alt-right anti-Semitism entitled babies Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism twitter white genocide white supremacy

Dr. David Duke: White supremacist, dirty old man

David Duke, creepy grandpa

Aging white supremacist David Duke — or, as he insists, Dr. David Duke — may spend most of his time railing against Jews and Muslims and pretty much everyone who isn’t white (or, rather, white enough for his tastes).

alt-right anti-Semitism literal nazis twitter

Worst of Twitter: World Jew Watch kicks it old school

Sometimes the internet is just plain horrifying

I run across some truly appalling human beings on Twitter on an almost daily basis. So I got to thinking: Why not share some of the most terrible tweets from these unsung antiheroes of the internet with you, my readers, and ruin your day the way these tweets have ruined mine?

alt-right anti-Semitism drama kings entitled babies grandiosity Islamophobia literal nazis mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW playing the victim racism reactionary bullshit transphobia

Booger Sluts and She-Tornados: An unsolicited critique of We Hunted the Mammoth

Typical WHTM readers relaxing at home

We get letters. And sometimes they’re too good — and I use a very broad definition of “good” — not to share. So here’s one I got the other day from a fellow who calls himself MGTOWabunga, offering a rather detailed, er, critique of We Hunted the Mammoth and its readers.

anti-Semitism antifeminism cuck evil SJWs men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sexual harassment twitter

Idiots, douchebags and idiotic douchebags defend Bill O’Reilly on Twitter

Bill O: He will be missed. By assholes.

As every single person on your Twitter timeline has no doubt informed you by now, the execrable Bill O’Reilly is finally — finally! — out at Fox News. Not everyone is happy with this development.

/pol/ 4chan a new woman to hate advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism cuck daily stormer irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape culture

Whaa? Daily Stormer hails Berkeley puncher, demands teen girls be “forcibly married-off”

Turns out that very few teenage girls want to be forcibly married to Nazis

It’s not exactly a shock to discover that Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer, the internet Nazi tabloid, thinks it’s just swell that a fellow white supremacist sucker-punched a female antifascist activist in one of the many melees that broke out in and around an alt-right rally in Berkeley yesterday.

advocacy of violence alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism cerno entitled babies Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny twitter white supremacy

Alt-Right dinguses really very excited that one of them punched a woman in the face

Defenders of Ee Ech in Berkeley

So there was a bit of a battle in Berkeley on Saturday between a motley crew of alt-rightists who wanted to give some speeches and a bunch of anti-fascist (antifas) who didn’t want them to.

Things got a bit, well, heated, with the alt-right anti-antifas going on a bit of a rampage.

alt-right anti-Semitism daily stormer flat earth irony alert literal nazis none dare call it conspiracy racism

There are, for real, Nazi Flat Earthers, and they need to fall off the edge of the world

Hitler takes aim at the ball earth propagandists at NASA

There’s a civil war brewing in the midst of the once-happy alt-right. No, I don’t mean the squabbles between those alt-rightists who’ve abandoned Trump over his Syria attack and those sticking with Daddy — that’s old news. I mean the civil war between the neo-Nazis who think the earth is a globe and those who think it’s flat.

alt-right anti-Semitism cuck trump

Donald Trump, Globalist Cuck: Alt-Rightists leap off of Trump Train after Syria “betrayal”

A sad day in Kekistan

When Donald Trump lauched 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airbase last night, it took a lot of observers by surprise, none more so than the Alt-rightists and fellow travelers who’ve long made up his most fervent fan base. To say they weren’t pleased would be a gross understatement.

alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism harassment internet tough guy irony alert literal nazis masculinity matt forney memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism

Alt-Right dudes are SUPER HOTTTTTT, according to Alt-Right lady

White supremacists: Sexy AF (Speakers at a recent American Renaissance conference)

In a recent post on, Alt-Right lady Wolfie James addresses what is perhaps the most important question facing Western Civilization today, which is: How TOTALLY HOTTTTTT are Alt-Right dudes?

4chan advocacy of violence alt-right anti-Semitism empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men racism

4chan /pol/sters unimpressed with racist killer James Jackson’s body count

James Jackson: Not the hero /pol/ wants

Racist terrorist James Jackson — who has confessed to murdering an elderly black New Yorker as a sort of test run for a more dramatic act of mass murder — in many ways seems like 4chan’s /pol/ made flesh, a deeply alienated young white man driven by racist rage and, apparently, deep fears of sexual inadequacy.