You probably haven’t been wondering what profound conclusions the racist pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste has drawn from the horrific tragedy in Orlando. But I’m going to tell you anyway.
The first? That Omar Mateen was a pretty cool dude.
You probably haven’t been wondering what profound conclusions the racist pickup artist who calls himself Heartiste has drawn from the horrific tragedy in Orlando. But I’m going to tell you anyway.
The first? That Omar Mateen was a pretty cool dude.
On the Men’s Rights subreddit yesterday, I found this inspiring report from the front lines of the Men’s Rights struggle — the struggle of MRAs to annoy pretty much everyone they ever talk to.
Yes, it is of course true that some men get breast cancer. I’m pretty sure, though, that yelling at breast cancer fundraisers isn’t the best way to help these men.
Most Americans, it seems safe to say, look upon the murderous hate crime that left 50 dead in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando with a mixture of horror and sadness.
But for many of the proud bigots in America’s burgeoning alt-right movement, the attack has been a great opportunity.
Yesterday, longtime GamerGate bete noire Gawker Media filed for bankrupcty. On KotakuInAction, Reddit’s main GamerGate hangout, the regulars cheered what they saw as Gawker’s long-deserved demise:
I find it hard to read about the Stanford rape case for more than a few minutes at a time. The whole thing is so grotesque and awful that I literally start twitching in anger and frustration and have to stop reading.
So I recently checked in on some of the more popular white supremacist hashtags on Twitter and found a bunch of lovely, lovely memes. For a moment I considered poking my eyes out, but then I thought, hey, why not have a contest instead?
Over on The Red Pill subreddit, the Red Pillock who calls himself 1Ronin11A comes so close to asking the question that could shake his Red Pill world to its foundations. That question is: Why do we Red Pillers hate and fear the women we have (or at least want to have) sex with?
So Andrew Anglin, the lovable hateful scamp behind the Anime Nazi internet tabloid The Daily Stormer, seems to be going all Men’s Rights Activist on us. In a post last week, Anglin offered his own take on a rather old argument, declaring that women need to have the vote taken away from them — for their own good.
Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the MGTOWs are MGTOWing it up like nobody’s business, trying to get to the bottom of what is perhaps the essential question of our age: When will mom bring down the pizza rolls?
Another HUGE VICTORY for Men’s Rights! Some guy on the internet told a woman that the term “mansplaining” is mean to men! And then he used the “c-word” a couple of times!