Boston Marathon bombing.

In a post with the lovely title “The American Woman Has Hit An All-Time Low,” guest blogger Samseau offers some thoughts – that is to say, wild, unsupported speculation – about the widow of bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and uses that as evidence in a case against American women as a whole, declaring her “a profound marker in the decline of the American woman.”

a woman is always to blame alpha males bad boys beta males boner rage creepy evil sexy ladies evo psych fairy tales men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys oppressed men playing the victim PUA rape rape culture

NEWS FLASH: Women aren’t the mysterious creatures that Nice Guys ™ — and predators — like to pretend that they are

Consent: Not actually that hard to recognize.
Consent: Not actually that hard to recognize.

Blog posts by the New Misogynists I write about here often seem to be little more than combinations and recombinations of a relatively small number of very bad ideas. Today, let’s look at a blog post from a “conservative libertarian” and creepy Nice Guy ™ who identifies himself only as TIC, which combines a bit of “consent is hard” and “women only like bad boys” with some muddled notions from Evo Psych to conclude that women are such mysterious creatures that no one could possibly know what they really want — and so therefore it’s women who are the ones who are really responsible when they get raped.

$MONEY$ alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males antifeminism bad boys beta males boner rage evil women evo psych fairy tales markymark men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny taking pleasure in women's pain western women suck

The Slut Who Got Ugly and Sad: The Manosphere’s favorite fairy tale

Manosphere dudes want every story to end like this.
Manosphere dudes want every story to end like this.

Gather ‘round the fire for yet another retelling of what may be the Manosphere’s favorite fairy tale. You know, the one about the evil ladies who have lots of sex with “bad boys” in their early twenties, only to panic a few years later and desperately try to attach themselves to hardworking beta schlubs once they realize that their looks are fading. You know, like that lady riding the rooster that alternates with the mammoth in the Man Boobz header graphic.