By David Futrelle
The lady haters on Reddit and elsewhere are reliably outraged every time they discover that some e-girl they’re probably secretly obsessed with is making money selling their used underwear online.
By David Futrelle
The lady haters on Reddit and elsewhere are reliably outraged every time they discover that some e-girl they’re probably secretly obsessed with is making money selling their used underwear online.
By David Futrelle
So Disney just announced the imminent arrival of a new She-Hulk series on Disney+. Most fans seem pretty psyched about the news. “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” wrote one She-Hulk lover on Twitter. “I’M NOT KIDDING I STARTED CRYING,” wrote another. “SHE-HULK … WAS THE FIRST MARVEL FEMALE HERO THAT I LOVED.”
By David Futrelle
Today, just another example of the sort of toxic nonsense that gets upvotes in the Men’s Rights subreddit, despite the protestations from Reddit MRAs that they really aren’t about hate at all.
By David Futrelle
Manosphere men are obsessed with the idea that women are naturally unfaithful, willing and eager to cheat on their husbands or boyfriends with any alpha male that happens to glance in their direction — a female proclivity these guys like to call “hypergamy,” a highfalutin word borrowed from anthropology and radically redefined to give their altogether unscientific, and thoroughly misogynistic, assumption the patina of SCIENCE.
By David Futrelle
There’s some high drama going on in a segment of the manosphere I generally ignore because I find it so tedious. Several days ago, you see, the head grifter behind a long-running series of manosphere conventions booted one of the scheduled speakers — “Red Pill” guru Rollo Tomassi — from all future events. And it’s not at all clear why.
By David Futrelle
There are a lot of guys out there who not-so-secretly resent women for having bodies that get them all hot and bothered.
By David Futrelle
Not all heroes wear capes. In the case of the Reddit user called IntrovertedMagma, I’m going to assume, it’s more like a stained Rick and Morty t-shirt, some cargo shorts, maybe a MAGA hat? I’m just guessing, really. And for all I know he does actually wear a cape.
By David Futrelle
Sometimes people new to Men’s Rights activism — and who haven’t yet realized that they’ve joined a hate group rather than a real civil rights movement — ask why feminists don’t work together with MRAs to make the world a big happy place for everyone.
By David Futrelle
There are a lot of guys out there who think that women generally don’t enjoy sex. But it’s rare for guys to say this out loud, because they’re afraid of the obvious retort: “Maybe they just don’t enjoy sex with you!”
By David Futrelle
If you want to know how Men’s Rights Activists are adjusting to the #MeToo era, well, over on A Voice for Men they’re currently getting mad about a ten-year-old Scottish law that makes it illegal to rape someone when they’re asleep.