alt-right anime nazis ironic nazis literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever trump twitter

Right-wing Trump fans now attacking Hillary for … sitting on stools

Donald Trump: Also known to sit down sometimes
Donald Trump: Also known to sit down sometimes

Juicebro lawyer/Trump superfan Mike Cernovich has been pushing the ridiculous and thoroughly debunked “Hillary Clinton is too physically frail to be President” theory for some time now.

Now he’s found DRAMATIC NEW EVIDENCE to support his dubious “sick Hillary” thesis: Photos and video footage of Hillary SITTING and sometimes LEANING ON stools at public events.

#gamergate alt-right anime nazis cuck FAAAAAKE! gullibility misogyny

Gawker successfully trolls idiots with fake men’s site called, wait for it, The Cuck

Not the official logo of The Cuck

Yesterday, as Gawker staffers drowned their sorrows in whatever booze they could get their hands on at a bare-bones farewell party of sorts for the once-mighty, now bankrupt internet media empire, a new site bearing the Gawker brand introduced itself to the world: The Cuck, a “new pop-up bespoke men’s interest site, for men.”

If the timing and the title weren’t enough to clue readers in to the fact that The Cuck was a joke, a quick glance at the official announcement should have convinced all but the dullest readers of this fact:

alpha males alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism antifeminism irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA no girls allowed PUA racism trump women's suffrage

Daily Stormer plans real-world “Army,” offering recruits firearms training, dating tips

Nazi PUA charming the ladies
Nazi PUA charming the ladies

The first rule of Nazi Fight Club, apparently, is that you do talk about Nazi Fight Club. Yesterday, internet Nazi rag The Daily Stormer announced plans to launch local chapters of an “IRL Troll Army” that will enable righteous white dudes “to prepare for the coming race war.”

"ethics" alt-right andrea hardie anime nazis anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies harassment hate speech literal nazis lying liars milo misogynoir misogyny sockpuppetry twitter

Twitter bans Milo for good, finally. But what about his goons?

Milo Yiannopoulos: A martyr, in his own mind
Milo Yiannopoulos: A martyr, in his own mind

So Twitter has finally given Milo Yiannopoulos the boot — apparently for good — after the Breitbart “journalist” gleefully participated in, and egged on, a vicious campaign of racist abuse directed at Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones on Twitter earlier this week.

"ethics" a new woman to hate alt-right anime nazis bullying empathy deficit entitled babies harassment literal nazis lying liars mantrum milo misogyny oppressed white men racism

The Internet’s worst people have a new woman to hate: Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones

Leslie Jones, badass
Leslie Jones, badass

[UPDATE: Milo has been banned for good from Twitter. My thoughts here.]

More than a year and a half of manbaby whining wasn’t enough to derail the opening weekend of the Ghostbusters reboot: the film took in a greater-than-expected $46 million in the US, and Sony is already talking about a sequel.

And so the Lady-Ghostbuster-haters have returned to their roots. And by that I mean harassing women. The woman they’ve chosen to target this time? Leslie Jones, who, in the tiny minds of her harassers, has two strikes against her: 1) she’s one of the stars of the Ghostbusters reboot and 2) she’s black.

alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism literal nazis trump twitter

The Daily Stormer hails Trump’s latest apparent Twitter wink to his neo-Nazi fanboys

Not subtle, dude, not subtle at all
Not subtle, dude, not subtle at all

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Donald Trump is known for his repeated “accidental” retweets of white supremacists, including one fellow with the lovely Twitter handle @WhiteGenocideTM.

alpha males alt-right anime nazis cuck homophobia racism

War breaks out between real cuckolds and the Nazi douchebags who call everyone “cucks”

If only
If only

The quarterly WHTM Pledge Drive continues! If you appreciate this blog, and can afford it, please click the “donate” button below. Thanks!

Like a lot of people, I’ve watched with a mixture of amusement and incredulity over the past year or so as the term “cuck” has become the insult of choice amongst the Anime Nazis and assorted other miscreants who make up the resurgent far right.

alt-right anime nazis antifeminism cuck Islamophobia

#Brexit fans respond to my last post with cuck-related insults, weird sexual fantasies

Anime Nazis celebrate the win for "Leave"
Anime Nazis celebrate the win for “Leave”

So my last post, highlighting some of the more obnoxious responses from Anime Nazis and other terrible people to the Brexit vote somehow managed to draw some even more obnoxious responses from other Anime Nazis and terrible people.

alt-right anime nazis empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert Islamophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sympathy for murderers terrorism

“The more Jo Coxes dead the better,” angry commenter informs me

A tribute to the slain Labour MP
A tribute to the slain Labour MP

The horrendous, deeply saddening Jo Cox murder has stirred up a lot of ugliness, some of which I wrote about yesterday.

alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism empathy deficit entitled babies memes trump

Memeday: If Donald Trump offers you a free helicopter ride, say no

As you'll see, the real Trump Helicopter Ride memes get a lot uglier than this
As you’ll see, the real Trump Helicopter Ride memes get a lot uglier than this

So I made a little mistake in my post yesterday. After quoting one Trump fan’s tweet celebrating the murder of British Labour MP Jo Cox, I noted that the same Trump fan had also suggested that a writer for Vox be treated to a “TRUMP HELICOPTER RIDE.”