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Open Thread: Donald Trump and other right-wing dingbats think the US Women’s Soccer team lost because it’s too woke

I’m still on hiatus–more details coming in a few days–but I thought I’d toss this out as a discussion topic. Here’s something on the, er, controversy from Vox. And feel free to talk about anything else you want to as well, as per our usual arrangement.

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Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
1 year ago

They lost with the same lineup they won the World Cup with in 2019. Were they somehow less “woke” four years ago? I assume they were basically the same people.

1 year ago

What makes them woke? Playing sportsball while female? Really?

Cheryl Fillekes
Cheryl Fillekes
1 year ago

Playing professional sports while female appears to be what they are accused of.

But that would be true of all their opponents as well. Did these reich-wingers conduct some sort of survey to determine which of these conurbations of female professional athletes was e.g. extremely woke/more woke/neutrally woke/less woke/not woke at all or do are these amateur critics simply base primates flinging poo?

1 year ago

I suppose I should thank Alexi Lalas for reminding me that we have a men’s soccer team, but then again, he also reminded me that we have a men’s soccer team, for some reason.

1 year ago

Of course they think that.

1 year ago

They expect us to believe Rapinoe tainted the whole team with her sapphic ways? Thirty or forty years ago, conservative men were claiming that women athletes were all butch lesbians and wannabe men.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
1 year ago

They have four World Cups. How many does the men’s US Soccer Team have?

As has been pointed out, the women’s US Soccer Team has had to do more with less for years, compared to the money and other presents thrown at the men’s team.

Let’s face it: If they’d added a fifth World Cup to their collection this year, it wouldn’t’ve mattered. Trump and his fellow dingbats would’ve shifted their insult gears to accommodate.

1 year ago

Woke is now defined as anything that isn’t white men.

1 year ago

What makes them woke? Playing sportsball while female? Really?

Also, one of them is a *shudder* lesbian! And another dyed her hair!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
1 year ago

Okay, what the ever-loving heck is going on with this?

Summary for those who don’t want to read Twitter: A woman is so happy that her husband has forbidden her to vote.

Fuck me blind with a chainsaw. I’m a citizen. Part of citizenship is having a say in how my school district/city/county/state/nation is run. That’s what voting is (supposed to be) for.

I’m scared and angry that I’m hearing about more and more people thinking a chunk of the population should lose the franchise because of sex/gender identity.

1 year ago

@Victorious Parasol

That seems shortsighted. If he’s a controlling and demanding misogynist, he should order her to vote a certain way, so that he gets two votes.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
1 year ago


Yeah, several people pointed that out to her, but nope. “I will do what my husband tells me.”

Mr. Parasol and I tend to vote the same way, but he’d never dream of asking me to vote a certain way. I credit his parents. They started out as a mixed marriage – his mother’s a Democrat, and his father was a Republican but he changed his mind and registration somewhere around the Obama administration. When Mr. Parasol was younger, he heard his parents discussing the upcoming elections over the dinner table. My MIL was an election judge, and if there was an issue she knew she’d disagree on with her husband (or vice versa), they’d talk it through.

My parents were both Democrats, so I never heard them have that kind of discussion, and since my dad was an ordained pastor he was a bit shy about discussing politics in general. (Unlike many clergy today!) But they both agreed that voting was part of citizenship and I remember being taken into the voting booth with my mother when I was too small to be left on my own.

1 year ago

The last world cup got quite a bit of coverage in Spain, and I think this translated to better funding. I suspect that’s happened in quite a few places. So perhaps it’s notthat the US team got worse so much as other teams getting better.

1 year ago

I have a very random Open Thread question for native English speakers:

If I write “toward” vs. “towards”, does it look stylistically different? Is it a British vs. American thing? Which one is better If I aim for US English? Does it work differently in scientific vs. prose writing?

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
1 year ago


I don’t have a copy of the Chicago Manual of Style on hand, but I believe CMoS recommends Americans use “toward.” Personally I tend to go with whatever sounds best in the sentence.

1 year ago

It’s a sports tournament. Only one team gets to win. Why all this handwringing that this one time it wasn’t the US team?

So it’s supposed to be about free and fair competition but actually we all know certain people are supposed to come out on top and losing is put down to moral failings? Reminds me of something.

Ann Marie Hatzakis
Ann Marie Hatzakis
1 year ago

They lost because the other team played better THAT DAY than they did. Period, end of story.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

As an occasional England supporter it’s nice to see Americans finally understanding the nature of the game and going out on penalties.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
1 year ago

Some breaking legal news. Or possibly old news depending on when you read this.

You may have heard of Andy Ngo. He’s a right wing journalist. He was covering some Antifa event in Portland. He wore a disguise. He said that was because he had been beaten up before by Antifa people (which seems to be accepted, not least by one of the defendants in the trial I am about to mention who had assaulted him in the past).

But anyway, that person recognised him and pointed him out. He then received a bit of a kicking and some whacks with iron bars. He ended up with a brain bleed and some other injuries.

So he sued the person who identified him, and one of the people who struck him.

But the jury have just found in favour of the defendants.

He doesn’t seem to have a lot of luck in that regard, as he was unsuccessful last time he sued the same guy, even though he admitted the assault.

Guess people in Portland don’t like him.

1 year ago

“He ended up with a brain bleed and some other injuries.”

So nothing vital was damaged, then?

Surplus to Requirements
Surplus to Requirements
1 year ago

So, the Supreme Coup’t is set to grant domestic abusers access to guns, Greg Abattoir has turned the Rio Grande into the stage for his live, open-air adaptation of the Saw franchise, and now we have this hot mic moment from Ghouliani:

Misogyny, antisemitism, and homophobia, oh my! With a heaping side order of sexual harassment of some underling.

This is what all conservatives look like when the mask slips.

That said, if it ever came to a knock-down-drag-out between Ghouliani and the guy who fought all those robots and started a socialist revolution in Elysium, I’m putting fifty down on the socialist.

Meanwhile, I’m thinking that if things are this weird (and mostly horrible) now, 15 whole months before the election, how fucking weird (and awful) will things be by the time the party conventions roll around?!

1 year ago

Victorious Parasol – Thanks.

Kieta Zou
Kieta Zou
1 year ago

They idea of these shitty people “thinking” in any active way is beyond ridiculous. If they thought at all, they could not be MAGAs – or even “Republicans.”

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
1 year ago

Having a brain bleed is no fun (ask me how I know) but it’s recoverable (ask me how I know). I feel slightly guilty for being smug about my history, but I got *my* brain bleed through overwork and neglecting my health for the sake of other people, not for being Andy Ngo.

I’ll have to give my soul a scrub later to make sure I don’t become a horrible person who rejoices in other people getting assaulted.

1 year ago

I’m sure the Finnish media has warped my idea of everything Swedish, but I find it kind of hilarious that the implication seems to be that the Swedish team beat the US team by not being woke. Here I’ve been hearing (from the far right) that we must be careful not to become like Sweden, with all the feminists in government and PC culture turned toxic and hence all the gang violence etc. You’d think women’s sports in such a country were a tad woke, too.

@Victorious Parasol
I find the voting thing bizarre also because if you personally find it too much, you can just… not vote? I’d prefer people vote, but I can’t wrap my head around someone thinking they need permission to not vote. If that’s the case, why are you asking? Shouldn’t you just wait for instructions?

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