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Open Thread: Donald Trump and other right-wing dingbats think the US Women’s Soccer team lost because it’s too woke

I’m still on hiatus–more details coming in a few days–but I thought I’d toss this out as a discussion topic. Here’s something on the, er, controversy from Vox. And feel free to talk about anything else you want to as well, as per our usual arrangement.

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GSS ex-noob
GSS ex-noob
1 year ago

@Oogly: How’s yourself been? The Stuff is currently tolerable in my house, although it’s hotter than I like.

1 year ago

Hey all, been a minute since I last posted. Had some internet difficulties and let momentum set in after getting it back. Hope everyone is doing well.

Since this is an open thread, here’s a totally random topic I came across: I was listening to the song (You’re a) Strange Animal, by Gowan. Then I found out that clown Steven Chowder(head?) uses that very same song as his intro, or at least some sort of remix.

Since I sort of like the song, that little idiosyncrasy of not wanting a song I like associated with someone I do not like, along with the righties tendency to take things and interpret them the complete opposite way the artist originally intended, does anyone have any info on how this all comes together? I didn’t find anything with a couple of quick internet searches, but does anyone know how Gowan feels about it, assuming he is even aware?

Mostly just looking for someone to tell me Gowan is a decent enough guy and Chowder is using it without his knowledge or per some sort of fair use thing that Gowan can’t do anything about, but if I have to accept that Gowan is best buds with Chowder and they hang out every weekend tossing back beers (not Bud Light, of course), then so be it

Full Metal Ox
1 year ago


Between Gowan and Crowder, the Louder with Crowder mix of “Strange Animal” was produced by South African-born Australian DJ Nick “Pogo” Bertke, who earned a good bit of infamy some years ago for these remarks:

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
1 year ago

I did actually briefly meet Gowan (it was in Toronto at a York University tech store that sold synthesizers) and while I can’t really say I know him, he seemed a nice enough fellow. Which of course doesn’t necessarily mean much as so many people seem to be quite capable of hiding what they feel until particular triggers show up. (That was in the early 1990s, when he was big in Canada but still mostly unknown in the U.S. because his record label wasn’t bothering to push him much there.)

Just my note that from what I’ve seen I would be surprised if Gowan was much of a Crowder fan.