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Some Sunday night BIOTRUTHS from a masturbation-obsessed MGTOW

MGTOWs blind themselves with “science”

By David Futrelle

Misogynists generally like to think of themselves as rational fellows with a love of SCIENCE! But it turns out that more than a few of them have confused SCIENCE! with “things they pull from the collective posteriors that vaguely line up with their retrograde hatred of all things female.”

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Don’t get cucked by a rented sex doll, Reddit MGTOW warns his fellow creeps

Watch out, fellas! She may be cheating on you.

By David Futrelle

Over on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the regulars are lamenting the recent shutdown of a Chinese sex doll sharing service only four days after it opened. (Apparently people thought it was creepy and perverse, or something.)

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Reddit MGTOWs not worried that sexbots will be turned into stab-you-in-the-dick-bots by evil hackers

Accessing subroutine “stabby stabby”

By David Futrelle

Over the weekend, the UK’s prestigious Daily Star ran an important work of serious journalism warning of an impending, if underappreciated, threat to humankind. In an article with the sobering headline “Sex robot ARMIES: Fears hackers could create killer cyborgs and turn technology on punters,” the Star informed the poor punters of the word that the sexbots they’ve been longing for might just take up arms against them. Or at least knives. And possibly welding torches.

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MGTOWs prepare for Irma by imagining desperate women offering them sexual favors for food

Ready for Irma

By David Futrelle

The stunted human beings known as Men Going Their Own Way love to imagine apocalyptic scenarios in which women are forced to beg them for help, offering sexual favors for cans of beans.

men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA rape reddit

MRAs respond to campus rape policy reversal with tepid applause, jokes about Betsy DeVos’ vagina

MRAs: Bored now

By David Futrelle

I have to say,  I expected a bit more from our nation’s Men’s Rights Activists. Yesterday, arkoudaphobic education secretary Betsy DeVos handed MRAs a huge gift, announcing that she would be putting an end to Obama-era policies on campus rape that MRAs and conservatives have been pitching fits about for the past six years.

boner rage entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOW wonders: If words can be microaggressions, is dressing provocatively “microprostitution?”

Our top scientists are working overtime to develop microprostitutes

By David Futrelle

You’ve got to give Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way credit for one thing: They are constantly coming up with inventive new ways to hate women.

entitled babies evil ex-wives evil fat fatties evil old ladies makeup is a lie men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOW warns fellow men: Aging ladies will deceive you by dyeing their hair

Hair dye … or hair LIE?

By David Futrelle

In the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, a wise elder who calls himself lonewolf-chicago warns his younger colleagues to watch out for the insidious danger of … women who dye their hair. You may think these women look hot, he tells the assembled MGTOWs, but they don’t look hot, because their hair is a LIE! Also, he notes, his ex-wife has a fat butt.

a woman is always to blame actual mammoths aggrieved entitlement antifeminism dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies evil working women evo psych fairy tales eww gross incompetence mansplaining mantrum men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape rape culture sex workers sexy robot ladies trump western women suck

ALL you need to do, is have babis: Another Comment I Didn’t Let Through

A question that applies to MGTOWs too

By David Futrelle

I thought I would end this week by setting aside the Nazi Menace for a minute so we can plunge once again into the swirling male-strom of Men Going Their Own Way. Today’s MGTOW adventure comes in the form of a very long, though not very well proofread manifesto that some dude called Zachary left in the comments here about a week ago. I didn’t let it through moderation then because I wanted to share it with you all.

MGTOW misogyny reddit

MGTOW: I don’t hate women but I wish I could go around all day telling them to f*ck off

Hey, lady, I got something to say to you

By David Futrelle

Found in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit:

dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about entitled babies men created civilization men invented everything men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit

“Men created civilization,” declares man who’s created nothing

MGTOWs: Building our civilization, one spilled bowl of Cheetos at a time

The Summer 2017 WHTM pledge drive is on! Do your bit for civilization by sending along some much-needed cash! Thanks! 

By David Futrelle

So over in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, some dude who doesn’t understand the basics of history or much else has declared, in all caps, that “WOMEN WERE NEVER OPPRESSED!”