open thread

Election Open Thread

I’m sorry I didn’t upload this before, if there are some amongst you who want to discuss the, er, situation. I have been obsessing about this election for months now and I think that now we’re here I find I’m too anxious to watch the returns coming in as a Trump victory would be the biggest disaster for this country since, I dunno, the civil war? I took a peek at Twitter about twenty minutes ago (I refuse to use its other name) and the people I follow are all sounding very gloomy and now I’m more tense and scared than I have ever been about this election. The Russian bomb threats aren’t helping the situation. I don’t know if I’ll even check the news again tonight (who am I kidding, I will) but if you guys feel like chatting here’s a place to do it.

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5 days ago

Once the votes have been confirmed by the Senate, it’s too late to change the outcome of the election. However, if a later investigation reveals that the outcome was fraudulent or at least potentially so, then the people involved can be up for Federal charges (I forget the exact crime) and if the president was one of them and not merely a beneficiary, that would be grounds for impeachment and removal. Not that removal is realistic with this congress…

2 days ago

Let’s be honest about this: with 6 SCOTUS justices explicitly supporting Rethuglicans, contrary to every principle (snort) they’ve ever claimed to have (like “originalism” and “rule of law,” double snort), MAGAts can literally do anything they want and will *never* be held to legal account for anything, up to and including murder and treason.

…so no, it’s too late for any solution that doesn’t involve bloodshed, and basically has been since October 2020. It’s just taken a while for people to notice (the few that have).

Last edited 2 days ago by Gaebolga
Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
2 days ago

Lawyers, Guns, & Money had a post about the Supreme Court option:
Will John Roberts stand up to Donald Trump?The take there is basically that Roberts almost certainly will not stand up to Trump… not specifically because he’s in Trump’s pocket, but because if the Supreme Court rules against Trump on something important, and Trump just responds with ‘Make Me’ and goes on with doing the same thing, it will absolutely show that the Supreme Court is now completely irrelevant, and that is something that Roberts couldn’t stand.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
12 hours ago

Where did the comments on page 8 go? It just has a header and a footer now with no comments!

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 hours ago

And now they’re back!

3 hours ago

I had a dream last night, which I am posting here in hopes someone finds it amusing. I was using an AI which helped people plan trips, giving reasonable options and recommended itineraries with travel (planes, trains, buses, rental vehicles) and places to stay (hotels, motels, B&Bs) and even helping with bookings once a plan is selected. [I doubt such a thing exists in real life… yet.] For some reason I was going to a farming convention in some small town in Idaho [don’t ask why, that doesn’t interest me in real life]. Anyway, before the AI could do its thing, I had to fill out pages of forms to give it the information it needed to work with. One of the early pages said this:

Select only one:
❍ I am a Woman
❍ I am a Man
❍ I am Transgender
❍ I am a Child
❍ I am a TERF
❍ No

A later page involved special accommodations, for things like medical conditions, disabilities, pets, young children, and the like, but it also included ❏ I am a young TERF who needs access to real-woman-only spaces, and ❏ I am afraid of clowns.

Once it came up with a reasonable-sounding itinerary I used Google Maps to check the location of the hotel before booking anything, but all I got was a large grassy area a ways outside of town, near a highway. Checking the timestamp it said “Images ©2007 Google Maps”.

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