Just a note to let you all know why I haven’t been posting. My mother died last Friday. I hope to begin posting again soon, but right now I’m taking it a day at a time.
Category: announcements

So here it is, folks: the new We Hunted the Mammoth, which is exactly the same as the old We Hunted the Mammoth, but with a cleaner and more up-to-date look.

It’s time for a new look for the blog. The current custom WordPress theme has served this blog well for many years, but it’s getting a little long in the tooth, and has started to cause weird gltiches that don’t seem to have clear solutions. That’s what’s knocked the site offline several times in recent days.

So I’m going to appear on the Australian radio show Stop Everything on ABC RN tonight from 8-9 PM Eastern, talking about Gamergate and its legacy. (For those actually living down under, that converts to 10-11 AM Friday morning, Eastern Australian time.) The segment on Gamergate will take up roughly half of the hour-long show, but I’m not sure when in the hour that will be.
You can find the show here; it will be rerun several times and also put up as a podcast.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
We Hunted the Mammoth relies entirely on readers like you for its survival. If you appreciate our work, please send a few bucks our way! Thanks!

Hey, everyone. I’m still here. I’m just taking a break. Sometimes I need to step back and clear my head of the usual manosphere nonsense for a few days. But I’ll be back soon.

Dear readers,
I honestly don’t know what to say! I’m awed and humbled by your amazing response to the emergency fundraising appeal I put up yesterday. You’ve pulled me back from the financial brink and provided me with the resources I need to get through the next several months while I work to put the blog (and myself) on a more solid financial footing for the long term.
By David Futrelle
And so ends this somewhat extended pledge drive.
I’d like to offer a big “thanks” to everyone who’s donated. When I checked in with you all a few days ago, donations were coming in slowly and it looked like they would fall far short of what I need to keep this blog going. But thanks to a wave of donations since then we’ve gotten very close. If a few more of you can donate over the next few days, we’ll get there!
By David Futrelle
Today, I’m taking time out from the regular manosphere horribleness to recommend something nice.
By David Futrelle
Last year, a generous reader’s big donation enabled me to get rid of the most obtrusive ads on We Hunted the Mammoth. A few days ago, that same reader donated enough to enable me to get rid of the rest of the ads. Which is awesome.
By David Futrelle
The Spring 2018 kind of came to a weird close, with me knocked out for a couple of days by health crap. And then NEWS HAPPENED and so on and I didn’t have a chance to thank everyone who contributed.