I took the graphic for Matt’s show and ran it through a filter that basically made it look worse because why not? I like running things through filters, ok?
So yeah, I’m going to be on Matt Binder’s podcast talking about, you know, all the sort of shit I write about on this blog. If you’re not a regular listener, you may remember Matt as the guy who sort of demolished Paul Elam in a YouTube debate a couple of years back.
What this year has felt like for me (artist’s conception)
It’s been a while.
I’ve been taking time off from the blog for as I try to deal with an assortment of health issues that have been hitting me especially hard in recent weeks. This year has been a tough one for me, health-wise, as I’ve continued to deal with seemingly unending chronic migraines as well as worsening sleep problems that have seriously derailed my life and my work.
Progress in dealing with these issues — and several others I’d rather not go into right now — has been frustratingly slow, in part because my particular problems have proven rather resistant to treatment and in part because, well, let’s just say our healthcare system here in the US isn’t what you’d call perfect.
But things have been getting a little better in recent days and I’m hoping I can get back to regular posting shortly.
Thanks for your patience. I very much appreciate your support.
First off, GIANT THANKS to everyone who’s donated during this fund drive! I can’t do this blog without you, and I appreciate everything you all do to help, whether your donations are large or small or if you contribute to the blog in some other way.
So this little blog of mine (and yours!) got a nice writeup in the New York Times today by fellow Illinois writer Peter C. Baker. Check it out! Nice to see the Paper of Record take note of what we’re doing here.
Hey everyone, just a quick note to let you know that I am still here! Sorry for the lack of posts for the last few days. I have been on a Migraine Vacation, which alas is not a vacation from migraines. Nope. I’ve just had a series of migraines (they always come in bunches for me) that have kept me from working on the blog.
Just a quick note to reassure regular We Hunted the Mammoth readers that this blog hasn’t turned into a #ResistTrump-only blog — despite what it might look like at the moment.
So hey. I’m not officially back on duty yet — I’ll be back sometime in the next couple of days — but I thought I’d seed a little discussion here with what I’m calling The Official We Hunted the Mammoth Book Recommendation Thread.
So I’ll be taking a few days off from the blog to clear my head of manosphere nonsense, do some non-blog reading, catch up on bad TV and work a bit on a few little side projects of mine. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken anything more than a day or two off from my WHTM duties and, well, I’m feeling a little not-so fresh. I hope to come back tanned, rested and ready, except not so much the “tanned” bit.