You don’t have to read Lila Shapiro’s 9000-word New York magazine profile of fallen Buffy creator Joss Whedon to understand what a disaster it is for him.
You don’t have to read Lila Shapiro’s 9000-word New York magazine profile of fallen Buffy creator Joss Whedon to understand what a disaster it is for him.
So I was poking around in the Am I The Asshole subreddit archives when I came across this lovely example of, well, I’m not really sure what it’s an example of but I think you all will appreciate it. It’s kind of incredible, really.
There’s an old saying that Red Pillers have made their own: “Men age like fine wine; woman age like milk.” Red Pill lore states that women are at their peak attractiveness in their teens and early twenties, after which they “hit the wall” at age 30 or so and rapidly lose their looks, ultimately becoming attractive only to the most desperate of men.