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Women is stinky. Oatmeal feel good in tummy: The terrible dating advice of Casey Zander

Dating coach, oatmeal lover, and raging misogynist: Casey Zander is all three. Actually, it’s not clear he’s a dating coach exactly, as his alleged wisdom on the woman question is so bleak and hateful that he may be driving young men away from the dating scene instead of providing them a reliable guide to it. Come for Casey’s “Oatmeal Story,” stay for his toxic advice.

Bonus Quest: See if you can find the spot in my narration when one of my cats decided to hock up a hairball.

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Full Metal Ox
6 months ago

Nothing to do with oatmeal or dating, but Mammotheers might be interested in this Schoolhouse Rock-esque song about Project 2025:

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 months ago


That was so catchy I want to sign up!

Mind you, don’t want a repeat of the monorail incident.

Full Metal Ox
6 months ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

This Simpsons parody has become Harsher In Hindsight. Not to mention eerily prophetic:

6 months ago

@Full Metal Ox:

It’s been pointed out that, even if the creators of Project 2025 manage to get in a position to put everything in place, it’s going to be a mess. For them. For one thing, this is a multi-author project created piecemeal by groups which don’t all agree with each other. There’s going to be a lot of conflict over who gets priority, in both the sense of “who gets their pet issues taken care of first” and “who wins out when there’s a mutual incompatibility”. The other is that Conservatives, as a whole, are so very bad at planning. A lot of the time they don’t even really have plans, just aspirations and faith. And when they do have plans, they often get stymied by some combination of ignorance, incompetence, perverse incentive, “lies for the greater good” coming back to haunt them, or even just forgetting that most people don’t think like them and aren’t placid sheep.

If it wasn’t for the fact that even the best-case scenario would be short-term chaos for everyone, and a more realistic one being a longer-term chaos plus a few major victories on their part resulting in the US having to fight a few long-settled 20th century battles all over again, I’d be tempted to just let it happen. It would be darkly amusing to watch them repeatedly screw up and backstab each other, even if I’d kind of hate myself for enjoying it, and it’s not like they wouldn’t have been warned of the consequences of their own stupidity… in that alternate, unrealistic universe where everyone else could be a detached observer. Not an actual option, so no actual temptation either.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 months ago

@ Vicky P

Good recommendation; thank you!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 months ago

@ Alan

Oh, you got to go there! Neat! How was it?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 months ago

@ Vicky P

Really good! It’s on a pedestrian bit with a few pubs and loads of tables. It was heaving outside. Quite a nice night, we’re having a bit of an Indian Summer here, so just so many people. Probably a thousand people literally. Wasn’t actually that busy inside. But it’s an amazing building, and equally as quirky and old inside. Got chatting to one of the doormen who gave me a nice history of the place. And, perhaps most importantly, great beer. Although as I’m working tomorrow just had the one.

If I get a chance I might try to shoot a video there.

The doorman also recommended another pub, The Hatchet, that is apparently even older. Might have to have a snoop there too.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 months ago

@ Vicky P

A little tour for you.

I’m not sure what’s wrong with me. Met a stunning Spanish lass in the pub. Psychiatrist really into art. She invited me to accompany her to the Shanty Festival but I said I had to get back to the hotel for a shower. So she went home. I was about 200 yards down the street before I went “Wait, hang on a minute….”

Last edited 6 months ago by Alan Robertshaw
6 months ago

@ Snowberry

You talk about how bad Conservatives are at planning, which is very true, but I keep checking back and I’m still astounded nobody has made a joke about them having concepts of plans yet.

@ Full Metal Ox

The scary thing is that for most of that video about Project 2025, I was unsure as to what side it was supposed to be for or against

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 months ago

@ .45

To quote Paul Schmidt

“The Nazis talked about a thousand year reich but couldn’t think ahead five minutes.”

Last edited 6 months ago by Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 months ago

@ Vicky P

For completeness sake I did check out that other place. Also nice. Although inside has big TVs showing football. Found a quiet corner where I couldn’t see them.

The door reputedly is lined with human skin. I think the anoraks really help the historic vibe.

