alpha males are these guys 12 years old? evo psych fairy tales hypergamy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny parody PUA racism that's not funny! transphobia

Is the “Bang Some Chicks” blog any better than the Pickup Artists it parodies?


I’ve been reading through the archives of Bang Some Chicks, a PUA parody blog featuring the imaginary exploits of the incredibly stupid chick-bangers F-Close Frank and DTF Dave and a couple of other faux PUAs.

What drew me to it was a post with the worrisome title “how to bang a native american chick” which I spotted via the Manosphere agglomerater blog Vive la Manosphere.

a woman is always to blame alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males bad boys beta males domestic violence excusing abuse men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys playing the victim PUA rhymes with roosh trigger warning western women suck whaaaaa?

Roosh’s Return of Kings blog: Tamerlan Tsarnaev had an American wife, therefore American women want to be beaten


Leave it to Roosh V’s Return of Kings blog to publish the most reprehensible thing I’ve yet seen related to the Boston Marathon bombing.

In a post with the lovely title “The American Woman Has Hit An All-Time Low,” guest blogger Samseau offers some thoughts – that is to say, wild, unsupported speculation – about the widow of bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and uses that as evidence in a case against American women as a whole, declaring her “a profound marker in the decline of the American woman.”

a woman is always to blame alpha males bad boys beta males boner rage creepy evil sexy ladies evo psych fairy tales men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny nice guys oppressed men playing the victim PUA rape rape culture

NEWS FLASH: Women aren’t the mysterious creatures that Nice Guys ™ — and predators — like to pretend that they are

Consent: Not actually that hard to recognize.
Consent: Not actually that hard to recognize.

Blog posts by the New Misogynists I write about here often seem to be little more than combinations and recombinations of a relatively small number of very bad ideas. Today, let’s look at a blog post from a “conservative libertarian” and creepy Nice Guy ™ who identifies himself only as TIC, which combines a bit of “consent is hard” and “women only like bad boys” with some muddled notions from Evo Psych to conclude that women are such mysterious creatures that no one could possibly know what they really want — and so therefore it’s women who are the ones who are really responsible when they get raped.

$MONEY$ alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males antifeminism bad boys beta males boner rage evil women evo psych fairy tales markymark men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny taking pleasure in women's pain western women suck

The Slut Who Got Ugly and Sad: The Manosphere’s favorite fairy tale

Manosphere dudes want every story to end like this.
Manosphere dudes want every story to end like this.

Gather ‘round the fire for yet another retelling of what may be the Manosphere’s favorite fairy tale. You know, the one about the evil ladies who have lots of sex with “bad boys” in their early twenties, only to panic a few years later and desperately try to attach themselves to hardworking beta schlubs once they realize that their looks are fading. You know, like that lady riding the rooster that alternates with the mammoth in the Man Boobz header graphic.

a woman is always to blame alpha males are these guys 12 years old? evil sexy ladies evil women imaginary oppression incel men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA

Getting their PUAHate on

Early PUAs hold a "boot camp" on a beach.
Early PUAs hold a “boot camp” on a beach. is an … interesting place. A site for debunking the ridiculous claims and shitty behavior of Pickup Artists? Sounds great – at least until you realize that the denizens are mostly dudes who hate PUAs for all the wrong reasons. That is, they hate PUAs not so much for being manipulative scumbags but for being ineffective manipulative scumbags — whose alleged magic formulas for bedding the hot babes don’t really work.

The other day I was introduced to a fledgling Twitter account, @puahate_txt, which reposts hilariously awful comments from This inspired me to take another look at the site and do a little poking around for awful quotes on my own. They weren’t hard to find. (It’s harder, really, to find comments that aren’t awful.)

Here’s one charming fellow, who calls himself ToadLookingMaggot, and who holds a grudge against the entire female gender because of a $3 loan gone awry.

After reading ” The manipulated man ” i saw women really for what they where, little selfish Moneysucking vampire Whores.

This rinsing stuff starts in high school if not earlier they try to leech money, food, free rides and basically anything that benefits them in some kind of form. I borrowed a female 3 dollars for meal a meal one time, for months she said that she was going to let me have it and in the end i never got them back.

It doesn’t matter if it’s 2 dollars or 2.000 dollars there freaks never pay you back. Only idiots buy drinks for women.

Men are ruining women because they let them get away with anything. Never in my life will i ever spend money on women unless we pay 5050 on a date.

Uh, obvious question here, but if you hate women, and think that they’re all “Moneysucking vampire Whores,” WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DATE THEM? I’m pretty sure that you’re not going to find many interested in you either, at least not after they get a whiff of your personality.

And that’s your PERSONALITY, not your looks. PUAhaters seem obsessed with the notion that women only date male models, and spend a lot of time bemoaning their own looks – I just quoted a guy who describes himself as a ToadLookingMaggot, after all. Yet whenever they post pictures of themselves they seem to be completely normal, average, not-actually-bad-looking-at-all guys. Guys, your problem isn’t your lack of beauty on the outside. What’s ugly is your attitudes.

