a voice for men allegedly false accusations misogyny MRA nicholas Alahverdian rape

Check out the Daily Beast’s blockbuster article on Nick Alahverdian, the alleged con man and serial rapist who used to be A Voice for Men’s poster boy for “false” allegations

You may recall the story of Nick Alahverdian, the alleged con artist and serial rapist who faked his own death and fled to Scotland to escape charges in the US, only to be arrested by Interpol while in the hospital with Covid. I’ve written about him, and his one-time close ties with Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, several times in the past.

a voice for men gynocentrism misogyny MRA Uncategorized

Gamma and Gynocentrism: A Voice for Men drowns itself in pseudoscientific gibberish

Whatchoo talkin’ bout, AVFM?

Back in its heyday in the early and mid 2010s, A Voice for Men was one of the more obnoxious sites on the internet, not just attacking women on a daily basis but doing so in the crudest language its writers could think of, regularly castigating women as “cunts” and “bitches” at the same time site founder Paul Elam claimed that AVFM was the flagship site for a so-called “Men’s Human Rights Movement.”

a voice for men allegedly false accusations lying liars misogyny nicholas Alahverdian rape sexual assault

Check out this YouTube documentary about (alleged) serial con artist, sexual abuser Nicholas Alahverdian

Nicholas Alahverdian, with wife and apparently unnecessary breathing apparatus

If you can’t get enough of Nicholas Alahverdian — the accused serial con artist and sexual abuser who duped A Voice for Men into making him their “false accusations” poster boy — I’d recommend taking a look at this documentary on YouTube.

a voice for men misogyny MRA violence

Bald Men and Donald Trump: The REAL victims of Will Smith’s slap?

You probably haven’t been wondering what good old A Voice for Men — yes, it’s still alive, if barely — has to say about Will Smith’s famous slap. But I’m going to tell you about it anyway, because I found it quite … educational?

a voice for men lying liars MRA rape sexual assault

Suspected serial rapist Nick Alahverdian, arrested in Scotland, now claims he’s not Nick Alahverdian at all

“Arthur Knight,” meet Nick Alahverdian

Nicholas Alahverdian — former “Judicial Accountability” point man for A Voice for Men and suspected serial rapist – is in the news again. The last time we checked in on Alahverdian he had just been arrested in Scotland, where the Rhode Islander allegedly fled after faking his own death in an attempt to escape rape charges in Utah and possibly three other states. He’s already a convicted sex offender. In Scotland, Alahverdian — also wanted on fraud charges — apparently spoke with a fake posh British accent that sometimes gave way to an American accent when he was drunk.

a voice for men abuse allegedly false accusations misogyny MRA paul elam rape sexual assault Uncategorized

The former A Voice for Men point man for “Judicial Accountability” was just arrested in Scotland, where he reportedly fled to escape rape and fraud charges in the US after faking his own death

Nicholas Rossi, Nicholas Alahverdian, Nick Alan and Arthur Knight.

It’s safe to say that A Voice for Men founder Paul Elam is not really a great judge of character.

a voice for men alt-right chris cantwell misogyny MRA racism white supremacy

Five Fun Facts about Christopher “Crying Nazi” Cantwell, the most outrageous defendant in the Charlottesville trial that began this week

The camera loves him!

This week, at long last, a civil suit against the organizers of the so-called “Unite the RIght” protest in Charlottesville in 2017 has come to trial.

a voice for men boobs homophobia incels MGTOW misogyny semen transphobia

We Hunted the Mammoth Greatest Hits 2020

As this garbage year comes to a close, I thought I’d dig out some of my favorite posts from the past year. I think they’re all worth revisiting. Enjoy!

a voice for men a woman is always to blame creepy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA rape rape culture

A Voice for Men: The real victim in the Harvey Weinstein case is Harvey Weinstein

By David Futrelle

The folks at the Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men like to make up their own rules about rape. The founder of the formerly-sort-of-influential site, one Paul Elam, once famously announced that he was so mad about the way rape trials are conducted that if he were to serve on a jury in such a trial he “vow[ed] publicly to vote not guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the charges are true.”

a voice for men actual activism antifeminism entitled babies fidelbogen harassment hate men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam

Prominent Men’s Rights Activist: Don’t you DARE call me an activist; I just like to pester feminists

Paul Elam: Aspires to be a thorn in the side of feminists

By David Futrelle

Men’s Rights “Activists” are the least activist activists I’ve ever met. Oh, they’re noisy enough, but for all the noise they make about the supposed injustices faced by men, they won’t lift a finger, or open their wallets, to do a single thing that might actually help real men in real pain.