open thread

Election Open Thread

I’m sorry I didn’t upload this before, if there are some amongst you who want to discuss the, er, situation. I have been obsessing about this election for months now and I think that now we’re here I find I’m too anxious to watch the returns coming in as a Trump victory would be the biggest disaster for this country since, I dunno, the civil war? I took a peek at Twitter about twenty minutes ago (I refuse to use its other name) and the people I follow are all sounding very gloomy and now I’m more tense and scared than I have ever been about this election. The Russian bomb threats aren’t helping the situation. I don’t know if I’ll even check the news again tonight (who am I kidding, I will) but if you guys feel like chatting here’s a place to do it.

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4 months ago

I will say I’ve had more online sexist comments directed at me this week than ever before.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
4 months ago

Elaine: here is a warm shoulder.

Ucalegont: Agreed, but for one thing. This isn’t a disaster. This is a war.

Disasters are accidents. This was orchestrated by people of violent intentions, on purpose.

grumpycatisagirl: That will probably get worse before it gets better. Every thug, dick, and jackass has been emboldened. And I wouldn’t count on the cops for any sort of protection. A lot of them, including high-up ones, are fascist and will see this as the opportunity to slip their leashes. Assume anyone with a badge and a uniform is the enemy until this is over, and that civilian brownshirts will have, and know they have, near-impunity to break the law without consequences. Cut all Trump supporters out of your life now, especially if they are male. Assume every single one of them, and anyone wearing Trump paraphernalia in public, is a dangerous criminal.

You also have about two and a half months to get your tubes tied, get an IUD implanted, or take other actions to assure you’ll retain control of your own reproductive system. If possible, get out of the country, especially if you are more marginalized than just “agirl”. Failing that get to (or remain in) a blue state — and by that I mean one with a Dem governor and a Dem majority in at least one legislative chamber, and preferably no recent history of that not having been the case. If the state has explicitly made itself a sanctuary state for LGBTQ people, immigrants, or other targeted groups, so much the better. However, that might only act as a delaying action, depending on how quickly these chucklefucks ditch all their “states’ rights” rhetoric. And the cops there will still be the enemy.

4 months ago

Hello all. I’m so glad to see that We Hunted the Mammoth is active again. I’ve donated.

I’m as crushed as everyone else here. Dump was the worst President in American history, and he was voted in again? My 84 year old mother was one of the people who voted him in, because she believes that Harris is a Socialist. That’s particularly shameful, given that she’s a New Yorker. I do keep in mind that Dump is the King of the f**k ups.

Full Metal Ox
4 months ago

That. Many. People. think they’ve been issued an official Asshole License and it’s the goddamn Purge.

4 months ago

The news of what has happened for the US Election results has me gutted and looking at the future with the bleakest possible outcomes, and given what I know of history; I have little doubt a lot of women, as well as minority groups and their communities; are going to be targeted, and harmed, even killed in the next four years. I wish I could shake that feeling; but it is sticking too hard for me to dismiss given the polices and rhetoric of Republicans and of what ilk before them have done in past history.

I also worry how this might embolden the political right wings of other countries to follow the USA’s example in Goose Stepping fashion; so for my Canadian hide and folks of other nations: we will need to be hyper vigilante against any sweeps into fascism so we don’t follow.

To all the folks in the US, in particular anyone who may likely face the worst of the next 4 years; stay alive, stay safe, and prepare/brace yourselves for any and all worse case scenarios.

Last edited 4 months ago by TacticalProgressive
3 months ago

Serioulsy, I have rarely encountered bullying before in most of the online spaces I frequent, but this week it’s been rampant.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meani
3 months ago

I’ll unload later about my feelings around the future (ASSuming anyone cares for that), but right now, time for something completely different.

The Onion bought InfoWars.


3 months ago

it now looks like MAGA supporters are now questioning their decision to vote for trump after hearing his appointment nominees . even they know that selecting a fox news host to head up the department of defense is a bad idea.

3 months ago

Why anyone would be surprised at Trump’s terrible cabinet picks is beyond me.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 months ago

The most amazing thing about The Onion purchasing Infowars is that the Sandy Hook families had to agree to waive some of their compensation rights to make it affordable.

That must have been a very strange conversation.

“Look, we know you’ve suffered a horrible tragedy, but here’s a chance to do something really funny…”

Full Metal Ox
3 months ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

The most amazing thing about The Onion purchasing Infowars is that the Sandy Hook families had to agree to waive some of their compensation rights to make it affordable.

That must have been a very strange conversation.

“Look, we know you’ve suffered a horrible tragedy, but here’s a chance to do something really funny…”

From what I’ve been given to understand, part of the reasoning was that Infowars’ being sold in toto to a single buyer, rather than scrapped for parts, would keep components from being snatched up by Jones’ allies and returned to nefarious use.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
3 months ago


I gather there is now an injunction in place staying the sale. It appears some of Jones’ friends have questioned the bidding process.

