a voice for men alpha males antifeminism beta males butts creepy drama entitled babies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam penises post contains sarcasm princesses PUA rape red pill reddit rhymes with roosh yeah that's the ticket

Criticized for posting a puffball interview with PUA dirtbag Roosh V, Paul Elam reassures readers he knows how to get his dick wet

Paul Elam: The ladies want summa dis
Paul Elam: The ladies want summa dis

A couple of days ago, A Voice for Men posted the first half of what will evidently be a nine-zillion-word interview with none other than Roosh Valizadeh — you know, the far-right racist shithead who just semi-seriously proposed legalizing rape as a way, he says, to end it. Oh, and he also once admitted to raping a woman.

While AVFM is pretty hateful itself, some MRAs were a bit nonplussed to see a post on the most influential Men’s Rights site on the internet describing Roosh, who’s also repeatedly attacked the Men’s Rights movement, as “a layered, tempered and earnest guy, who truly wants to help other men in their most basic and primal of life goals; a deep thinker, a powerful communicator … I got nothing but respect for the guy.”

Over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a couple of commenters raked AVFM and its Maximum Leader over the coals for opening his site up to a dude whose ideology is hard to distinguish from actual fascism.  Lauzon, a feminism-hating subreddit regular, wrote:

a voice for men antifeminism crackpottery creepy do you even lift drama kings entitled babies female beep boop gender policing imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats post contains sarcasm rape culture reactionary bullshit shaming tactics twitter vaginas whores

Attila vs the Lynch Mob Cult Savages: A Case Study in Twitter "Activism"

Attila Vinczer: The Men's Rights Revolution Will Be Well-Hydrated
Attila Vinczer: The Men’s Rights Revolution Will Be Well-Hydrated

Today, the first in what will be an occasional series of posts on the Twitter activity — sorry, “activism” — of Men’s Rights Activists and other misbegotten misogynistic miscreants.

Sorry about the cheap alliteration at the end of the sentence there, but I’ve spent the last few hours reading  Tweets from Attila Vinczer (@Alvhun) and I guess his penchant for tacky rhetorical special effects has rubbed off on me a little.

Attila, the “Activism Director” for Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, is an energetic Twitter “activist.” While not quite as hateful or vicious as his colleagues Dean Esmay or the now-banned Judgy Bitch (aka Janet Bloomfield), Attila has developed a Twitter style all his own, spewing forth minor masterpieces of overwrought incoherence that are the unintentional result of his attempts to pull off complicated literary maneuvers without a mastery of the basics. There is a kind of poetry to them.

a voice for men gross incompetence irony alert misogyny MRA paul elam schadenfreude

A Voice for Men's fake site proudly reposts an article on domestic violence plagiarizing from Amanda Marcotte

Not the same as writing
Not the same as writing

On Sunday, Paul Elam, head cheese of A Voice for Men, proudly announced that his colleagues at the phony website were republishing a kind of shitty article on domestic violence by Tanveer Ahmed, a columnist for the Australian and a man Elam described as an “esteemed psychiatrist, author, [and] media regular.”

Wait, did I say he was a columnist for the Australian? Make that former columnist. The Guardian reports that the Australian has just fired Ahmed – for plagiarizing a chunk of the very article that Elam has just republished.

a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women cupcake Dean Esmay entitled babies imaginary oppression judgybitch misogyny MRA YouTube

The ridiculous Men's Rights Activists on last night's Parks and Rec? Nowhere near as ridiculous as real MRAs

The "Male Men" on Parks and Rec
The “Male Men” on Parks and Rec

So Parks and Recreation had its Men’s Rights episode last night.

Well, sort of: A gaggle of MRAs made a few appearances in the ep, as one of the obstacles that Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) has to contend with as the wife of a political candidate.

There were a few great moments:

#gamergate a voice for men anti-Semitism antifeminism antifeminist women crackpottery Dean Esmay entitled babies I know you are but what am I irony alert lying liars misogyny MRA paul elam post contains sarcasm Suzanne McCarley

The Most A-Voice-for-Menny A Voice for Men Thread Ever

Actual "meme" designed by AVFM's Attila Vinczer
Actual “meme” designed by AVFM’s Attila Vinczer

Oh, people. I would really like to take a little vacation from all the A Voice for Men posts, but as it turns out I have found the most A-Voice-for-Menny AVFM thread ever, and I must share it with you.

Ok, so a couple of days ago, AVFM’s Dear Leader Paul Elam posted an uncharacteristically brief video titled “A 41 second lesson for Adam Serwer and the mainstream media.” It consisted of a 41-second snippet of Elam’s phone interview with Buzzfeed’s Adam Serwer, one of the authors of that scathing expose of Elam, in which Elam boasts to Serwer about how much traffic AVFM gets every time there is a news article reporting what an utterly terrible person he is. (I’m loosely paraphrasing here; as far as I can tell, Elam is not actually aware he is a terrible person.)

a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam the spearhead whaaaaa?

The Spearhead: Paul Elam's dickishness is the fault of feminism

This picture makes more sense than WF Price's argument
This picture makes more sense than WF Price’s argument

So this is an … interesting reaction to that Buzzfeed piece about Paul Elam. And by “interesting” I mean “WTF?”

Over on The Spearhead — remember The Spearhead, home to some of the crankiest misogynists on the Internet? — our old friend WF Price offers a rather unique analysis of Elam’s life story.

a voice for men antifeminism creepy MRA twitter

I pointed out that some MRAs may have bought tens of thousands of fake Twitter followers. Then some kind soul bought me a thousand of my own.

