antifeminism memes misogyny MRA

Memeday: Men’s Rights Activists playing “gotcha” make idiots of themselves

That's what you think
That’s what you think

Men’s Rights Activists and other antifeminists love playing “gotcha” — demanding answers to questions designed to make feminists look hypocritical or illogical or just plain dumb.

4chan antifeminism facebook gullibility memes misogyny TROOOLLLL!! vaginas

Memeday: Popsicles with a fishy smell

Definitely not a freebleeder.
Definitely not a freebleeder.

Do you remember “freebleeding,” that phony “radical feminist movement” protesting the tyranny of maxipads and the joy of free-flowing menstrual blood that 4chan tried their hardest to convince feminists was a totes real thing they should all sign up for right away?

antifeminism misogyny MRA women in combat women's suffrage

Andrea “Judgy Bitch” Hardie: Women aren’t xenophobic enough to deserve the vote

I told you those gals were trouble!
I told you those gals were trouble!

It’s always refreshing to see Men’s Rights Activists momentarily cease their grousing about the alleged evil and inferiority of women and take up the important issues of our time — like, for example, whether we men should rise up as one and take away women’s right to vote.

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Quiz! Complete this MRA sentence: Women are “manipulation devices attached to … .”

Totally not a hint, really uh huh.
Totally not a hint, really uh huh.

Pop quiz!

Today, dear readers, I present you with the following one-question pop quiz to test your knowledge of Men’s Rights Activism.

a voice for men allegedly false accusations antifeminism entitled babies grandiosity gynocracy incoherent rage irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA PUA rape rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh

Misogynist shocked that people think he has anything in common with other misogynist

MRAs are shocked, shocked that anyone might think they have anythhg in common with Roosh
MRAs are stunned that anyone might think they have anything in common with Roosh

Yesterday, I wrote about former A Voice for Men Number Two Boy Dean Esmay’s weird and hyperbolic AVFM post attacking Roosh Valizadeh, the scummy pickup artist that a previous AVFM post had described as a “deep thinker” and “a layered, tempered and earnest guy, who truly wants to help other men.”

Today I’d like to bring to your attention another, even weirder attack on Roosh that ran in AVFM alongside Esmay’s post. In “Roosh Rage,” longtime AVFM commenter Bryan Scandrett angrily denounced what he described variously as the “The Greatest Rape Hoax Ever,” “The MSM Global Rape Hoax,” and “the Great MSM Rape Hoax.”

antifeminism beta males evil black women men who should not ever be with women ever misogynoir misogyny PUA racism red pill reddit

Hey black ladies! Catapult yourselves out of poverty by snagging a white nerdboy

Interests include: Star Trek
Interests include: Star Trek

Are you saddened by the racial divisions in the United States?

One Red Pill Redditor who calls himself Cosmicicarus has come up with a bold new plan that he claims could put a dent in urban poverty — and also help nerdy white dudes get some attention paid to their long-suffering you-know-whats.

antifeminism bullying evil SJWs heartiste kitties literal nazis masculinity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism trump

Nazi-lite pickup artist so thrilled by Trump’s use of cat synonym he spews gibberish

Presumably Trump supports THIS pussy
Presumably Trump supports THIS pussy

These are exciting times for the portion of the American electorate that supports Donald Trump as the next-best-thing to an actual reincarnated Hitler.

Indeed, the pickup artist and white supremacist who calls himself Heartiste is so thrilled by Trump’s recent use of the word “pussy” to describe Ted Cruz that he celebrated with a blog post so filled with his own peculiar jargon that it appears almost as though it’s been beamed to earth from a Nazi-occupied planet mars.

antifeminism boobs citation needed Dean Esmay evil sexy ladies infighting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA penises PUA rape rape culture red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh straw feminists

Dean Esmay warns men: “Roosh V wants you dead even more than feminists do.” Er, what?

Dean Esmay, choosing his words carefully. Just kidding! He never does that.
Dean Esmay, considering his words carefully. Just kidding! He never does that.

Dean Esmay is really kind of amazing. The Men’s Rights Twitter “activist” and former A Voice for Men Number Two Boy has finally managed to position himself on the right side of an issue — the issue being whether or not the repugnant Roosh V is repugnant. But many of his reasons for hating Roosh are frankly pretty bizarre.

#gamergate antifeminism block that metaphor citation needed davis aurini drama kings dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies evil SJWs grandiosity irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever none dare call it conspiracy post contains sarcasm PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Davis Aurini takes aim at lizard people, media plotters, and other enemies of Roosh

What is love? Lizard don't hurt me.
What is love? Lizard don’t hurt me.

I realize that most of you are probably feeling as Rooshed-out as I am, and would like to move on to posts with a very low percentage of Roosh content, if any at all.

But I feel I would be remiss not to bring to your attention a post by our old friend, the urban cowboy/white nationalist (on paper) Davis M.J. Aurini, published on Roosh’s Return of Kings site on Friday. Entitled “Why International Meetup Day Was Cancelled,” it is perhaps the dumbest thing anyone has yet or will ever write on the subject.

#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism doxing empathy deficit harassment hypocrisy irony alert literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny penises PUA racism rape rape culture red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

The Daily Mail tracks Roosh V to his mother’s basement, where he lives. No, really.

Roosh Valizadeh, as he would prefer to be seen
Roosh Valizadeh, as he would prefer to be seen

This is just getting surreal.

The Daily Mail — yes, that Daily Mail — has tracked Roosh to his mother’s house in Silver Spring, Maryland, where he is currently living. In the basement.

The location of the pet shop has yet to be determined.