aggrieved entitlement alpha males alt-right creepy cuck daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism slut shaming

Alt-Right “traditionalists” don’t understand the world they want us to return to, part 973

Cover detail from Sept-Oct 1960 issue of “Going Steady,” a comic book aimed at teen girls

No one should be turning to the neo-Nazi online tabloid The Daily Stormer for dating advice, but on the off chance that you are, I have to warn you that they don’t know what they’re talking about.

aggrieved entitlement alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism daily stormer entitled babies light treason literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever nazis with guns racism

Nazis debate: How Nazi should Nazis be when they’re out Nazi-ing around in public?

Stealth Hitler: Who would ever guess he was a Nazi?

So roughly 150 neo-Nazis, alongside some alt-rightists who are basically Nazis but kind of like to pretend that they aren’t, went a-marching in Pikeville, Kentucky this past weekend, dressed to the 88s in an assortment of Nazi-esque uniforms, carrying flags festooned with swastikas and an assortment of other Nazi-ish symbols, chanting chants containing the word “heil” and occasionally breaking out in Nazi — sorry, “Roman” — salutes. A few even brought assault rifles along with them, in case they needed to invade Poland or something.

alt-right anti-Semitism cerno clickbait men who should not ever be with women ever trump

Mike Cernovich: The Soros of the far-right?

Mike Cernovich: Mr. Moneybags?

Did right-wing media troll and all-around terrible person Mike Cernovich just do the exact thing he’s been accusing financier George Soros of doing for months? Did Cernovich literally pay protesters to attend an event?

aggrieved entitlement alpha males alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism antifeminism daily stormer emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties harassment imaginary oppression internet tough guy irony alert literal nazis macho macho men men who should not ever be with women ever miscegenation misogyny oppressed white men racism slut shaming

White dudes! Defend your race by harassing women until they cry, Daily Stormer urges

Andrew Anglin has some issues

For an alleged defender of white womanhood, Andrew Anglin of the neo-Nazi tip sheet The Daily Stormer really seems to hate white women. In a post yesterday, Anglin urged his fellow racist white dudes to uplift their race by tearing “their” women down.

alt-right anti-Semitism entitled babies Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism twitter white genocide white supremacy

Dr. David Duke: White supremacist, dirty old man

David Duke, creepy grandpa

Aging white supremacist David Duke — or, as he insists, Dr. David Duke — may spend most of his time railing against Jews and Muslims and pretty much everyone who isn’t white (or, rather, white enough for his tastes).

alt-right anti-Semitism literal nazis twitter

Worst of Twitter: World Jew Watch kicks it old school

Sometimes the internet is just plain horrifying

I run across some truly appalling human beings on Twitter on an almost daily basis. So I got to thinking: Why not share some of the most terrible tweets from these unsung antiheroes of the internet with you, my readers, and ruin your day the way these tweets have ruined mine?

alt-right anti-Semitism drama kings entitled babies grandiosity Islamophobia literal nazis mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW playing the victim racism reactionary bullshit transphobia

Booger Sluts and She-Tornados: An unsolicited critique of We Hunted the Mammoth

Typical WHTM readers relaxing at home

We get letters. And sometimes they’re too good — and I use a very broad definition of “good” — not to share. So here’s one I got the other day from a fellow who calls himself MGTOWabunga, offering a rather detailed, er, critique of We Hunted the Mammoth and its readers.

advocacy of violence alt-right entitled babies literal nazis racism vox day

Vox Day: I won’t feel bad if leftists are killed

The future of civilization?

Terrible fantasy author and worse human being Theodore “Vox Day” Beale expects leftist “blood to be shed” at the hands of his alt-right pals at some point in the near future. And he’s ok with that. Hell, he seems positively giddy at the prospect.

/pol/ 4chan a new woman to hate advocacy of violence aggrieved entitlement alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism cuck daily stormer irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape culture

Whaa? Daily Stormer hails Berkeley puncher, demands teen girls be “forcibly married-off”

Turns out that very few teenage girls want to be forcibly married to Nazis

It’s not exactly a shock to discover that Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer, the internet Nazi tabloid, thinks it’s just swell that a fellow white supremacist sucker-punched a female antifascist activist in one of the many melees that broke out in and around an alt-right rally in Berkeley yesterday.

alpha males alt-right cerno drama kings

VIDEO: Drama King Mike Cernovich cries “I’m being assaulted” after terrifying gentle nudging at Austin rally

Mike Cernovich: Very salty

Correction: I thought this was at the Berkeley rally; it was actually in Austin.

Mike Cernovich has taken his clowning to a whole new level. Watch as “one of America’s leading jouirnalists [sic]” — as he describes himself on his website — is brutally assaulted by a bloodthirsty mob of SJWs at a Tax Day rally in Austin, TX.