Last edited 6 months ago by Alan Robertshaw
Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 months ago

@ Alan

Thanks for the tour! Sorry to hear about the Spanish psychiatrist, but I admit your reaction reminded me of a time my husband came home from work all puzzled when a woman he met looked so disappointed when he answered, “Yes” after she asked him if he was married. (Bless him – to borrow a Tim Minchin lyric, I gave him glaucoma: Wherever he looks, all he sees is me.)

Human skin, eh? Very Silence of the Lambs, but with anoraks.

Last edited 6 months ago by Victorious Parasol
Full Metal Ox
6 months ago

@Alan Robertshaw:

The door reputedly is lined with human skin. I think the anoraks really help the historic vibe.

Any word on how that purportedly happened? (And whose?)

Also, apropos of nothing in particular, have a capybara and a cat. image

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 months ago


Reputedly the skins of convicted criminals . Guess the moral there is don’t mess around in Bristol.

But apparently the drinking haunt of Blackbeard.

The Trow is where Daniel DeFoe met that Selkirk guy who was the inspiration for Robinson Crusoe.

I love stuff like that.

Juan Pablo Escobar
Juan Pablo Escobar
6 months ago

Unlike Zander, you have probably not been laid once in your life. Taking advice from you about females is like taking advice from Stalin about human rights.

Juan Pablo Escobar
Juan Pablo Escobar
6 months ago

Why are you leftists such physically ugly people? You revel in foulness.

6 months ago

Can you prove either of those?

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
6 months ago

I can disprove one of them.

MY FRIENDS KNOW: That I’m young, sexy, somewhat intellectual, hate parties, love teachers, enjoy money, clothes, cars, demonstrations, riots & anything for the revolution.

— Gloria Root, the December 1969 Playboy Playmate of the Month, in her Playmate data sheet.

So, at least one leftist in the leftiest decade that ever lefted was so physically unattractive that she … landed the premier nude modeling gig of the time.


(On the other hand, she also listed “broccoli” as “great food”, which calls the whole thing into question. But if I had to guess, I’d expect that looks and political leanings are orthogonal, after controlling for age.)

5 months ago

Well, I’m better-looking than Trump. (going by how he actually looks, not by how he thinks he looks.)

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 months ago

If we’re talking interesting history with pubs and famous writers…

There’s a pub in Victoria, B.C. that’s called ‘The Bard and Banker’. It actually is in a converted bank building: built in 1885, a bank for over a hundred years. The ‘Bard’ in the name comes from the fact that one of the bank employees who worked there was a Scots-blooded fellow from Lancashire by the name of Robert W. Service, who would later become much more famous when after a year or two working in Victoria he moved north to work at a bank in Whitehorse, went out and chatted with prospectors during the Yukon gold rush, and ended up writing a lot of poetry that put Whitehorse on the map.

(I ended up spending part of one of my high school reunions at that pub. Amusingly, my grandfather also ended up working at the same bank in Whitehorse that still had a plaque mentioning that Robert W. Service worked there.)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 months ago

@ Jenora

Wow; thanks for that! You sent me reading up on him. What a life!

I do love me an interesting pub. In my student days I wrote a couple of essays that touched on Marxism. So I researched them in the pub where Marx and Engels wrote the communist party manifesto. To see if that inspired me. I think I was channeling them a bit as I ended up getting distracted by beer.

Nice pub though. Although now it’s a boojie wine bar. Irony.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 months ago

Service was an interesting fellow. One of his most famous poems, The Cremation of Sam McGee, was commemorated on a Canadian postage stamp in 1976. That poem is probably best described as a shaggy dog story written in the form of epic poetry.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 months ago

@ jenora

Johnny Cash makes anything epic.

He was also the first westerner to learn of the death of Stalin.

Headless Unicorn Guy
Headless Unicorn Guy
4 months ago

First I’ve heard of “peanut butter honey oatmeal”.
Would like to try it sometime, but seems to me the peanut butter would need to be heated to a liquid to mix in properly.

P.S. I guess someone has to post this…


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