anti-Semitism antifeminism cuck evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sexual harassment twitter

Idiots, douchebags and idiotic douchebags defend Bill O’Reilly on Twitter

Bill O: He will be missed. By assholes.

As every single person on your Twitter timeline has no doubt informed you by now, the execrable Bill O’Reilly is finally — finally! — out at Fox News. Not everyone is happy with this development.

/pol/ 4chan a new woman to hate advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism cuck daily stormer irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape culture

Whaa? Daily Stormer hails Berkeley puncher, demands teen girls be “forcibly married-off”

Turns out that very few teenage girls want to be forcibly married to Nazis

It’s not exactly a shock to discover that Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer, the internet Nazi tabloid, thinks it’s just swell that a fellow white supremacist sucker-punched a female antifascist activist in one of the many melees that broke out in and around an alt-right rally in Berkeley yesterday.

advocacy of violence alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism cerno entitled babies Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny twitter white supremacy

Alt-Right dinguses really very excited that one of them punched a woman in the face

Defenders of Ee Ech in Berkeley

So there was a bit of a battle in Berkeley on Saturday between a motley crew of alt-rightists who wanted to give some speeches and a bunch of anti-fascist (antifas) who didn’t want them to.

Things got a bit, well, heated, with the alt-right anti-antifas going on a bit of a rampage.

alpha males antifeminism mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever narcissism

The shirtless violin dude from the “I won’t date hot women” piece has a blog! And it sucks

Benedict Beckeld would apparently prefer to date himself

If you read that “Why I won’t date hot women anymore” article from the New York Post that I gently parodied in my post yesterday, you no doubt remember Benedict Beckeld.

alt-right antifeminism evil SJWs evil working women irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill rhymes with roosh trump

Roosh begs Trump to save men from nagging women, who are basically terrorists if you think about it

Lady terrorist in action

Roosh Valizadeh — alleged pickup artist, ironic rape legalization advocate and big league Trump fan — has a request for our failed president: Protect men from naggy women, who are basically a bunch of terrorists, if you think about it.

alpha males alt-right antifeminism beta males cuck cuckolding heartiste homophobia hypergamy irony alert masculinity matriarchy misogyny nerd rage oppressed white men racism

Harry Potter pushes “willing cuckoldry as a moral imperative,” weirdo Nazoid pickup artist explains

Snape, what a beta!

The (alleged) pickup artist who calls himself “Heartiste” is a lot of things — a misogynist, a homophobe, a racist, a bizarrely overwrought prose stylist, to name just a few of his more charming features. But one thing I never would have pegged him for? A Harry Potter fan.

alt-right antifeminism armageddon creepy cuck cuckolding irony alert men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises

Angry dudes respond to my NYmag piece on the convergence of MGTOWs and the alt-right

MGTOWs: Building civilization by getting mad on the internet

It didn’t take MGTOWs long to find my New York magazine piece on the convergence of MGTOWs and the alt-right. A number of these lovely fellows decided to challenge my evil FAKE NEWS SLANDER by posting long comments over on that pretty much confirmed what a bunch of hateful, self-pitying and very, very angry dudes they are.

antifeminism evil fat fatties lazy women eating bon bons men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape culture reddit

Why feminists are feminists, explained by some dude who hates feminists, women, and choosing paint colors

What women want?

Hey feminist ladies! Have you ever wondered just why it is you’re feminists?

a robot woman is always to blame a voice for men antifeminism misogyny sexy robot ladies

Internet laughs after Men’s Rights Activists discover that Amazon’s Alexa is a feminist

I don’t think this is going to work out well for you, dude. (From Basil Wolverton’s  “Robot Woman.” )

Men’s Rights activist Andy Thomas made a terrifying discovery the other day.

He had just received a brand new Amazon Echo — Amazon’s entry into the virtual assistant market, a chatty little device that answers to the name Alexa. It was, Thomas wrote in a post for MRA garbage site A Voice for Men, “the science fiction of my childhood come true!”

aggrieved entitlement alt-right antifeminism daily stormer empathy deficit literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny racism red pill terrorism

Is confessed racist killer James Jackson the first MGTOW murderer?

Timothy Caughman: Murdered by a MGTOW?

Hate speech has consequences.

The Daily Beast suggests that accused killer James Jackson — who told police and the New York Daily News that he stabbed an elderly black man to death as a sort of “trial run” for a planned terrorist massacre of black men in Times Square —  was radicalized, at least in part, by watching alt-right and white supremacist videos on YouTube.