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Video: Baby man JD Vance declares war on childless cat ladies, loses

Well, here’s my first real video for the new We Hunted the Mammoth, YouTube version. It’s a look at JD Vance’s rather silly attacks on childless cat ladies that turns into a critique of Republican notions of “family values.” As a bonus there are clips of cats being ridiculous and adorable.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. You can post comments here or on the YouTube video itself.

Sorry about the delay in getting this one up. I’m still learning how to make videos.

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Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 months ago

Yay, new video! Thanks, David – off to watch it now.

Elaine the witch
Elaine the witch
6 months ago

Hey I didn’t know the site was back! Hi guys! I’ve missed you all!

Alan Robertshaw
6 months ago

I love your delivery. This format really works for you.

I am though slightly concerned by US politicians’ lack of cats.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 months ago

Elaine! Hi! How’re you doing?

@Alan – I think the last White House cat was Socks Clinton.

ETA: Whoops! I forgot about Willow, the current White House cat.

Last edited 6 months ago by Victorious Parasol
Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
6 months ago

I think two things ought to be noted here:

  1. “Childless cat ladies” means “women who live for themselves, not to please some man”. So, it’s a misogynistic slur aimed at anyone who isn’t a Stepford wife or wife-to-be.
  2. When Vance moans about the “fertility rate”, he means the white fertility rate. I’ve not seen anyone yet whine that the fertility rate is too low who was not a white supremacist (and usually a white-Christian supremacist at that).
6 months ago

So glad to see this video really delivered on the cats!

Full Metal Ox
6 months ago

A Harris/Vance win would give us a Second Cat: Honey (might the name be a Sonic the Hedgehog reference?), adopted circa Christmas 2023: image

Last edited 6 months ago by Full Metal Ox
6 months ago

Hi again, David. So happy to see you again, and a really interesting video. If I could make one wish, it would be to make the videos a bit shorter. Almost 20 minutes is a bit long to watch on a busy day.

6 months ago

JD Vance has zero charisma in anything he says and does. It is genuinely baffling that Trump’s failsoms wanted this guy out of anybody else to be Trump’s VP.

Alan Robertshaw
6 months ago

EDIT: Cat related image wouldn’t embed.

Last edited 6 months ago by Alan Robertshaw
Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 months ago

You seem to be assuming that the purpose of the VP selection was to actually improve the campaign’s chances of getting elected.

I think it’s pretty clear, from Trump’s previous rambling, that the purpose was to find someone who was such a toady that he wouldn’t dare actually stand up to Trump the way Pence did. He wanted someone who would happily go ahead with joining him in destroying the country.

Trump essentially admitted as much later on when he said that Vance ‘liked him more than any of the others’, or words to that effect. Vance has already demonstrated that he has no real principles aside from wanting power either, and the fact that he doesn’t have the charisma to steal the spotlight from Trump is actually a benefit in Trump’s eyes.

If there’s one thing that Trump prizes, it’s ‘loyalty’ in the Mafia Don sense: someone who will kiss the ring, never question or correct him, and take the fall for any problems that show up. That’s part of why he was so willing to go ahead with the ‘Schedule F’ thing that became part of Project 2025: if he replace most of the higher-ups in various governmental organizations with sycophants, he won’t have anybody daring to contradict him anymore.

Last edited 6 months ago by Jenora Feuer
Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
6 months ago


I do kinda wonder if Vance thinks he can manipulate Trump, but mostly I suspect that Vance is looking for a Daddy and thinks Trump will fill that role for him.

6 months ago

Sorry, but I have to say it: those flicker-cuts are really annoying.