Fake Twitter followers Also not such a great gift
Fake Twitter followers Also not such a great gift

So last week I pointed out that several A Voice for Menners, as well as one of #GamerGate’s E-list celebrities, had managed to amass impressive armies of fake Twitter followers — more than 70,000 amongst the four of them. Generally speaking, one does not get that many fake followers unless one literally buy them from the sort of sleazy people who make a living selling fake Twitter followers in order to make oneself appear more popular.

The next day some generous soul bought me well over a thousand fake followers to call my own. When I wrote my post, I had a bit more than 5000 followers. Now I have more than 7000, with most of the new additions obviously fake accounts with Russian names, a tiny handful of spammy Tweets to their credit, and pretty much zero followers of their own. Here are a couple of them:

a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam sluts

Paul Elam and his followers respond to Buzzfeed's devastating profile with evasion, excuses, and attacks on Elam's ex-wife.

AVFM circles the wagon.
AVFM circles the wagon.

A Voice for Men’s embattled Grand Wizard Paul Elam and his followers have responded to Buzzfeed’s devastating profile of him in some predictable ways, and in a few less predictable ones.

If you’re read the Buzzfeed piece – and if you haven’t, you really, really should – you know that it devoted a lot of time to the sad and sordid history of Elam’s three marriages and the even more sad and sordid story of the daughter he abandoned.

In a long and rambling post on Buzzfeed’s piece, Elam – all too predictably – goes after “Susan,” his first wife and the only one of his three ex-wives who was willing to talk on the record, trying his best to destroy her credibility by portraying her, essentially, as a lying slut.

Elam miraculously, and probably with considerable effort, managed to avoid the s-word – a favorite of writers on his site. But his attempts to slut-shame her are as transparent as glass.

a voice for men a woman is always to blame advocacy of violence men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam Uncategorized

Attention Buzzfeed readers: Here's more, much more, about the charming Paul Elam

Paul Elam, saying something terrible, probably.
Paul Elam, saying something terrible, probably.

For those coming here from the excellent Buzzfeed article on Paul Elam, here are some posts of mine that will give you an even fuller picture of this not only sleazy but dangerous man and the little army of fanatical assholes he has assembled to pester and often outright harass (mostly) women online.

Start here:

Paul Elam of A Voice for Men: In His Own Words

Aside from some of the information Buzzfeed found out about him, nothing is more damning to Elam than his own words.

Here are some posts on Elam’s  peculiar approach to “activism,” which generally involves harassing individual women.

7 Tactics of Highly Effective Harassers: How A Voice for Men’s Internet Hate Machine works

Elam falsely accuses a random woman of trashing applications from white men while working for a college admissions office.

Elam Launches a Hate Campaign Against a College Student for Attending a Demonstration and Making Twitter Jokes

Paul Elam, you’re no MLK: A Voice for Men offers a $100 bounty for a clear photo of its latest feminist foe

Here’s a post on the phony “offenders registry” Elam and company put up in order to demonize feminists and other women they don’t like by posting unflattering profiles of them alongside actual female murderers and sex offenders.

Register-Her was a Fake “Offenders Registry” Run By Misogynists, Designed to Vilify and Intimidate Women

And here are a couple of posts on AVFM’s attempt to co-opt the name and the reputation of the White Ribbon anti-domestic violence campaign:

A Voice for Men has set up a phony White Ribbon website to coopt the international anti-violence campaign of that name — and raise some money using the name.

Some posts that quote Elam’s perverse justifications for violence against women:

Paul Elam: “If a woman five feet tall and 110 pounds soaking wet hits me, I am going to hit her back.”

She deserved the ass-kicking of a lifetime: Elam justifies violence against women in a disturbing short story

Paul Elam, you’re no Jonathan Swift

And then there was this:

Paul Elam, alleged human rights champion, tells me to kill myself

And a few, er, lighter reads on the man:

Elam to A Voice for Men conference goers: Don’t say terrible things about women in public, because someone might hear you

A Voice for Men’s Paul Elam and Dean Esmay explain the proper slurs to use for “nasty women.”

Elam: “This world deserves a jerk on the collar and a slap across the face and the flying spittle of rage.”

Elam on “stupid lying whores,” Rebecca Watson, and how he never claims to be a victim even though he totally is one.

(This last one is about a post he wrote attacking Skepchick founder Watson in which he used the word “whore” literally two dozen times.)

And there are more in the archives if you want to search for them.

I guess I kind of write about him a lot, huh?

Well, for better or worse, he’s the most prominent and influential Men’s Rights Activist out there. For now.

a voice for men antifeminism emotional abuse empathy deficit entitled babies go read this hypocrisy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam

Stop what you're doing, and GO READ THE BUZZFEED EXPOSE OF A VOICE FOR MEN'S PAUL ELAM. (SPOILER: He's even worse than you think)

Paul Elam quite literally in the middle of explaining how the media treats him so unfairly.
Paul Elam complaining that the media treats him like the terrible person he is.

If you’re a regular, or semi-regular, or even just an occasional reader of this blog, you need to stop reading this post right now and read Buzzfeed’s astonishing expose of A Voice for Men’s Paul Elam instead.

SPOILER ALERT: He’s an even bigger hypocrite than you think he is.

Here’s the link. Right here. Click on it now. Click. Now. Click.

If you need a bit more convincing: Buzzfeed’s long and meticulous examination of alleged “men’s human rights” activist Elam, written by Adam Serwer and Katie Baker, delves deep into Paul’s often sordid personal history, including his drug use, his numerous failed marriages, and the alternately depressing and infuriating story of the daughter he abandoned, who forgave and reunited with him as an adult, and who is now estranged from him again.