antifeminism drama kings grandiosity guns imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh trump

Roosh: Hillary will usher in a “techno-matriarchy” and ban talking to women in public

Roosh V, trying out the "grizzled prospector" look
Roosh V, trying out the “grizzled prospector” look

With their “God Emperor” way down in the polls, some of Trump’s most enthusiastic supporters are beginning to face the fact that Hillary Clinton will quite likely be the next president of the United States.

Or should I say the next techno-matriarch?

a voice for men andrea hardie antifeminism antifeminist women homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

Tory MP with bad haircut and worse ideas speaks at Men’s Rights conference in London

Phillip Davies and his haircut
Tory MP Phillip Davies and his Amazing Haircut

The second not-quite-annual International Conference on Men’s Issues in London didn’t get a lot of media attention when it happened in early July. Actually, as far as I can tell, it didn’t get any, aside from a brief and somewhat silly post on a blog called We Hunted the Mammoth, which, come to think of it, is my blog, the one right here.

alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny PUA return of kings vaginas

MGTOWs and PUAs agree that women suck, disagree whether MGTOWs or PUAs are biggest losers

The manbaby battle continues
The manbaby battle continues

Watching self-proclaimed pickup artists and Men Going Their Own Way going at each other is vaguely reminiscent of watching Trotskyist sects fight it out over the precise lessons that true revolutionaries should draw from the Russian Revolution.

a woman is always to blame antifeminism crackpottery drama kings irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit

Men’s Rights Redditors predict a dystopian gynocracy under President Hillary Clinton

Hillary, destroying city BUILT BY MEN
Hillary, destroying a city BUILT BY MEN

I sometimes lie awake at night imagining the eldritch horrors of a Trump presidency. Men’s Rights Redditors, by and large, seem pretty stoked by the possibility. No, what keeps them awake at night is the thought of Hillary Clinton behind the desk in the Oval Office.

antifeminism evil sexy ladies imaginary oppression incoherent rage lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

Top Ten Tips for Women From Men Who Hate Them

Tip top advice from Viz
That one about marrying a queen might actually work

Viz magazine is famous for its surreal and deliberately useless “Top Tips.”

An empty aluminium cigar tube filled with angry wasps makes an inexpensive vibrator.

Olympic athletes. Disguise the fact that you’ve taken steroids by running a bit slower.

antifeminism entitled babies memeday memes men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA projection PUA

Memeday: Men love idealistically (in their pants)

Adapted from a meme by Ian Ironwood
Adapted from a terrible meme by Ian Ironwood

We’ve met “Ian Ironwood” before, the prolific red pill mememaker with a fondness for retro images and retrograde sexual politics.

Today, I’ve assemble what you might call a little meme essay made up of images he’s posted. Prepare yourself in advance for a BIG IRONIC SURPRISE TWIST ENDING!

Oh dear, I’ve kind of spoiled the surprise. Oops.

alpha males alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism antifeminism irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no girls allowed PUA racism trump women's suffrage

Daily Stormer plans real-world “Army,” offering recruits firearms training, dating tips

Nazi PUA charming the ladies
Nazi PUA charming the ladies

The first rule of Nazi Fight Club, apparently, is that you do talk about Nazi Fight Club. Yesterday, internet Nazi rag The Daily Stormer announced plans to launch local chapters of an “IRL Troll Army” that will enable righteous white dudes “to prepare for the coming race war.”

antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties internet tough guy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men playing the victim post contains sarcasm reddit

Reddit MGTOWs fight the real enemy: Fat chicks

Rebel Wilson offers her thoughts on the matter
Rebel Wilson offers her thoughts on the matter

The human race faces many dire threats. War, famine, disease, terrorism, giant asteroids, Donald Trump. But the ever-alert readers of the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit know that all these threats pale in comparison to the greatest threat of all. I am speaking, of course, of fat chicks.

antifeminism completely oblivious literal nazis mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA playing the victim post contains sarcasm racism reddit white dudes comparing themselves to slaves

Who’s making the Men’s Rights movement look so bad? Reddit MRAs declare: “Not me!”

MRAs apparently learned the wrong lesson about personal responsibility from Family Circus
MRAs apparently learned the wrong lesson about personal responsibility from Family Circus

Men’s Rights Redditors came dangerously close to achieving a moment of self-awareness yesterday. But the crisis was averted, and the Men’s Rights subreddit was able to safely return to its habitual obliviousness, with all of its illusions intact.

antifeminism evil SJWs gross incompetence irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever post contains sarcasm YouTube

Remember Sargon’s dopey petition? Hbomberguy offers his belated yet hilarious response

You may vaguely remember Sargon of Akkad’s petition to “UNIVERSITIES” to shut down all “social justice” courses. It’s been three months since Mr. Of Akkad — actually a dude named Carl, who lives in Swindon — launched the thing, and up until two days ago the only real effect it’s had in the real world was garnering Carl a supportive shoutout from the racist street thugs of the English Defence League.

But Carl of Swindon’s dopey petition has finally accomplished something he can be proud of. Well, kinda. It’s inspired a somewhat belated yet still quite hilarious response video from Youtube’s esteemed Hbomberguy — you know, the guy that did that classic “measured response” to the Sarkeesian Effect. The FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS one. So enjoy!

And if you can’t bear to hear another word about the petition, you can always skip ahead to the part of the video (about nine minutes in) in which Hbomberguy discusses Carl’s less-than-glorious performance in an online debate with one Kristi Winters, a feminist who embarrassed poor Carl by exposing just how little he actually knows about feminism.