Cognitive dissonance is a thing.
Cognitive dissonance is a thing.
Earlier this week, the Mars corporation set off another culture war skirmish by launching a new, all-female package of M&Ms as a way of showing some sort of candy-related solidarity with the women of the world. “We’re celebrating women who are flipping the status quo, transforming the world around them to make it a more colorful and welcoming place for all,” the company declared.
Artificial wombs are in the news again, not because they’re an actual thing for humans but because some guy made a video suggesting that soon they will be. Filmmaker and biotechnologist Hashem Al-Ghaili has put together a CGI-heavy fake ad for an imaginary “birthing facility” in which 30,000 fetuses could be simultaneously gestated in spiffy plastic pods.
It’s an old comedic trope: Bumbling husband, sensible wife. From the Honeymooners to King of Queens, this trope is played out in countless sitcoms, old and (relatively) new. And no sitcom husband is quite so bumbling — and just plain dumb — as Homer Simpson, who couldn’t say or do a smart thing to save his life.
So I was scrolling through the Antifeminists subreddit, as one does, and I ran across a post that was just completely baffling.
So the regulars in the Men’s Rights subreddit are talking about Body Positivity today. Yes, that means they’re talking about fat women (and men). And yes, it is the shitshow you might expect. Except maybe, somehow, worse.
I learn so many things by reading Reddit on the regular. Here are a few historical insights I picked up on the Antifeminist subreddit today.
So here’s a lovely little screenshot making the rounds on Reddit, featuring a fellow with some very bad advice for men considering marriage.
GQ Magazine just dropped a massive 7000-word article on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and to hear the reactions of some of her haters it’s as if it had been dropped directly on their toes.
I haven’t done a sexbot post in a while, but you can rest assured that the MRAs and antifeminists are still obsessed with the idea of making women obsolete with new technologies, in particular new technologies that have titties and can fuck.