advocacy of violence alt-right literal nazis oppressed white men racism today in breitbart comments

Today in Breitbart Comments: Carry a gun, in case you see more than one black person at the mall

Guns and shopping: Two things that do not go well together, except in the minds of Breitbart readers
Guns and shopping: Two things that do not go well together outside the minds of Breitbart readers

In this somewhat belated edition of Today in Breitbart Comments, let’s take a look at what Breitbarters are saying in response to a post titled “Despite ‘Mall Brawls,’ NAACP Calls Mall’s Curfew Discriminatory.”

As you might imagine, the discussion gets very ugly very quickly.

alt-right hillary clinton homophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny today in breitbart comments trump vaginas

Today in Breitbart Comments: Hillary’s … curtains

Breitbart boss turned Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon
Breitbart boss turned Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon

Welcome to the first installment of a new series here on We Hunted the Mammoth: Today in Breitbart Comments.

alt-right antifeminism creepy literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever oppressed white men racism

Looking for love with all the wrong racists: Neo-Nazis offer dating tips

The giant Nazi flag is a dead giveaway
The giant Nazi flag is a dead giveaway

Say what you want about the tenets of Internet Nazism, at least it offers lovelorn white supremacists handy dating advice.

all about the menz alt-right men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men oppressed white men penises racism return of kings

Porn’s huge dingles are a form of “psychological warfare” against men, Return of Kings insists

The hot dog is a lie!
The hot dog is a lie!

Brace yourself, fellas, because Return of Kings is about to blast you with THE TRUTH about those gigantic peens you find everywhere in porn — the TRUTH being that porn penises tend to be larger than the average penis in the real world.

alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism homophobia irony alert literal nazis milo misogyny

Alt-right Nazis thrilled to be the object of Hillary Clinton’s withering scorn

Hillary takes a whack at some Nazis
Hillary takes a whack at the Nazis

Back in college, at Cornell in the mid-eighties, I once enjoyed the distinct displeasure of being stuck in a discussion section with Ann Coulter. Not someone who looked or sounded or acted like Ann Coulter, but the actual Ann Coulter.

4chan 8chan alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism homophobia Islamophobia kitties literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever racism

After Hillary puts them in the spotlight, Nazis Nazi-splain the alt-right on Twitter

The alt-right offers a powerful rebuttal of Hillary's speech
The alt-right offers a powerful rebuttal of Hillary’s speech

The alt-right celebrated Hillary Clinton’s speech yesterday on the alt-right by posting a host of memes on Twitter purporting to explain what #AltRightMeans.

a voice for men alt-right andrea hardie antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs ironic nazis Islamophobia judgybitch misogyny MRA rape rape culture sockpuppetry twitter

JudgyBitch on marital rape, killing Trudeau, and why she thinks white skin is GOLD

The self-proclaimed Judgy Bitch is back
The self-proclaimed Judgy Bitch is back

I stand corrected: In a recent post I suggested that Andrea “JudgyBitch” Hardie, after at least two Twitter permabans, had been successfully kicked off the social media platform. As was pointed out to me shortly after I put up that post, she had already returned to Twitter with a new account. Welcome the new “Janet Bloomfield,” same as the old “Janet Bloomfield.”

alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males alt-right block that metaphor entitled babies evil fat fatties men who should not ever be with women ever PUA red pill return of kings

Return of Kings: “American girls are the greasy remnants of the meal we ate last night”

Your metaphor has arrived
Your metaphor has arrived

Cut a little slack for the dude who calls himself Tuthmosis Sonofra, one of the more repellant of the stable of “writers” who regularly contributes to the internet garbage fire that is Return of Kings. Why? Well, metaphors are hard. Especially when you try to draw them out to the length of a blog post.

alt-right anti-Semitism irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis memeday memes racism reddit trump

Memeday: A visit to Reddit’s horrifying haven for Trump fans, The_Donald

Remember this antisemitic anti-Hillary meme? The_Donald is trying to Googlebomb it to the top of the results for the word "corrupt"
Remember this antisemitic anti-Hillary meme? The_Donald is trying to Googlebomb it to the top of the results for the word “corrupt”

As Trump stumbles from one self-created crisis to another, the main hub of Trump support on Reddit is thriving. The_Donald now boasts more than 200,000 subscribers, many of them eager cyber-warriors who love nothing so much as Googlebombing anti-Hillary memes (like the one above) to the top of the search engines results, or flooding online polls with votes for the man they call their God Emperor.

alt-right anime nazis ironic nazis literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever trump twitter

Right-wing Trump fans now attacking Hillary for … sitting on stools

Donald Trump: Also known to sit down sometimes
Donald Trump: Also known to sit down sometimes

Juicebro lawyer/Trump superfan Mike Cernovich has been pushing the ridiculous and thoroughly debunked “Hillary Clinton is too physically frail to be President” theory for some time now.

Now he’s found DRAMATIC NEW EVIDENCE to support his dubious “sick Hillary” thesis: Photos and video footage of Hillary SITTING and sometimes LEANING ON stools at public events.