You might not think that a two-paragraph post about NFL ratings would inspire much, er, debate on Breitbart. You’d be wrong.
Category: alt-right
With election day here in the US less than two months away, Andrea Hardie has decided that maybe it would be ok if some women were allowed to vote after all.
Return of Kings, that burning internet dumpster fire of pickup artistry and Trumpian bigotry, has decided to go all grade-school on us this week, posting an essay that is basically an adult, alt-right version of the classic “what I did on my summer vacation” essay assignment.
A We Hunted the Mammoth EXCLUSIVE!!!! I have crudely photoshopped found a fake version of the mysterious and surprisingly sexy painting that Trump had his “charity” buy him for $20,000!
Alas, it is not quite as sexy as this actual real painting of Trump on display at Mar-a-Lago.
Today in Breitbart Comments: Breitbarters go all-out Nazi after learning that HBO blabber Bill Maher has declared that he would vote for Hillary Clinton even if she were dead rather than pull the lever for the “#TangerineNightmare” that is Donald Trump.
So, you’ve heard about the Hillary Body Double thing, right?
If not, basically what happened is that some nitwit Trump supporters noticed that Hillary Clinton looked a bit thinner than usual at a photo-op yesterday several hours after she so famously fainted at the 9/11 memorial.
So the alt-right now has a semi-official logo, introduced to the world by Richard Spencer, the guy who came up with the term in the first place, at a weird press-conference/debutante ball for the Nazi-based movement in Washington DC on Friday.
Here it is:
Spencer, who designed the logo himself, “said it had a young, futuristic look, in contrast to the flags and eagles that adorn the logos of the past,” according to Mother Jones.
But one aspect of the logo unintentionally recalls a rather memorable bit of white supremacist branding from years past — the infamous KKK hood. So I’ve taken the liberty of photoshopping-up what I think is a far more honest logo, which you can see at the top of the post.
It’s hard to overstate just how weird the press conference seems to have been. Its location was secret, so reporters had to go to another location first to learn where it really was — a technique popularized by raves in the late 80s and 90s.
“Reporters covering the event were instructed to go to the entrance of the Old Ebbitt Grill, near the White House,” Mother Jones notes.
There, they would encounter a man in a charcoal suit and brown tie who would reveal the new location of the conference.
During the press conference itself, Spencer proudly declared that the alt-right was free of “cucks,” and waxed poetic about what the world might be like if people like him ran it.
“If the alt-right were in power, we would all have arrived here via magnetic levitation trains,” he told the crowd, according to Mother Jones.
We would have passed by great forests and beautiful images of blond women in a wheat field with their hands, running them through the wheat.
Keep dreaming, dude.
But feel free to use my improved logo!
Hey, remember Matt Forney, the baby-headed white supremacist woman-hater? I wonder what he’s been up to.
In this late-night edition of Today in Breitbart Comments, let’s plunge into an ongoing debate between different factions of Breitbart’s alt-right fanbase.
Watch out! The Daily Stormer is coming for your children!