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We Hunted the Mammoth is BACK

We Hunted the Mammoth is BACK from its hiatus. Only we’re looking a bit different, because now we’re a misogyny-busting YouTube channel instead of a blog. Yep, WHTM has awoken from uneasy dreams to find itself transformed in its bed into a gigantic insect. By which I mean a pretty butterfly rather than a dung beetle.

If you liked the original blog you can expect more of the same Mammothy goodness, as we take apart everyone from incels to dating coaches. Expect a little less of a focus on the denizens of the manosphere and a broader focus on the ways in which red pill misogyny and creepy transphobia have spread into wider cultural discussions on YouTube and elsewhere. Plus, now I can use weird filters and sound effects.

When I put the blog on hiatus, I really needed a break from tracking the manosphere–and from daily blogging. But it’s been more than a year, and now I’m itching to get back on the misogyny beat. And really looking forward to making videos, though it may take me a little while to get the hang of it. The more positive way to frame this is that my upcoming videos will be a lot better than the slightly awkward one I pasted in above. I’ll be putting up new videos roughly once a week, though my next one may go up sooner than that. I’ll be posting the videos here as well as on YouTube itself, and if you’re inclined to offer some comments you can do that here or on YouTube, whichever feels most comfortable for you. I miss you! Please let me know what you’ve been up to over the last year, or if you have any video ideas or requests for me. Or anything else you want to comment about.

Also, I have finally at long last done the maintenance that I needed to do on the blog archives, so all the thousands of old posts I’ve done over the year are available again.

So hello again, from the (entirely imaginary) WHTM doomsday bunker. This should be fun.

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4 hours ago

Aaaaa welcome back!!

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