Speaking of which, here’s RomanCitizen, a self-described Incel, lamenting that life is sad to all but the “top 10%” of men? Why? Because ladies walk around looking all pretty, yet for some reason they do not allow RomanCitizen to fuck them.

The life of man is a sad one

Excluding the top 10%.

Born into a world of plenty, of abundance, of denial.

See, smell, imagine.

Do not taste, touch, feel.

Like a caged animal in a harem, fed only occasionally fish heads (scraps in the game).

And when the caged animal gets the fish head (scrap), he is happy and rationalizes his pitiful existence, like many men …

But, the cage is still a cage. A fish head – still a fish head.

PROTIP: If you think of the women you don’t find sufficiently desirable as “fish heads,” and walk around in a perpetual boner-rage, you’re probably not going to seem especially charming to the women you do find desirable. Or to anyone else except perhaps the denizens of And not all of them, either.

a woman is always to blame alpha males bad boys beta males creep-shaming cuckolding evil women false accusations manginas men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misandry misogyny sexual abuse

Oh, Brother! Gun-toting MGTOWer rejected by Big Brother program

No, not THAT Big Brother
No, not THAT Big Brother

Life is tough for dudes in our evil misandryarchy. Even dudes who just want to help littler dudes find themselves blocked by evil women.

Take, for example, the sad tale of a public-spirited MGTOWer who calls himself TheDisgruntledGentleman, and his thwarted attempt to join the Big Brother/Big Sister program. No, not the TV show, or the creepy dystopian leader/voyeur from 1984 — the mentoring program that pairs adults with at-risk kids. Let’s let him explain:

alpha males bad boys cock blockade creepy cuckolding disgusting women evil women men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA precious bodily fluids reddit sluts

Possibly fake MGTOW confesses: “I [felt] dirtied by the moral corruption of sluts.”

Men Going Their Own Way, quickly
Men Going Their Own Way, quickly

I’ve found my new favorite Men’s Rights Redditor. Brand new, really, as gonemgtow’s account is only two days old. This comment, his very first, is so loopy — yet also so true to manosphere ideology — that I can’t help but suspect that it’s an inspired hoax — and possibly even the work of one of the old banned trolls here. (I have one in particular in mind.) If not, wow.

I’ve taken the liberty of breaking his wall o’ text into readable paragraphs. Enjoy. Oh, if you’re at work, don’t read this out loud, as it starts off with a bang, NSFW-wise.

alpha males antifeminism beta males chartbusting evo psych fairy tales hypocrisy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men oppressed white men playing the victim racism rape jokes rapey reactionary bullshit rhymes with roosh shit that never happened

Roosh fan: Black and White Unite to Fight … the evil feminist white-male bashers! (Also: a terrible chart.)

I think we can all agree that the REAL problem is all those damn women's libbers
I think we men can all agree that the REAL problem is those damn women’s libbers

So when I was poking around on Roosh’s Return of Kings blog the other day I ran across a guest post from someone calling himself Samseau accusing feminists of using racism to exploit men – that is, of expertly manipulating men of different races to fight one another instead of standing firm against the evil feminists and their evil agenda.

The post, while purporting to be somehow “above” the issue of race, is a muddled mess full of “white men have it worst” nonsense like this:

alpha males antifeminism beta males creepy evil fat fatties facebook makes women all stuck up I'm totally being sarcastic manginas men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed men PUA rhymes with roosh vaginas white knights

Women with self-esteem: A grave threat to modern man

Man making a woman worthless
Man making a woman worthless

Hey, horny “nice guys,” you know how you’re always saying nice things to girls and sometimes telling they’re pretty in hopes they decide to sleep with you? Or just gawking at them at the gym?

Turns out that this isn’t such a good thing. Not so much because, you know, staring at women like you’re a serial killer might just creep a lot of women out. But because all this attention might well turn these women into stuck-up you-know-whats, which is a major pain for the world’s horny guys.

alpha asshole cock carousel alpha males armageddon beta males contraception evo psych fairy tales grandiosity heartiste hypergamy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny precious bodily fluids PUA

On Popes, PUAs, The Pill and the Alpha A-hole Cock Carousel

I'm pretty sure this is nt how birth control actually works.
I’m pretty sure this isn’t how birth control actually works.

You might think that Pickup Artists, dudes obsessed with sexing up the young fertile lasses, would be huge fans of contraceptives – which, after all, are what makes their particular lifestyle possible. But some prominent PUAs are about as enthusiastic about contraception as a Pope.

In the case of the charming fellow who calls himself Heartiste, I mean this literally. In a recent posting, he quotes approvingly from Pope Paul VI’s 1968 Humanae Vitae dissing contraceptives for allegedly demeaning the women that use them. Paul suggested that contraception may cause men to

lose respect for the woman and, no longer caring for her physical and psychological equilibrium, may come to the point of considering her as a mere instrument of selfish enjoyment, and no longer as his respected and beloved companion.

I’m no Pope, but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work that way.