Even if the sale is overturned though I don’t think that matters too much to the Onion. They’ve made their point and got the PR. So it might even be better for them if Jones’s cohorts end up having to fork out. The families get their money and, as Jones has said he’ll continue to operate just under a different name, then it probably doesn’t make much difference.

3 months ago

It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message. I would totally give up a large chunk of the money to send that sort of message. I mean, assuming everyone else was on board or some of them had the ability to opt out and claim their full share.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 months ago

I cannot wait for The Onion’s use or non-use of the trademarks. Even getting this far and the good PR is peachy-keen.

Meanwhile, Leon* Skum is claiming to own AJ’s Xitter name and content there. I guess vexatious lawsuits take his mind off the abysmal failures of the Cyber”truck” and the fact that even Cheeto Benito is tired of him already.

*that’s been his name since Mango Mussolini called him Leon. TBF to Mr. Constant Mini-Strokes, it’s a weird name.

3 months ago

On the bright at least no one is excusing white women for voting Trump yet again.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
3 months ago

@Oogly: I am slightly heartened by that. No one’s getting spared the blame. As a white woman, I encourage all the non-excusing. Voting against your own damn body is stupid.

Thank (the higher power of your choice) I live in the urban bit of California.

3 months ago

This is a very interesting perspective on our current global situation, it made a lot of sense to me.
I haven’t yet seen the youtubes of Timothy Snyder talking about this but here’s a little blurb about him:
Timothy Snyder is a historian at Yale University, specializing in eastern Europe, totalitarianism, and the Holocaust. His books have received widespread acclaim. His most recent book, “On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century,” explores the everyday ways a citizen can resist the authoritarianism of today. He is also the author of “Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning” and, forthcoming in April, “The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America.””

But on a more cheerful note there’s a lot of life on this planet, which will keep on doing its own thing no matter what – for example a little creature called nereis sandersi, that lives in the geothermal vents of underwater volcanoes. It looks like a toothless bug-eyed blob basically; the world is full of fantastical and fascinating things.

Carol G
Carol G
3 months ago

Just wanted to say I’m glad to see that your blog is still active.

3 months ago

I think that the election of Trump is good for women and minorities. The Left was pushing them into the wall. I am a trans woman after my own definition (dragmaxxing) and I was always shocked by the Left’s policies about the transgender issue. That’s not trans rights, that’s violation of the rights and freedom of others. I’d have so much to say about it: .

3 months ago

Oh, look. A pick-me.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
3 months ago

I think that the election of Trump is good for women and minorities.

Perhaps you mean something different from what we do when you use the word “think”.

3 months ago

That’s not healthy to promote resentment against the “Privileged” and victimization feelings. Axioms like “One-way violence”, “One-sided suffering” or “Zero-sum game” don’t correspond to reality. Systemic discrimination disappeared in Western countries, but the solutions of the Left (like positive discrimination) are new systemic discrimination. It’s not good to call people who have a different opinion “fascists” and to consider them as being non human. Transgender ideology (which does exist) is new and controversial. Not all transitioning person transition due to this approach. Conservative people are for individual freedom, which, of course, stops when rights and freedom of others are violated: so no trans women in women’s sports, in women-only areas, no benefits from measures designed to promote women, no obligation for health care insurances to finance gender transitions, no medical transition before 18, etc. That’s common sense.

3 months ago

“Systemic discrimination disappeared in Western countries”

Patently incorrect. Educate yourself and then i’ll adress the rest of your comment.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
3 months ago

Yeah, that was about my reaction to that statement. Well, my reaction was going to be more ‘let me get back to you when my gay and trans friends stop laughing derisively’.

For example, as recently as two years ago in Canada, gay men were just flat out not allowed to donate blood. I’ve got a friend who has been complaining about this for decades. (Two years ago the eligibility rules finally changed to be behaviour-based rather than orientation-based.)

I live in the city that, sadly, was the main base of operations for Jordan Peterson, whose flat out lies about what a particular proposed Canadian law would mean got him way too much traction and attention, and if they had been even remotely grounded in reality, he wouldn’t have kept his licence to practice for years after lying about the law, not actually practising anyway, and even publicly demeaning former clients. And technically he can still retain his licence as long as he undergoes ‘professionalism training’ on how not to talk about clients on social media.

Worse, Poilievre. the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, has been very openly taking Peterson’s side on this. Not that that’s surprising, Poilievre was playing footsie with the ‘trucker’ convoys that shut down the city of Ottawa for weeks. (‘Trucker’ in scare quotes because frankly most of the professional truckers didn’t care and most of the people actually in the convoy were either dilettantes or actually came in from outside. We know for certain that a lot of the funding came from the U.S.)

Victorious Parasol
3 months ago

Oh, my.

Conservative people are for individual freedom, which, of course, stops when rights and freedom of others are violated.

I mean….


*stops to breathe*

*dissolves into laughter*

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