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Women is stinky. Oatmeal feel good in tummy: The terrible dating advice of Casey Zander

Dating coach, oatmeal lover, and raging misogynist: Casey Zander is all three. Actually, it’s not clear he’s a dating coach exactly, as his alleged wisdom on the woman question is so bleak and hateful that he may be driving young men away from the dating scene instead of providing them a reliable guide to it. Come for Casey’s “Oatmeal Story,” stay for his toxic advice.

Bonus Quest: See if you can find the spot in my narration when one of my cats decided to hock up a hairball.

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Full Metal Ox
1 day ago

Nothing to do with oatmeal or dating, but Mammotheers might be interested in this Schoolhouse Rock-esque song about Project 2025:

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 day ago


That was so catchy I want to sign up!

Mind you, don’t want a repeat of the monorail incident.

Full Metal Ox
14 hours ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

This Simpsons parody has become Harsher In Hindsight. Not to mention eerily prophetic:

10 hours ago

@Full Metal Ox:

It’s been pointed out that, even if the creators of Project 2025 manage to get in a position to put everything in place, it’s going to be a mess. For them. For one thing, this is a multi-author project created piecemeal by groups which don’t all agree with each other. There’s going to be a lot of conflict over who gets priority, in both the sense of “who gets their pet issues taken care of first” and “who wins out when there’s a mutual incompatibility”. The other is that Conservatives, as a whole, are so very bad at planning. A lot of the time they don’t even really have plans, just aspirations and faith. And when they do have plans, they often get stymied by some combination of ignorance, incompetence, perverse incentive, “lies for the greater good” coming back to haunt them, or even just forgetting that most people don’t think like them and aren’t placid sheep.

If it wasn’t for the fact that even the best-case scenario would be short-term chaos for everyone, and a more realistic one being a longer-term chaos plus a few major victories on their part resulting in the US having to fight a few long-settled 20th century battles all over again, I’d be tempted to just let it happen. It would be darkly amusing to watch them repeatedly screw up and backstab each other, even if I’d kind of hate myself for enjoying it, and it’s not like they wouldn’t have been warned of the consequences of their own stupidity… in that alternate, unrealistic universe where everyone else could be a detached observer. Not an actual option, so no actual temptation either.

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