a voice for men MRA yeah that's the ticket

Yeastward ho! A Voice for Men heads in a radically yeasty new direction


Yes, that’s right: the top “featured article” on A Voice for Men today is titled:

Unique yeast evolutionary events made lager beer history

The post in question — reprinted from — is an example of the bold new direction for AVFM that site founder and chief tantrum-thrower Paul Elam announced proudly a little over a month ago, and which, he explained, was proof of AVFM’s great success in “chang[ing] the public narrative about sexual politics.”

a voice for men advocacy of violence attention seeking empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paranoia paul elam threats

MRA Paul Elam: If a feminist pours a drink on me, I’d be justified in killing her

Paul Elam: Might kill you for pouring a drink on him
Paul Elam: Might kill you for pouring a drink on him

Apparently jealous of all the media attention being paid to the Montreal misadventures of PUA shitweasel Roosh Valizadeh, the recipient of an unwanted beer bath at the hands of an angry feminist this past Saturday night, MRA shitweasel Paul Elam has announced to the world that if any lady feminists try that with him, he’ll punch their lights out.

Hell, he adds, he might even kill them. And he thinks he would be completely justified in doing so. 

a voice for men allegedly false accusations antifeminism drama entitled babies judgybitch lying liars men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam rape rape culture schadenfreude

What happened when A Voice for Men’s News Director tried to publish an anti-Cosby post on that terrible site

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's all true, you piece of shit.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s all true, you piece of shit.

A Voice for Men, the World’s Greatest Grandpa of Men’s Rights sites, prides itself on the intellectual and political diversity of its writers.

The site has published articles by Holocaust-denying marital-rape advocates — and from dudes who think that the Holocaust happened and that marital rape shouldn’t happen. It has published articles lauding the rape legalization proponent and “pickup artist” Roosh V as a deep thinker” deserving nothing but respect — and articles denouncing him and other PUAs as excessively chivalrous flatterers engaging in “a scripted game of women-worship.” AVFM publishes articles attacking “bitches” alongside articles dissing “whores.”

What they won’t publish? Articles suggesting that Bill Cosby probably is guilty of some or all of the rapes he’s been accused of.

a voice for men antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil lying women gross incompetence men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture

Bill Cosby’s deposition shows he “loves beautiful women, and they love him right back,” explains A Voice for Men writer

This is a real thing that exists
This is a real thing that exists

Earlier this month, A Voice for Men published a post by its founder, the reliably odious Paul Elam, with the lovely title

Bill Cosby’s victims? Or just a bunch of drug whoring star fuckers?

In it, Elam suggested that Cosby’s 46 (so far) accusers were nothing “a bunch of greedy women who commoditized their bodies like groupies” in order to get drugs from the comedian, indulging in an age-old transactional sort of sex that Elam referred to, with his customary delicacy, as “gash for stash.”

I didn’t think AVFM’s ongoing, er, coverage of Cosby could get any more ludicrous than that. Then yesterday a post by Jonathan David Farley appeared on the site with the headline:

#gamergate a voice for men antifeminism crackpottery creepy Dean Esmay dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit entitled babies harassment hate misogyny MRA oppressed white men racism straw feminists twitter

Newly free from A Voice for Men, Dean Esmay continues on being a douchebag

Dean Esmay's Opinions: Still Terrible
Dean Esmay’s Opinions: Still Terrible

When the lovely Dean Esmay jumped (or was pushed) off the good ship A Voice for Men last week, we were told that he intended to “take his activism in a different direction.”

So far that “new direction” looks suspiciously like the “old direction.” While Esmay has reduced the frequency of his intemperate, accusatory, free-associational Tweets from a flood to a trickle, he hasn’t stopped Tweeting — apparently his primary form of “Activism” for now — and his Tweets are as intemperate, accusatory, and free-associational as ever. 

a voice for men a woman is always to blame antifeminism antifeminist women attention seeking evil black women evil single moms hypocrisy irony alert judgybitch misogynoir misogyny MRA post contains sarcasm racism straw feminists

Black women hate men and “do an [expletive deleted] job with their sons,” white MRA lady JudgyBitch explains

Black mothers: This woman has strong opinions on how you raise your kids
Black mothers: This woman has strong opinions on how you raise your kids

It’s not exactly a secret that the Manosphere, stuffed to overflowing with he-man women haters, is also full of racists. Some of them quite open with, and even proud of, their racism, repeating literal neo-Nazi talking points and comparing blacks to apes. Others, especially amongst the Men’s Rights Activsts, pretend to be above race, often portraying themselves as champions for black men while reserving their most virulent racism for black women.

Enter JudgyBitch, the slur-spewing A Voice for Men “social media director” — and white lady. A recent post on her blog asks the question “Black men are failing catastrophically – are Black mothers to blame?”

Can you guess what her answer is? Yes, that’s correct.

a voice for men Dean Esmay drama drama kings MRA paul elam

Dean Esmay quits A Voice for Men in what he seems to kind of want us to think is an amicable split

Paddle paddle paddle
Paddle paddle paddle

In the wee hours of the morning, this morning, there was a great disturbance on the Internet, as if millions of shitposters suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. For about ten seconds.

What had happened? This:

Huh. That’s interesting.

a voice for men antifeminism attention seeking crackpottery Dean Esmay doubling down douchebaggery drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies imaginary russian friends mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not-quite-explicit threats not-quite-plausible deniability straw feminists the c-word whaaaaa?

MRA Dean Esmay stunned that hurling obscenities at feminists does not cause them to take him seriously

Dean Esmay: One fingered typist?
Dean Esmay: One fingered typist?

It’s a day ending in “y” and “Men’s Human Rights Activist” Dean Esmay is spamming another hashtag on Twitter with belligerent and nonsensical Tweets directed at some imaginary feminist living in his head.

Wait, these were Tweeted yesterday, not today. Let me check something.

Yes, Thursday is also a day ending in “y,” so let’s continue. 

a voice for men a woman is always to blame allegedly false accusations antifeminism attention seeking douchebaggery evil lying women gross incompetence men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam rape rape culture

Men’s Rights jackass Paul Elam: Cosby’s accusers “just a bunch of drug whoring [oh it gets worse]”

Two of Bill Cosby's accusers, with attorney Gloria Allred
Two of Bill Cosby’s accusers, with attorney Gloria Allred

Apparently looking to score clicks from controversy, Men’s Rights douchebag-in-chief Paul Elam has resorted to an old tactic of his: acting like the world’s biggest asshole. This time he’s attempting to gin up traffic on the backs of Bill Cosby’s 40-plus accusers.

In a post on A Voice for Men yesterday that is repugnant even by his standards, Elam asks if the women who say Cosby drugged and raped them are really victims, or “just a bunch of drug whoring star fuckers?” 

a voice for men antifeminism antifeminist women FemRAs judgybitch misogyny MRA oppressed men

Does the new Facebook friends icon prove that feminists are man-hating female supremacists? One lady MRA says yes

Female supremacy in action?
Female supremacy in action?

So Facebook has been making some tweaks to some of its graphics. The company recently changed its already unexciting logo to one that is … even less exciting, but apparently easier to read on mobile devices.

But it’s what Facebook has done to its “friends” icon that has one lady MRA up in arms.