Never underestimate the ability of Men’s Rights Activists to get worked up over the most ridiculous nonsense.
I found the meme above on the Men’s Rights Australia Facebook page, accompanied by this explanation:
Never underestimate the ability of Men’s Rights Activists to get worked up over the most ridiculous nonsense.
I found the meme above on the Men’s Rights Australia Facebook page, accompanied by this explanation:
You may recall how Christina Hoff Sommers, right-wing think tanker and longtime pseudofeminist, was transformed into the idolized “Based Mom” after she cannily jumped aboard the #GamerGate train and started going to events with noted ethical journalist Milo Yiannopoulos?
Big news, everybody: The Men’s Rights Movement HAS WON!
In a video posted earlier today Paul Elam, the biggest ego name in the small world of the Men’s Rights movement, congratulated his troops for a MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
And then he announced that he was quitting the Men’s Rights movement altogether.
To loosely paraphrase the opening line of Eric Segal’s 1970 bestseller Love Story: What can you say about a film that smells like a squirrel died in your walls about a week ago?
Men’s Rights Activists and other antifeminists always hate it when feminists point them to dictionary definitions of feminism as “the advocacy of equal rights for men and women” (or similar) rather than “a seekrit cabal of evil spermjacking sluts that want to genocide all men,” which is what all MRAs apparently think feminism really is.
Here’s a recent headline on everyone’s favorite Men’s Rights hate site, A Voice for Men:
When feminist author Jessica Valenti posted a picture of herself wearing an “I bathe in male tears” sweatshirt, Men’s Rights activists reacted as though she had literally called for the violent murder of every man on planet earth.
I‘ve lost track of the number of times that some aspiring Man Going His Own Way has shown up in the comments here, indignantly objecting to some post I’ve made about the MGTOW lifestyle, such as it is. All we’re doing is trying to live our lives in peace, the MGTOWs declare. Why are you always picking on us?
Today’s Memeday Special: Angry blonde ladies. Strike that: Angry blonde lady.
Men’s Rights Activists and other antifeminists, as many of you have no doubt noticed, have a deep and abiding love for stock photos of hysterical women, which they use as illustrations for blog posts and YouTube videos as well as free-floating memes.
So I girded my loins, caffeined myself up, put on some really peppy music and waded back into the swamp that is #TheTriggering — the Twitter hashtag designed to give the internet’s biggest jerks an excuse to be even more jerky than usual.