As for that whole “investment in the future” thing, I wonder what people like that would think about having a voting cutoff age. After a point, you’re basically having a say in a future that won’t have you in it. Sure, you can claim it’s on behalf of your descendants, but if they disagree then theoretically you might inflict long-lasting negative consequences upon them from beyond the grave that they didn’t ask for. …What am I saying? Of course most of them would just say that parents have a right to choose what is best for their children (so long as it falls within conservative norms) and by extension their grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

(I’m not actually advocating an age limit cutoff)

Not directly related to the video, but I personally find it interesting that Vance keeps getting the “incel” label slapped on him, at least in some of the comments sections on other sites that I’ve seen. Obviously, it’s not literally true, as he’s married and has 3 kids. It’s more that at least some of the general public, who mostly haven’t been following the manospherian stuff, seems to have adopted the term to mean any man who speaks of women as little more than breeding stock, and/or acts in ways which strongly suggest that they should not be raising children, ever. Incidentally that usage gets applied to Andrew Tate as well.

Alan Robertshaw
6 months ago

Sorry, but I have to say it: those flicker-cuts are really annoying.

Under our new Online Safety Act they may also be illegal; in England & Wales anyway.

It’s an offence here now to post flickering images if you have any reason to believe there may be be people with epilepsy in your audience and that they might as a result suffer a seizure or otherwise suffer alarm or distress. It’s a defence to show you had a reasonable excuse for doing so though.

The offence specifically has extra territorial jurisdiction. Although they’re targeting Musk first for breaching another offence under the Act; so I think David is safe.

Speaking of tech stuff, can anyone remind me how to set Mammoth into ‘dark’ mode?

6 months ago

I was listening to an interview with an FBI agent who specializes in tracking serial killers. Agents like him often find leads by reading local newspapers from all over the country. One of his co-workers noticed a story about (TW for cat-lovers) a large number of cats being killed in a town. The agent called up the town’s police chief and asked him if they had a serial rapist in the area. When the police chief said yes, the agent told him that the cat-killer was the rapist. Misogyny and hatred of cats go hand in hand in American culture.

Alan Robertshaw
6 months ago


In the “Red Dragon” novel Will Graham has the FBI gas probe a crime scene to see if they find a buried pet. When they do find a murdered cat that confirms his belief about the serial killer. Animal abuse being the best predictor of violence against humans.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
6 months ago

“Incel” is a state of mind; that state involving aggrieved entitlement. Vance and Tate seem to have that state of mind, regardless of any actual question of celibacy.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
6 months ago

@Victorious Parasol:
I have no idea. I mean, manipulating Trump isn’t actually difficult in the short term if you butter him up enough to let him think it was his idea; but that also makes it difficult to manipulate him in the long term because his long term attention span is mostly tied up in his grudges. He never forgets or forgives if things don’t go his way, but people sucking up to him is the natural order of things and so it all runs together and the details get forgotten.

I suspect you’re mostly right about Vance, though; my impression is ‘wants power but doesn’t have enough pull or force of personality yet to get it on his own, so attaches himself remora-like to whomever else seems to be in the best position to get him there.’

From Peter Thiel’s perspective, of course, Project 2025 is a great idea because it will let him do whatever he wants, and having a loyalist of his in Trump’s orbit gives him a say in the government without having to personally get his hands dirty.

Full Metal Ox
6 months ago

@Jenora Feuer:

One advantage Vance does have is youth. I rather doubt that he privately prays for Trump’s continued well-being beyond a second inauguration.

Hanna Dayib
Hanna Dayib
6 months ago

You people forget that Vance was backed by tech billionaires, notably Peter Thiel. I’d bet the money was a bigger draw than anything else.

6 months ago

Cw crimes against women and children

David more news regarding known sexist and human trafficker and rapist Andrew Tate git raided again, this time raiding on finding evidence for pedophilia as well as human trafficking.

Regis Glass
Regis Glass
6 months ago

I think the format you’re presenting is pretty good, though I think you might need to change your style a bit. Specifically, I had the feeling you were reading what you said (everyone does but there’s a difference between looking like you’re reading and not looking like you’re reading) so you might have an easier time presenting an avatar and doing a voice over (note YouTuber Shaun as an example). This way you don’t have to worry about looking “natural” on screen (which is weirdly difficult to do).
To be clear, this is just my opinion and I’m sure some people disagree with me. All I’m trying to do is give some constructive criticism. Also JD Vance is a douche and i thank you for succinctly showing why that’s not an opinion, but a fact.

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