allegedly false accusations men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW asks: Can I refuse to teach women guitar — so they won’t falsely accuse me of rape?

Guitar Going its Own Way
Guitar Going its Own Way

Life is tough for the modern Man Going His Own Way. Not only does he have to protect himself from real women who’ve got the hots for his resources, but he’s got to worry about hypothetical women as well!

a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence allegedly false accusations gaslighting ironic nazis literal nazis lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny TROOOLLLL!! trump

Donald Trump: Could he become America’s first troll president?

The similarity goes beyond the hair
The similarity goes beyond the hair

Donald Trump is probably the most casually dishonest serious candidate for president that this country has ever seen. He lies so easily, so shamelessly, and so regularly that media outlets have largely given up trying to factcheck his more, er, problematic assertions.

allegedly false accusations creepy irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever PUA rape rape culture rhymes with roosh

Roosh Threatens to Sue Blogger Who Told The Story of a Woman Accusing Him of Rape

Roosh at a Ukrainian cafe
Roosh at a Ukrainian cafe

Ten days ago, author ​S. Jane Gari wrote an explosive blog post (which I wrote about here) about the now notorious pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh. In the post Gari relayed what she said was the story of an Icelandic woman who claims that Roosh raped her several years ago after following her home from a Reykjavik bar.

a voice for men allegedly false accusations antifeminism entitled babies grandiosity gynocracy incoherent rage irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA PUA rape rape culture red pill rhymes with roosh

Misogynist shocked that people think he has anything in common with other misogynist

MRAs are shocked, shocked that anyone might think they have anythhg in common with Roosh
MRAs are stunned that anyone might think they have anything in common with Roosh

Yesterday, I wrote about former A Voice for Men Number Two Boy Dean Esmay’s weird and hyperbolic AVFM post attacking Roosh Valizadeh, the scummy pickup artist that a previous AVFM post had described as a “deep thinker” and “a layered, tempered and earnest guy, who truly wants to help other men.”

Today I’d like to bring to your attention another, even weirder attack on Roosh that ran in AVFM alongside Esmay’s post. In “Roosh Rage,” longtime AVFM commenter Bryan Scandrett angrily denounced what he described variously as the “The Greatest Rape Hoax Ever,” “The MSM Global Rape Hoax,” and “the Great MSM Rape Hoax.”

a voice for men a woman is always to blame allegedly false accusations empathy deficit entitled babies evil moms memes men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA paranoia red pill

Memeday: Dads! Punish Your Baby’s Mama With Valentine’s Day Dinner at McDonalds

Wait, what?
Wait, what?

It’s Friday again, and that means memes. Today’s batch comes fresh from the A Voice for Men Facebook page. AVFM may be in the middle of a slow-motion collapse, but they’re still doing an amazing job making and/or disseminating almost completely incomprehensible memes.

a voice for men allegedly false accusations creepy evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape culture reddit sage gerard would not bang

Read legal etchings before you knead kegel stretchings: MRAs fight false accusations with baffling new condom-wrapper taglines


So Men’s Rights creeper Sage Gerard (aka Victor Zen) has decided to fight against the alleged epidemic of false rape accusations by giving out and/or selling condoms with really stupid slogans on them.

He recently popped up in the Men’s Rights subreddit to publicize his campaign and to ask for advice on which of six stupid slogans he should use. You can see them all in the graphic above. Yes, those are his real slogans.

a voice for men allegedly false accusations antifeminism crackpottery creepy dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about evil sexy ladies imaginary backwards land mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA patriarchy rape rape culture reactionary bullshit woman's suffrage

5 Untrue Things I Learned from AVFM’s 8th Post Defending Bill Cosby

Cotton Mather: He came in liketh a wrecking ball
Cotton Mather: He cameth in like a wrecking ball

When you have nothing to say, say it about Cosby.

Yesterday, Men’s Rights garbage site A Voice for Men doubled tripled quadrupled quintupled sextupled septupled octupled-down on its Bill Cosby apologia with an overwrought, overwritten, often barely comprehensible 3000 word opus titled “Why I despise Mass Media and love The Coz” by self-described “libertarian/market anarchist” B.R. Merrick.

#gamergate a new woman to hate allegedly false accusations antifeminism bullying creepy dark enlightenment doubling down douchebaggery drama kings entitled babies evil SJWs harassment hate hypocrisy internet tough guy irony alert mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape culture reactionary bullshit red pill rhymes with roosh threats

Pickup guru Roosh V thinks he’s beaten those opposing his talk tomorrow in Montreal. In fact, he’s proved their point.

Roosh V: Bro is definitely mad
Roosh V: Bro is definitely mad

Tomorrow, pickup artist and rape legalization proponent Roosh Valizadeh’s four-country “world tour” comes to Montreal, Canada and it’s fair to say it has hit a few snags.

The first little snag, as you may already have heard, was a petition asking the Canadian government to bar Roosh’s entry into the country as a literal hatemonger. It drew nearly 14,000 signatures, while a counter-petition, demanding that Roosh be let in, has so far managed to get six.

The snags continue. Though the wily Roosh has apparently been able to make his way over the border, he wasn’t able to keep the Montreal hotel originally scheduled to hold his event from cancelling on him, in the wake of complaints from local activists and some less-than-adoring media coverage of the terrible Mr. V.

a voice for men allegedly false accusations antifeminism drama entitled babies judgybitch lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam rape rape culture schadenfreude

What happened when A Voice for Men’s News Director tried to publish an anti-Cosby post on that terrible site

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's all true, you piece of shit.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s all true, you piece of shit.

A Voice for Men, the World’s Greatest Grandpa of Men’s Rights sites, prides itself on the intellectual and political diversity of its writers.

The site has published articles by Holocaust-denying marital-rape advocates — and from dudes who think that the Holocaust happened and that marital rape shouldn’t happen. It has published articles lauding the rape legalization proponent and “pickup artist” Roosh V as a deep thinker” deserving nothing but respect — and articles denouncing him and other PUAs as excessively chivalrous flatterers engaging in “a scripted game of women-worship.” AVFM publishes articles attacking “bitches” alongside articles dissing “whores.”

What they won’t publish? Articles suggesting that Bill Cosby probably is guilty of some or all of the rapes he’s been accused of.

allegedly false accusations douchebaggery entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever rape rape culture threats

Donald Trump: Not guilty of rape by reason of polling better than Jeb Bush?

Donald Trump on the man who reported Ivana Trump’s allegations: “He is a guy that is an unattractive guy.”

People in glass Trump Towers shouldn’t throw stones — or, perhaps, throw around accusations of rape, as one Donald Trump did recently in his now infamous remarks suggesting that Mexican immigrants are a bunch of rapists.

A must-read story yesterday in The Daily Beast points out that Trump is not only a rape accuser of sorts, but someone who was once very publicly accused of rape — by his now-former wife Ivana Trump, who, in a deposition in her divorce case against the Donald in the early 90s, said that she’s been attacked one night by her then husband in a fit of rage, screaming at her and pulling out her hair before ripping off her clothes and raping her.