fascism mass shooting open thread racism

Racist Jacksonville shooter: Open thread

The white shooter painted swastikas on his guns and left behind several racist manifestos; he apparently intended to kill students at the historically black Edward Waters University but was chased away by security and went to a Dollar General store instead. He killed three black shoppers and then himself.

This is the country we live in now.

Open thread.

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1 year ago

All I can do is shake my head and scream because deities know the GOP-controlled Congress and courts want this to keep happening…

1 year ago

THE GQPs answer: MOAR guns. They keep promoting stochastic terrorism in a country armed to the teeth. There is no other possible outcome until we change.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

painted swastikas on his guns and left behind several racist manifestos; he apparently intended to kill students at the historically black Edward Waters University…He killed three black shoppers 

“Authorities are trying to establish a motive…”

1 year ago

Me wondering if this will be another moment of nothing will be done about it.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@Ooglyboggles: It’ll be forgotten in a day or two. Meatball Ron’s already forgotten.

At least taxpayers won’t have to support the evil loser in jail or on welfare. And the cops don’t even have to pretend to care about investigating.

I’m enjoying the Open Thread discussion on Pleistocene geology and fauna.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
1 year ago

I really want some smartass kid to announce that they identify as a gun, on the grounds that then there’ll be lucrative lobbies furiously championing their right not only to exist but to enter shopping centers, schools, transportation, and houses of worship unchallenged.

Crip Dyke
1 year ago

Vivek Ramaswamy is saying that the real racists are Ayanna Pressley and Democrats like her, and that racism had ended before the anti-racists came along and made everything about race.

So, yeah, Black women are responsible for white racists shooting Black people dead, b/c that’s how things work in poisoned brains.

What a schmuck.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@FMOx: And he can go around spitting things at other people, because obviously that’s what guns do. And carry all the guns he wants; after all, they’re smaller versions of himself. As he grows, he can become/carry bigger guns.

However, places that accept gender self-certification don’t like guns. And I don’t think you’re allowed to legally identify as anything other than human anywhere.

Fun thought, though!

Pudding Fingers Ron was rightly booed when he went to the vigil. (Grumpy Cat GOOD meme)

@Crip Dyke: Even more disgusting since that vile (expletive deleted) isn’t lily-white himself. There are a lot of Indians who have darker skin than many African-Americans. Sucking up to the worst white people and trying to be “one of the good ones” never works out in the end. It’s like joining the Leopards Eating Faces Party. At best, you get to be the token they trot out to “prove” they’re not racist; at worst, they end up like Herman Cain.

happy cat
happy cat
1 year ago

So sad…

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
1 year ago

Remember when they said school shootings were a result of “no God in schools”? Then the Mother Emmanuel shooting happened (this hit me hard as a preacher’s kid, a one-time Charlestonian, and as someone who recognized one of the victims), and … it was still the fault of anybody who wasn’t a GOP megadonor.

Gerry Sheridan
1 year ago

We had a shooter in town too but we caught him before he killed anyone

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

And whose fault is it actually?

GOP megadonors.

The subsidizers of hatemongering, the champions of making most of the population into a desperate precariat who see no worthwhile future for themselves, and most of all the gun manufacturers and the NRA, who sell this poison-to-the-body-politic on the streets and specifically lobby against any regulation of it.

Silver and Grey
Silver and Grey
1 year ago

Didn’t stick to the flounce, did we, Dave?

1 year ago


It is a flounce, loser. Notice how he hasn’t actually written anything resembling an article.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

I’ll continue to post Open Threads and possibly even a few real posts from time to time

comment image

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

Also, a flounce is when you leave someone else’s blog/group in a noisy huff after you’ve pissed off everyone in it and/or been humiliated because your grasp of facts, language comprehension, effective arguments, manners, and logic are terrible.

Those flounces are largely done by right-wingers, and they almost never stick them, at which point everyone else in the group points and laughs more. Often it takes them a few times. I remember seeing that on Scalzi’s blog back in the day. Took the RW guy 3 times to finally go away, whining childishly about how his fee-fees were hurt because people dared to civilly disagree with him and sometimes point out both his lack of reading comprehension and ignorance of facts.

@Alan: Excellent picture, I shall use it myself.

Silver and Grey
Silver and Grey
1 year ago


Well, aren’t we cheekier than a fart being pushed through a sumo-wrestler’s ass at a bean-eating competition? You all gotta lotta issues, if you ask me.

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

RWers almost never stick the flounce voluntarily. But they do often get banned. 🙂

Our latest mini-troll was obviously engaging in a classic right-wing pastime, DARVO.

1 year ago

I also like the image and will steal it. Thanks, Alan.

Full Metal Ox
Full Metal Ox
1 year ago

And now for some bored people putting everyday 21st-century technology to fun and creative use: take it away, Ei Waza and Akira Ataka!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

A week ago I didn’t even know Tesla Coil music was a thing. Now it’s my favourite genre.

1 year ago

@Silver and Grey

Rather interesting that in your bid to barge in here and engage in fallacy, red herring and other jeering nonsense; that you skip over the fact that the Open Thread (which David did mention he would occasionally still do despite your asserted implications otherwise); that a Nazi shooter did a terrorism to target and kill black people and DID in fact; kill black people.

Given that and the fact you are now trying to troll in the comments against someone the guy who posted on open thread trying to bring attention to this atrocity; that you are now trying to engage in the grotesque behavior that you are engaging in…

I wounder if the motivation for doing so; is ebcause you feel kinship to the Nazi terrorist and are delighting in the deaths of the people that Nazi murdered?

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@Surplus: Couldn’t agree more. Although they aren’t banned enough, or at all in too many places.

I think my example stuck the 3rd — or was it 4th — flounce, because even he got tired of having his ass handed to him on a plate every time. Apparently, despite being in his 30s or 40s, no one had ever told him “NUH-UH! because I said so!” is not a useful reply to having facts pointed out to him.

@FM Ox: A little eye-watering with all the stripes, but delightful! It’s just another electronic instrument.

@Alan: Ah, being from the Bay Area, I have known about Tesla Coil music for years. One long-time group even made it onto “America’s Got Talent”, but was apparently too innovative to progress when most of phone-voting America was looking for more… quotidian diversions.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

@ gss ex-noob

I’ll have to try to build one. I have first dibs on the contents of a soon to be decommissioned substation. It’s like a 1930s Frankenstein movie inside; so I can nab the copper wire.

I remember at school messing around with Van der Graff generators. This was before teachers weren’t allowed to electrocute pupils. We were able to prove Mary Wilkinson had a pointy nose. Because of the accumulation of charge. Ah science.

We also used a laser to determine the speed of light. By bouncing the beam back and forth between all the windows on two adjacent school buildings. Kids today are all spoilt, what with their intact retinas.

GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

These kids today, with not knowing the fun of watching their classmates’ hair standing on end. I don’t recall any nose-related demos, but several of the girls had quite impressive halos of hair.

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