By David Futrelle
On Monday, porn star Ron Jeremy was hit with 20 new charges of rape or sexual assault involving 12 women and a teenage girl, on top of the charges he already faced for allegedly raping or assaulting four women.
By David Futrelle
On Monday, porn star Ron Jeremy was hit with 20 new charges of rape or sexual assault involving 12 women and a teenage girl, on top of the charges he already faced for allegedly raping or assaulting four women.
By David Futrelle
Last week, game designer and Gamergate nemesis Zoe Quinn publicly accused indie game developer Alec Holowka of being abusive during, and vindictive after, a brief relationship the two had some years ago. Several others stepped forward with similar accusations.
Now the story has gotten sadder and uglier: Holowka has reportedly died by suicide. And those we might call the Eternal Gamergaters have taken to the internet en masse to accuse Quinn (and in a few cases, Holowka’s own sister) of causing his death.
By David Futrelle
The good gentlemen who make up the Men Going Their Own Way movement talk about women rather a lot — mostly because they hate them so much.
By David Futrelle
Today in Portland, members of far-right street gang Patriot Prayer and assorted other brawlers on the fascist right are rallying around the banner of #HimToo, a trollish antifeminist response to the #MeToo movement suggesting that many rape accusations are simply false.
By David Futrelle
The last time I wrote about far-right fake-news site The Gateway Pundit, it was because one of the site’s writers couldn’t stop referring to the men in the famous Honduran refugee caravan as “virile.” Yesterday, the site was in the news for a rather different reason: for posting what it called “EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS” allegedly showing that a “very credible witness” was about to come forward and accuse Special Counsel Robert Mueller of rape.
The Spring 2018 WHTM pledge drive is on! Please donate generously to spite Paul Elam! Thanks!
By David Futrelle
I don’t check Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men all that often these days — the world has largely moved on from it and so have I — but I stopped by there yesterday while working on my post about the odious Don Blankenship, and happened to notice that the one and only Paul Elam had weighed in on the Cosby GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY verdict in a post whose title declared bluntly that “we’re all Bill Cosby now.”
By David Futrelle
Sorry I was out of commission yesterday! This is part of the reason why: my latest piece on The Cut about education secretary Betsy DeVos’s new campus rape policy, which turns out to be not really much of a policy at all.
By David Futrelle
White supremacist blogger Matt Forney certainly picked a dramatic way to announce he would no longer be affiliating with the alt-right. In a Facebook posting several days ago, which he subsequently deleted, Forney declared that the internet-enabled fascist movement had become “a coven for homosexual pedophiles.”
Much like a fart, but much larger and alive, Scott Baio is one of those celebrity has-beens who has managed to linger in the public consciousness for decades without contributing anything of value to the world. He’s also one of the few celebs who’s openly supported Unpresident-Elect Donald Trump.