anti-Semitism antifeminism beta males bullying cuckolding entitled babies evil fat fatties evil SJWs harassment literal nazis misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism rape culture rape jokes reactionary bullshit the c-word twitter

Scenes from the ongoing Twitter debacle that is #JeSuisMilo

Found in the #JeSuisMilo hashtag on Twitter
Found in the #JeSuisMilo hashtag on Twitter

History repeats itself. In September 1939, Hitler launched World War II by blocking Poland on Twitter. In December 1941, the United States entered into the war after Japan subtweeted the American naval base at Pearl Harbor.

anti-Semitism evil SJWs grandiosity it's science! literal nazis misogyny post contains jokes post contains sarcasm PUA racism red pill return of kings

Return of Kings Claims that its Star Wars “Boycott” Cost Disney $4.2 million

Possible inspiration for #BoycottStarWarsVII
Possible inspiration for #BoycottStarWarsVII

As you may have heard, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has taken in more than a billion dollars worldwide, so far. $1.09 billion, to be exact.

But the folks over on Return of Kings still think that their “boycott” of the film was a HUGE SUCCESS. How’s that, you ask?

anti-Semitism antifeminism antifeminist women conspiracy theory literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA straw feminists

The Protocols of the Elders of Feminism (Or, Gloria Steinem Didn’t Really Say That)

No, Gloria Steinem did not say this.
No, Gloria Steinem did not say this.

Today is the final day of the We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive! If you haven’t donated yet, click that little button below! Thanks! 

I‘m continually amazed by the amount of time and energy that antifeminists put into fighting monsters of their own creation — that is, the imaginary feminists in their heads who bear about as much resemblance to real feminists as the rapacious, Machiavellian characters in The Protocols of The Elders of Zion do to real Jews.

anti-Semitism cuckolding evil SJWs literal nazis matt forney racism reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings

Far-right weirdos boycotting Seth Rogen’s Xmas flick because he’s a “cuck,” allegedly

Er, what?

Not that long ago, the internet’s far-right weirdos had a victory of sorts: they managed to inject the made-up word “cuckservative” into mainstream Republican political debate.  A combination of “cuck” — short for cuckold — and “conservative,” the insult was used against, well, pretty much all Republicans who weren’t Donald Trump.

Fresh off this tiny triumph, far-right manospherians are now launching another cuck-based humiliation campaign, this time against the charmingly schlubby comedy star Seth Rogen and his upcoming Christmas comedy. Using the hashtags #CuckRogen and #BoycottTheNightBefore, supporters of this new crusade are filling up Twitter with lovely sentiments like these:

anti-Semitism antifeminism literal nazis matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men post contains sarcasm PUA racism rhymes with roosh

Roosh V denounced as degenerate “muzzie” by white supremacists he’s trying to woo

Genetically superior Matt Forney and Roosh V at the NPI conference
Matt Forney and Roosh V: Looking for love in all the white places

Pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh continues his attempts to woo the white supremacist crowd.

This past weekend, he attended the annual conference of the white supremacist National Policy Institute with his longtime pal Matt Forney, the odious fat-shaming blogger who is himself a little big-boned, if one’s belly counts as a bone.

anti-Semitism antifeminism cuckolding dark enlightenment drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs hate speech literal nazis misogyny oppressed white men racism reactionary bullshit

Racists, Trump fans and Chuck C Johnson join together in #BoycottStarWarsVII crusade

I see what you did there.
I see what you did there.

Good news for Star Wars fans: when you finally get your chance to go see Star Wars: The Force Awakens in theaters, you won’t find yourself stuck sitting next to a white supremacist. Or Chuck C. Johnson.

Yes, it’s true, #BoycottStarWarsVII is a real thing, brought to you by more or less the same motley crew of racist trolls and “alternative right”-wingers who catapulted the term “cuckservative” into mainstream Republican discourse not that long ago.

anti-Semitism domestic violence douchebaggery empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism

Lou Reed was a violent monster who abused women, new bio claims

Lou Reed: Huge douchebag
Lou Reed: The Worst Person Who Ever Lived?

It’s not exactly news that Lou Reed was an asshole. But a new biography of the musician, who died in 2013, suggests that “asshole” may be too mild a description of what he was. A better word might be “monster.”

That’s the conclusion biographer Howard Sounes reluctantly came to after interviewing 140 of those who knew Reed best. Their recollections of Reed painted a picture of a bitter, angry, volatile man who spewed racist epithets and violently abused women.

#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs grandiosity harassment literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men patriarchy reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

Psy-Ops and Stealth Infiltration: The Protocols of the Elders of Roosh

Roosh V's role model?
Roosh V’s role model?

It was a tad ironic, to put to mildly: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that famously phony anti-Semitic “document” purporting to provide the details of the worldwide Jewish conspiracy straight from the Elders themselves, not only helped to inspire and rationalize the vicious Nazi campaign against the Jewish people; it provided the Nazis with a blueprint for their own underhanded actions.

“The Protocols was required reading for the Hitler Youth,” Stephen Eric Bronner notes in A Rumor About the Jews, his history of The Protocols.

anti-Semitism evil SJWs homophobia kitties PUA return of kings rhymes with roosh

Who took down Roosh V’s sites this week? Danes, gays, Jews … or Big Toilet Paper?



So Roosh Valizadeh’s websites — Return of Kings, the Roosh V Forum, and his own blog — have been hit with DDOS attacks this week.

Roosh isn’t sure who’s to blame, but he has a few ideas. In a note on the DDOS attacks he posted to his site, he wrote:

#gamergate 8chan anti-Semitism antifeminism drama kings evil SJWs infighting literal nazis misogyny oppressed white men pig-biting mad racism

Weev: Gamergate is “the biggest siren bringing people into the folds of white nationalism.”

Will seeing this picture convert you to Nazism?
Will seeing this picture convert you to Nazism?

The We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive is on! Please consider donating through the PayPal button below. Thanks!

There’s trouble on the really, really far right: Infamous hacker-with-a-giant-swastika-tattoo Weev is squabbling with infamous former-Vice co-founder-who-hates-trans-people Gavin McInnes over which one of them is the real hero of the racist right.

The current contretemps apparently kicked off with this little Twitter exchange: