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We Hunted the Mammoth is BACK

We Hunted the Mammoth is BACK from its hiatus. Only we’re looking a bit different, because now we’re a misogyny-busting YouTube channel instead of a blog. Yep, WHTM has awoken from uneasy dreams to find itself transformed in its bed into a gigantic insect. By which I mean a pretty butterfly rather than a dung beetle.

If you liked the original blog you can expect more of the same Mammothy goodness, as we take apart everyone from incels to dating coaches. Expect a little less of a focus on the denizens of the manosphere and a broader focus on the ways in which red pill misogyny and creepy transphobia have spread into wider cultural discussions on YouTube and elsewhere. Plus, now I can use weird filters and sound effects.

When I put the blog on hiatus, I really needed a break from tracking the manosphere–and from daily blogging. But it’s been more than a year, and now I’m itching to get back on the misogyny beat. And really looking forward to making videos, though it may take me a little while to get the hang of it. The more positive way to frame this is that my upcoming videos will be a lot better than the slightly awkward one I pasted in above. I’ll be putting up new videos roughly once a week, though my next one may go up sooner than that. I’ll be posting the videos here as well as on YouTube itself, and if you’re inclined to offer some comments you can do that here or on YouTube, whichever feels most comfortable for you. I miss you! Please let me know what you’ve been up to over the last year, or if you have any video ideas or requests for me. Or anything else you want to comment about.

Also, I have finally at long last done the maintenance that I needed to do on the blog archives, so all the thousands of old posts I’ve done over the year are available again.

So hello again, from the (entirely imaginary) WHTM doomsday bunker. This should be fun.

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7 months ago

I’ve been checking back maybe once a month. Looks like I happened to check back on the exact day of its return.

I’ll be watching this to see if it’s any good, though I don’t comment on YouTube videos – Mentioning this in case this is the final entry on the text blog going forward, because David turns out to not be doing one of those “here’s the video, but you can also discuss it here” things.

John P. Strycharz
John P. Strycharz
7 months ago

Welcome back! Sorry to tell you, but things have gotten much worse in your absence. The Manosphere is running for President! ☹️

7 months ago


Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
7 months ago

The third best thing to happen to me so far this summer(#2 being that I just marked 2800 days in my current home and #1 being that the Celtics won the 2024 NBA Finals).

7 months ago

I am so glad to see you back from your well-deserved break!

7 months ago

Really glad to see you back!

Will there be transcripts of your videos? I have problems watching many videos so it would be great if there were, but I’ll take whatever you do.

7 months ago

Yay!! So very happy to see this!

7 months ago


Tactical Progressive
Tactical Progressive
7 months ago

Man of all the days to roll the dice and try to check if things with the site are still radio silent and now your back in action to jump back into the breach once more.

Honestly it’s great to see you back getting the word out and warning us about the chuds but man it’s been a while and the worlds gotten full of greater levels of reactionary batshit since the site has been on hiatus.

Welcome back David and stay frosty; it’s been nuts out here

Last edited 7 months ago by Tactical Progressive
7 months ago

With WHTM back: I feel like life has another sliver of hope in and otherwise dark, painful and dreary world

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
7 months ago

I’d say “welcome back”, but … what, exactly, is back? Will very much of the community that had been cultivated here before the alleged “maintenance downtime” come back or have most of the former regulars long since given up? But also: how much can this place be trusted to be stable? How can anyone trust that this won’t happen again?

One of the best little watering holes for, especially, LGBTQ+ people online went dark for nine months with a clearly-disingenuous explanation and essentially zero warning while its administrator basically disappeared off the face of the earth. (No email returned and no activity at his other sites, such as the AI obsession blog, starting about two weeks after the onset of the “maintenance downtime” and continuing until just a few hours ago. Frankly, I thought he might have been assassinated or arm-twisted into disappearing from public life, given the current political climate. I even googled him about once a month looking for either any sign of his resurfacing online or at least continuing to occasionally write misogyny-related articles for the news media, or else his obituary.)

I expect it will take time for people to regain trust, and that some might never do so, which will likely limit and hamper any recovery of the community.

That aside: So much has happened, and been missed by this site. Not least, the election primaries and the recent developments with Vance and Harris, to say nothing of the genocide now unfolding in Gaza. One thing is increasingly clear: this will be the last semi-fair election the US ever holds if it is won by Republicans … and yet it may very well descend into civil war if it is not. I, for one, am frightened about what the future holds.

7 months ago

WELCOME BACK! Hope you had a restorative break, and so glad to see you here again!

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
7 months ago

Welcome back!

And, honestly, there have been so many comments over the years about the mental costs of ‘trawling through the muck so you don’t have to’ that I don’t think anybody was surprised at you needing some time off.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
7 months ago

Oooh! I will sub to your yootoobs once I get home from work! Welcome back!

7 months ago

Welcome back!

Full Metal Ox
7 months ago

Delighted to see you back! I don’t have a YouTube account, but I’ll make a point of following your channel.

And have an Elephant Hawk Moth: <img srccomment image>

7 months ago

It’s good to see WHTM back fighting the good fight and getting the word out

7 months ago

Oh… I was losing hope… but now…

7 months ago

Really glad to see you back, David!

7 months ago

Hey, welcome back, David!

7 months ago

Welcome back! You had been gone long enough that I found your return announcement in my spam folder.

7 months ago

What a welcome surprise! I hope the year off did you some good.

Excited for the YT channel and what you’ll be producing there, but I am especially glad to see the archive is back up. I had thought it would be lost to the internet black hole, and there is so much valuable work that you’ve done through the years on here that would be a loss to everyone if it was not longer accessible. Just recently, I was discussing Candace Owens’ bizarre origin story, and I was sad that I couldn’t link to your documentation of it.

Jesalin, Sapphic Goddess of Lust
Jesalin, Sapphic Goddess of Lust
7 months ago

Yay! Glad to see you back, David!

Full Metal Ox
7 months ago

For no other reason than because I think it’s cool and want to share, having been among the Lucky 10,000 this spring: “The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet”, AKA “Like the Wind”, “Blind the Wind”, “Check It In, Check It Out”, “The Consequence of Living”, and “Summer Moon” among others.

This song, purportedly taped circa 1984 from a West German pirate radio broadcast, has been making the online rounds since 2019–and has stubbornly defied all attempts to establish provenance; part of its captivating oddness comes from the singer’s stern metallic baritone, heavy accent, and melismatic vocal styling unusual for Western pop music of the period. Furthering the song’s mystery is the tantalizing half-intelligibility of the lyrics, resisting resolution and encouraging open interpretation; even the title is an individual judgment call. It has the air of an artifact captured from a parallel universe.

Nor does it hurt that it’s a 24-karat banger.

7 months ago

Welcome back David. We missed you.

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