The ritual posting of animated cat gifs brings an end to the Third Quarter We Hunted the Mammoth Pledge Drive.
Let me add my voice to the chorus of animated kitties: THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS, whether they were big or small! They enable me to keep this blog going and to afford shoes for my kitties. Well, not the part about the shoes. I’m not sure why I said that.
In any case, once again I’m humbled that so many of you all think this blog is important enough (or at least entertaining enough) to support with your donations.
And that so many of you contribute your time and your talents to help out as well, whether you’re volunteering as a mod or drawing hilarious pictures or leaving sharp and funny and knowledgeable comments.
If you meant to donate bug haven’t gotten around to it yet, here’s that link again. (And don’t worry that the PalPal page says “Man Boobz.”)

And of course you can donate any time you want using the button in the sidebar.
Some folks have suggested that I set up a Patreon account as well; I will be looking into that.
Thanks again!
Oh, and one more gif. No, I’m not trying to hypnotize you.

Ok, maybe I’m trying to hypnotize you a little.