With professional misogynist and accused human trafficker Andrew Tate out of the picture at the moment, it seems as though neo-Nazi troll Andrew Anglin is vying to become something of a Tate replacement in the affections of troubled young men, spouting reactionary Red Pill “wisdom” about women and giving advice to young men not altogether different from that proffered by the other Andrew.
Category: andrew anglin
So if you were wondering if Elon Musk was really going to open up the sewers and “amnesty” all the worst people who’ve ever been banned from Twitter, it sure looks like he’s doing just that. Today the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin, initially banned way back in 2013 for something truly terrible, we assume, is back and shitposting up a storm, as it were, on the increasingly Nazified social media platform.
It’s always a struggle, in the head of the Daily Stormer’s top Nazi Andrew Anglin, to decide whom he hates the most — the traditional Nazi favorites (Jews, people of color) or women of any race.
As hard as it may be to believe, Bill Cosby has his supporters, people who believe his word over that of 60 accusers — or who just don’t give a shit if he’s guilty or not.
The government’s eagerly anticipated report on UFOs came out yesterday — all nine pages of it. And it seems to have been a disappointment to almost everyone reading it. There was no grand alien reveal, jut a bunch of videos of “unidentified aerial phenomena” the government has been unable to explain. It leaves behind many more questions than answers.
Attention angry men! If you’re taking a cruise with your wife and she tells you she wants a divorce, the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin has some advice for you: don’t beat her to death in front of your children. No, just push her overboard when no one is looking.
In the wake of the attack on the Capitol on Wednesday, a wide variety of people, from FBI agents to Antifa activists, have been poring over photos and videos of the incident looking for familiar faces.
When Elliot Page came out as trans, many in the so-called “gender critical” movement acted as if something had been stolen from them. “We mourn the loss of lesbian Ellen Page to transgenderism,” wrote someone calling themselves Radical Lesbians. “We’re losing our already tiny pool of lesbians to the trans cult,” agreed a commenter called Liz-B-Ann on Saidit.
By David Futrelle
Roosh Valizadeh has finally gotten the boot from YouTube for “repeated or severe violations” of the site’s rules on hate speech. The final straw was apparently a livestream in which he suggested that Bratz dolls (remember them?) are a plot to “groom” young girls, masterminded by an evil Jewish CEO.
By David Futrelle
Andrew Anglin thinks the end is near — that the world as we know it will collapse within ten years due to what he sees as a “bizarre” overreaction to the coronavirus. After this particular apocalypse, the Nazi troll writes in a post on his Daily Stormer website, the remaining people of the world will be plunged into a dark and violent time in which they’ll have to struggle just to survive.
And that’s when, in Anglin’s eyes, things start to get fun.