alt-right anti-Semitism AntiFa literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever racism richard spencer terrorism trump

Neo-Nazis charged with attempted murder after shooting following Richard Spencer speech: Today in Tweets

Colton Fears, Tyler Tenbrink and Wiliam Fears, charged with attempted murder after shooting yesterday

By David Futrelle

Three white supremacists have been charged with attempted murder after one of them fired at a group of antifascist counterprotesters after a speech by neo-Nazi celebrity Richard Spencer at the University of Florida in Gaineville yesterday.

alt-right doggoes homophobia kitties trump twitter

Fake Melania, meet Donald Trump’s fake charitable contributions: Today in Tweets

There’s definitely something a bit … off about her eyes

By David Futrelle

When is Melania Trump not Melania Trump? When internet conspiracy theorists decide that the Melania Trump-looking lady standing next to our illegitimate president is a secret imposter. Never mind that this women is OBVIOUSLY MELANIA WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT.

"ethics" #gamergate alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism AntiFa empathy deficit entitled babies hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism YouTube

Ex-Ralph Retort politics editor charged with murdering his dad in a fight over a conspiracy theory

Accused murderer Lane “Seattle4Truth” Davis

By David Futrelle

In August, a Washington state man named Lane Davis was charged with first-degree murder after he allegedly stabbed his father to death in an argument over internet conspiracy theories about alleged leftist pedophile rings.

alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies gab homophobia hypocrisy irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism transphobia

“Vile Jews” and “Women With Potato-Bag Arses”: What They’re Talking About On Gab

Even cats are horrified by Gab

By David Futrelle

Do you ever find yourself wondering what they’re talking about over on Gab, the “free speech” alternative to Twitter that quickly turned into a playground for some of the worst human beings on the Internet?

alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism entitled babies immigrants Islamophobia men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism return of kings

Return of Kings: Keep immigrants out! Except for sexy lady immigrants, send more of those

Return of Kings dream girls

By David Futrelle

The fellas at garbage site Return of Kings have made their feelings about immigrants pretty clear. If you do a search for “immigrants” on the site, you get a lot of headlines like these:

alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism literal nazis lying liars racism

The 5 Nazi-est moments from Buzzfeed’s exposĆ© of the Milo/Breitbart alt-right sausage factory

Milo Yiannopoulos: Actually worse than you already thought

By David Futrelle

So you all need to drop whatever you’re doing to read Buzzfeed’s amazing exposĆ© of Breitbart’s use of conscienceless troll journalist Milo Yiannopoulos to push white supremacism into the American political mainstream (again).

alt-right andrew anglin daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies incel literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny

Daily Stormer takes break from Jew-hating to declare women “disgusting sex perverts”

This woman’s perversions include wearing very poorly fitting shirts

By David Futrelle

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the neo-Nazi hate site The Daily Stormer apart from the Incels subreddit. Case in point: A recent post on the site — which has returned to the public internet after being temporarily banished to the Dark Web — from Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin offering “Further Proof That Women are Disgusting Sex Perverts Who Must be Sanctioned by the State.”

alt-right AntiFa empathy deficit entitled babies racism white supremacy

Man drives truck into group of AntiFa protesters in Vancouver; apparently nobody gives a crap

The driver being taken into custody yesterday

By David Futrelle

Yesterday, at an alt-right “Patriot Prayer” rally in Vancouver, Washington, the driver of a Confederate-flag-bedecked truck sped backwards into a group of AntiFa counterprotesters; luckily those in his path were able to jump out of the way.

"ethics" /pol/ alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anime nazis anti-Semitism daily stormer entitled babies gab grandiosity homophobia hypocrisy infighting irony alert literal nazis lying liars memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim vox day

Vox Day thinks lying is great “persuasion.” Unless people are lying about him.

Vox cries moar

By David Futrelle

The last time we checked in on the execrable racist fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale, he was urging his followers to smear leftists by posting fake memes, ostensibly from AntiFa activists, advocating domestic violence against women and children. This kind of dishonesty, he proclaimed, was a particularly “effective” form of “persuasion” that only “spergsā€ could possibly oppose.

alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies false flag Islamophobia lying liars racism trump twitter

Trump has the best natural disasters: Today in Tweets

What a crowd!

By David Futrelle

The Trumps go to Texas. And other news.

Let’s go to the Tweets.