antifeminism kitties memeday memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA red pill

Memeday Monday: Ian Ironwood sure ain’t marrying no feminists nohow!

Eh, you get used to it.
Eh, you get used to it.

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We’ve met Ian Ironwood before, a Men’s Rights Activist and sexbot enthusiast with retrograde views on gender and a taste for similarly retro art from the fifties. Ironwood is a prodigious meme-maker, but one with a tendency to repeat himself.

a voice for men antifeminism attention seeking hypocrisy Islamophobia jack barnes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism terrorism threats

MRA Jack Barnes, posing with a gun, has a threatening message for American Muslims

Jack Barnes with gun
Jack Barnes with gun

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Earlier today, a Muslim man was reportedly shot and stabbed by three masked men outside a mosque in Houston, Texas. Yesterday, another Muslim man was beaten outside a mosque in Orlando, Florida by a man who reportedly told him that “you Muslims need to get back to your country.”

So I suppose that we should be grateful that Men’s Rights Activist Jack Barnes hasn’t, as far as I know, shot or otherwise physically harmed any Muslim Americans. So far, at least, he has confined himself to threatening them with murder on Twitter. 

a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture the c-word threats

Chanty Binx speaks up after 3 years of harassment, capped by bizarre privacy breach

Thanks, memegenerator, for contributing to the harrasssment of a private citizen
Thanks, memegenerator, for contributing to the harassment of a private citizen

The quarterly WHTM Pledge Drive continues! If you appreciate this blog, and can afford it, please click the “donate” button below. Thanks!

A little over three years ago, a Canadian feminist with bright red hair confronted some Men’s Rights Activists outside of an event at the University of Toronto.

alpha males alt-right antifeminism evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism reactionary bullshit vox day

Burn de coal, pay de toll: Vox Day mocks white woman allegedly killed by black boyfriend

"Guys, wait up!" (Yes, I used this one once before.)
“Guys, wait up!” (Yes, I used this one once before.)

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In case you had forgotten that Vox Day, fantasy author and “SJW’-hater, was a gigantic freaking racist, here’s a little reminder.

antifeminism emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs evil smelly women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA racism reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings

Return of Kings is now providing parenting advice. The world’s worst parenting advice

Tech your daughter she's a second class citizen by forcing her to wash dishes with mom while you play a manly game of Battleship with your son
Teach your daughter she’s a second class citizen by forcing her to wash dishes with mom while you play a manly game of Battleship with your son

The quarterly WHTM Pledge Drive continues! If you appreciate this blog, and can afford it, please click the “donate” button below. Thanks!

Alleged martial artist Jean-Batave Poqueliche, a regular Return of Kings contributor, declares in his bio on the site that he spends his life “travel[ing] the world looking for new fighting techniques and new beautiful women.”

a woman is always to blame andrea hardie antifeminism antifeminist women big daddy government crackpottery evil single moms FemRAs FeMRAsplaining irony alert judgybitch misogyny MRA

JudgyBitch: Young Brits voted #Remain because they want the EU to be their daddy

This Big Daddy notices a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity coming from Canada
This Big Daddy notices a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity coming from Canada

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Leave it to Canada’s most enthusiastic Trump fan who doesn’t think women should be allowed to vote to come up with perhaps the most ingeniously ludicrous theory about Brexit that has been set forth so far.

a voice for men antifeminism gynocracy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pedestalization

A Case of the Memedays: Can you gyno-explain this baffling gyno-meme?

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

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I skipped Memeday on Friday, what with Brexit and all, so let’s have a manic Memeday Monday instead.

The somewhat bewildering meme above was recently posted to the A Voice for Men Facebook page, along with a brief explanation of what the meme-maker was trying to get at.

alt-right anime nazis antifeminism cuck Islamophobia

#Brexit fans respond to my last post with cuck-related insults, weird sexual fantasies

Anime Nazis celebrate the win for "Leave"
Anime Nazis celebrate the win for “Leave”

So my last post, highlighting some of the more obnoxious responses from Anime Nazis and other terrible people to the Brexit vote somehow managed to draw some even more obnoxious responses from other Anime Nazis and terrible people.

antifeminism entitled babies evil moms men who should not ever be with ponies ever men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOWs angry at totally mediocre baby girl for apparently winning a bunch of awards

The closest to an award most of these guys will ever get
The closest to an award most of these guys will ever get

Over on Reddit’s illustrious Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, some of the regulars have worked themselves into a snit over a photo of a baby girl surrounded by a bunch of awards.

Because how can A BABY win so many awards!? Especially this totally mediocre-looking GIRL baby.

antifeminism cuteness dawgies entitled babies homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim

It Came From the Comments I Don’t Let Through: Lesbian-Powered Butt-Worshipper Edition


It’s time for another episode of It Came From the Comments I Don’t Let Through, in which I post notable comments by drive-by commenters that I think regular readers here will find, er, instructive.

Today, a heaping pile of homophobia from a fellow identifying himself as Reg Handford. Are you sitting comfortably? Good, then let’s begin.