antifeminism MGTOW misogyny none dare call it conspiracy

MGTOW conspiracy of the day: Elites are “infecting” corporations with women to deliberately destroy the economy

Women, destroying things as usual

Here’s an intriguing, if slightly confusing, conspiracy theory I found in the MGTOW subreddit today from a commenter who’s convinced that women are allowing themselves to be the “useful idiots” in a vast and seemingly nonsensical plot to destroy the world’s economy.

evil sexy ladies gynocracy MGTOW

Happy “MGTOWs kvetch about sexy Halloween costumes” Day

Ladies! Oppress the MGTOWs with this sexy poop empji costume

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Adults tend to celebrate (non-pandemic) Halloween in one or more distinctly different ways. They may dress up in elaborate costumes and go to parties. They may stay at home to provide candy to all the miniature goblins that wander by — or take their own miniature goblins out on a candy-collecting mission. Or they might turn off all their lights and hide in the dark until trick-or-treating is over.

makeup is a lie MGTOW misogyny

“Make-up is for psychopaths,” explains angry MGTOW in intermittently ALL-CAPS rant

Ugly woman deceiving men with makeup

MGTOWs have a bit of a thing about makeup, which they consider a dastardly way for ugly women to fool men into thinking they’re hot. MGTOWs dismiss makeup-wearing women as con artists and “spineless, mindless c*nts.” Some MGTOWS even think women should be denied equal rights until they give up the lipstick and eyeliner; others argue that the makeup-wearers are destroying the gene pool by flooding it with their ugly DNA.

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about MGTOW misogyny

MGTOWs debate the best way to “Red Pill” 14-year-old boys

Getting them while they’re young

It’s depressing to think that some Men Going Their Own Way have children. It must be awful for their daughters to have to deal with such floridly misogynistic dads, and the situation isn’t that much better for the sons who have to endure hateful and unhelpful “red pill” prothletizing during their formative years.

homophobia MGTOW misogyny toxic masculinity transphobia

Gucci releases a dress for men to challenge “toxic masculinity.” MGTOWs respond with … toxic masculinity

Yes, he’s also wearing pants

Gucci has inserted itself into the culture war by releasing a weirdly dowdy dress for men at the low, low price of $2600 a pop. The dress, more a publicity stunt for the brand than an actual product anyone will ever buy, is said to be a challenge to “toxic masculinity.”

MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW: Constantly complaining about women online is “the equivalent to Christians reading their bible every day”

Apparently MGTOW is a religion now. At least according to one MGTOW Redditor, who suggests that the scriptures of this new religion consist of all the whiny posts about the evils of women that are regularly posted to assorted MGTOW forums.

evo psych fairy tales MGTOW misogyny

Oh how I love it when they talk evo psych

Genghis Khan: Blame him for disloyal hoes

Here’s one MGTOW Redditor offering an evo psych explanation as to why, ehrm, “hoes ain’t loyal to the tribe or men in general.”

abortion MGTOW misogyny nice guys

MGTOWs celebrate the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in their own inimitable way

Somehow it’s always all about them

Some Men Going Their Own Way are reacting to news of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death with a certain malicious glee. “Ding Dong the Witch is Dead,” writes one fellow in the MGTOW subreddit. “HAHAHA prayers do work, now let’s end abortion,” responds another.

fatphobia MGTOW misogyny reddit

It’s “cruel” to tell fat women they’re beautiful, MGTOWs agree

For some strange reason, hateful people spend a great deal of their time explaining to people that they’re not hateful, really, just misunderstood. Literal Klan members will swear up and down that they’re not racist; misogynists insist they don’t really hate women. And those who hate fat people will try to pretend that they’re just worried about said fat people’s health.

chad MGTOW misogyny simps

All women have at least six men at their beck and call, MGTOW explains

What easy lives women have today, at least in the fantasies of Men Going Their Own Way.